Harry Edwards

Leon Errol wants to retain his maid; complications ensue.

While delivering a fur coat to a beautiful blonde, Andy runs into her jealous husband.

Gangsters pry incriminating evidence from Hugh through the use of a gun moll.

Jonathan Bass (Tom Kennedy), an inventor working for the government, makes the mistake of his life. He moves next door to Shemp. Lazy, obtuse and obnoxious, Shemp plays the good neighbor by wrecking the Bass' garage, car and china... and somehow makes it look to Bass' wife (Christine McIntyre) that Jonathan is clumsily at fault. Bass' latest project is a new bomb for the Army, and it's only a matter of time before helpful Shemp turns up in the laboratory basement offering his assistance.


Andy, the leader of the "Bloodhounds" boys patrol, investigates a house that is supposedly haunted.


Harry and El, private sleuths, are hired to follow a beautiful showgirl.

While in a nightclub, Hugh doesn't recognize his wife, who has recently changed her hair color to blonde.


El and Harry are two office cleaners turned detectives who are assigned to chase a gangster, but they end up catching the husband and wife they are supposed to protect from him.


Andy journeys to the big city to sell an invention-followed closely by his suspicious wife.

Radio announcer Billy Gilbert is hired by a friend to get smitten with his wife.

Hugh stops his friend from committing suicide - and is accused of being a home-wrecker.

Andy helps his newspaper reporter friend get the goods on a killer, but when the friend gets injured and can't continue the job, Andy confesses to the murder and tries to expose the killer. while in the jailhouse.


Vera Vague (Barbara Jo Allen) locks herself in her garage and has to be freed by her neighbor. Later, she discovers that the wife of her husband's boss has lost a necklace, and Vera suspects the neighbor.


Hugh has difficulty eluding a sleepwalking blonde.

The brother of Andy's fiance, who doesn't want to see the marriage go through, arranges for a pretty girl to make a pass at Andy so he can tell his sister that Andy's cheating on her.


The Stooges get a job putting up posters for a circus but discover that instead of money, their pay is tickets to the show. When trying to scalp their tickets gets them in trouble, they hide out backstage where Curly has an encounter with a bearded lady and Moe and Larry hide in a horse suit. When they're caught, the circus manager gives them a choice of going to jail or joining the circus. What they don't know is that they are to be targets for the Zulu spear thrower. When Curly hits the spear thrower with one of his own spears, the boys are on the run once again.


George and Cliff own a Greek restaurant. They go to the bank to apply for a loan and unexpectedly foil a robbery in the process.

Hugh's wife goes to Palm Springs to file for a divorce, and Hugh follows her to try to talk her out of it.

Harry's buddy comes over with his fiance. Harry's wife calls on the phone, hears a woman's voice and gets the wrong idea.


Una and Gwen get jobs as process servers, and are assigned to serve papers on a prominent local doctor.

Terry (Henry) is the proprietor of the college service shop; his rival tries to ruin his business and steal his girl.

After being falsely accused of kidnapping, Slim is thrown in jail. His troubles get worse when a lynch mob starts forming outside the jail.

Andy, the owner of a bicycle shop, gets involved with one of his customers.

Terry and the gang put on a boxing exhibition in order to sell war bonds.

Errol is a character actor who wears various makeups, costumes, and disguises when he goes home. His neighbors mistakenly suspect his glamorous young wife is playing around with strange men.


Andy and his brother-in-law plan a fishing trip but never get beyond the driveway.


After getting into a compromising situation with a woman and her angry boyfriend, Harry uses a fire escape to hide in a friend's apartment, but finds that he climbed into the woman's one by mistake.


Three klutzy moving men end up in a museum that may or may not be haunted - slapstick hijinks ensue.


The stooges are potters in ancient Rome during the reign of Emperor Octopus Grabus. When the emperor orders all beautiful red-headed women to be brought before him so he can select a wife, Diana, a pretty red-head, seeks refuge with the stooges. Some soldiers find Diana's hiding place and they are all brought to the palace where the stooges escape and try to pass of Curly as Diana, having broken the emperor's glasses. Their ruse fails and they're caught by the palace guards as they try to escape.


Harry is a workaholic piano tuner whose bride-to-be's brother threatens to kill him if he doesn't marry his sister. His latest job assignment involves a socialite and a pesky French maid hounding him constantly.


A client offers mail-order private detective Edgar $5,000 for finding $50,000 in a kitchen wall of a residence he claims to own.

Harry wins a turkey at a raffle.


Andy's annoying brother-in-law Gus gets him fired from his job, and then tag-a-longs on a vacation with Andy and his wife.


The stooges get jobs as census takers and wind up in a fancy mansion looking for people to survey. Moe and Larry are recruited to join a bridge game, while Curly adds Alum to the lemonade. The resulting concoction is consumed by everyone, resulting in puckered lips and shrunken clothes. The boys next try to take the census at a football stadium. They disguise themselves as players and wind up in the middle of the game. Curly runs off with the ball and all the other players in pursuit.


Billy Gilbert and Vince Barnett moved over to the remnants of the Christie Brothers for a series of short subjects in which they played variations on Laurel & Hardy. Here, in this short subject, they get hired to run a used car lot and steal a car for James Morton.

Andy is a rich and well-respected man. But he's concerned what sort of boyfriend his daughter might have gotten as she's talking marriage and her previous boyfriends were very short-term and he didn't like them very much. So, when he learns where this boyfriend works, he goes undercover as a porter there to spy on him. Unfortunately, he ends up befriending the wrong folks and thinks the boyfriend is a crook...when it's really these new 'friends' who are jewel thieves.

A schoolteacher helps his friend Dora by getting his students to help him to make a radio commercial.


First entry in the Educational Pictures Moran and Mack series.

The stereotype in old movies and TV shows is that the man hates his mother-in-law. Well, in "Loose Relations" it doesn't follow this convention, as Andy Clyde is actually happy that his mother-in-law is coming to stay with them and he plans on fixing up a place for her to stay. In a funny scene, when he tells his neighbors, they offer his an axe and a gun!

Andy "Sunshine" Wilson, a happy-go-lucky vagabond, catches a ride with motorist Luckenbach who is on a suicide mission, and nearly succeeds in his mission. Luckenbach is a great portrait artist suffering under the slight handicap of being unable to "do ears." The artist has painted a beautiful portrait of the wife of Pietro Cellini with the exception that her left ear is several times larger than it should be and not painted very well at that. Cellini also holds the keys to the city and Luckenbach getting the job of painting the city hall rides on Cellini's satisfaction with his wife's portrait. Andy accompanies the artist back to his studio, and this short being made in the pre-code days ensures the studio is filled with models wearing a little less than somewhat and less than that in a couple of cases.


Moran and Mack decide to attend the races and end up winning a large sum on a horse named Mud Lark. They decide that to make even more money, they need a horse of their own. They buy a horse with a broken leg from a crooked gambler, but manage to con the gambler into buying back his own horse.

Moran and Mack become farmers.

Glenn Tryon is at his Bachelor's Dinner, attended only by a dozen of his girl friends, prior to marrying Connie Watts but Ma Watts has plans for Connie to marry playboy Billy Bevan, who is unaware of Ma's intentions, as is Blondie who has plans of her own regarding Billy. The laughs here are only slightly less scarce than the chicken in the boarding house chicken-and-dumplings in "True Grit."

In this short, Mary Carlisle is in love with Harry and they have a fight and she storms off. At the same time, Mary's father (Edgar Kennedy) has recently remarried and he's sick of his wife talking about how great Harry Barris is! And, on top of that, when Edgar meets Harry it ends very badly for Edgar!


Daisy is visiting her sailor boyfriend Glenn aboard a submarine when it leaves port. Fearful of what may happen if an officer discovers a woman on board, she is hidden in a big chest.

Third in the series of six Traveling Man two-reel comedy shorts. While traveling they are in need of some moonshine....

Two street cleaners save the life of the police commissioner. In gratitude, he gives them jobs as policemen. Their first assignment? Capture the #1 criminal on the "Ten Most Wanted" list.


Johnny Burke stumbles into a beautiful crook, played by Carmelita Geraghty, who used him to steal a pearl necklace.


Wilbur is insanely jealous of every man and believes that his wife, Carmelita, is being unfaithful. Billy, his landlord, offers to take out Carmelita to a cafe and have Wilbur follow them to test his wife's fidelity.

This marriage is the second for both Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius McNitt. He is panty-whipped by his social climbing second wife. She has recruited Clifford Figfield to stage and direct a charity pageant, which is more a means for her to hobnob with the social elite, and to nab Larry Lodge, the pageant's leading man, as a husband for her flighty daughter Phyllis, the pageant's leading lady. Larry ends up only having eyes for Sally McNitt, Mr. McNitt's visiting daughter, and she, in turn has eyes for him.


The Girl from Nowhere is a comedy short

Motorboat Mamas is a silent comedy short.

Hubby's Weekend Trip is a silent comedy short.

Love triangle in a campus with a blonde girl that really seems to not consider the "other" girl as an obstacle. Who will make it? And actually who cares when parties, sport games and lots of fun are available?


In and out of the water, Billy makes waves at the Blue Point Beach Club.


A bride and groom are all set to get married, but they can't until the best man shows up. When the best man eventually does show up, he causes a few problems since he ran through some tar just before entering the church. The groom doesn't seem to mind too much, just as long as the best man brought the ring, which he did. But as the wedding proceeds, that sticky tar just can't help but get the best man into one disastrous incident after another, including with the ring. That havoc, which leads into the reception, the wedding night and the honeymoon send off, may end the marriage even before it begins... or at least the couple's friendship with their best man.


The Bicycle Flirt is a silent comedy short

Friends Billy Trotter and Homer Brown are both traveling salesmen who meet up at a hotel on their travels. Since they last saw each other, Billy has gotten married. Homer is lamenting still being single and thinks that he will never find a woman who will want to be Mrs. Brown. Billy gets one of his old girlfriends, Peggy, a telephone operator, reluctantly to set Homer up with one of her friends. She chooses Jennie, a homebody of a woman who generally spends her evenings playing checkers with her father. Billy and Peggy accompany Homer and Jennie on their date, acting as their chaperons. Billy is able to maneuver Homer and Jennie into getting married that evening. Back at the hotel, a combination of changed hotel rooms, Jennie's angry father, Billy's jealous wife, and a confused hotel detective leads to misunderstandings and complications for all concerned.


The College Kiddo is a 1927 comedy short.

Fire chief Amos McCarthy, a confirmed misogynist, counsels his nephew Harry Howells to avoid matrimony at all costs. Still, the lovestruck Harry is determined to marry his sweetheart Ethel. All that changes, though, when it turns out Ethel is a faithless gold-digger. Disillusioned, Harry spends the night in his uncle's fire house to try and forget his troubles... until the clamor of a fire alarm presents the bumbling Harry with a chance to be a hero.


Gold Digger of Weepah is a silent comedy short

Many of its members are spending a leisurely day at the the El Caballero Golf Club, the most beautiful in California. Also visiting for the day is non-member, Billy Divott, a golf enthusiast who is a little too enthusiastic. He seems to cause havoc everywhere he goes, especially as he plays a round of golf and tries to teach who he considers some of the less experienced members the finer points of the game. That havoc is compounded whenever he deals with sand traps, water traps or especially flying insects with stingers.


Harry will do anything to be a musician, but it takes a junk collector to discover his hidden talents.


Low-life Harry falls in love with sweet Betty who inspires him to improve himself so he can marry her. He enters a $25,000 cross-country hiking contest. After many adventures he wins, pays off his father Amos's mortgage and marries Betty.


Series #1, Episode #2 of The Collegians.

Harry and his friend have planned to go out for an afternoon of fun. But first, Harry must figure out how to slip away from his domineering wife with some money to spend...


The first entry in the Collegians comedy short series, with 4th of July celebrations.

After the armistice, one U.S. soldier remains unaccounted for: he's wandering the fields of Bomania, hungry, thinking the war is still on. (He was in a German prison camp, escaping while his captors celebrated the Great War's end.) Turns out, he's the spitting image of Bomania's King Strudel. The prime minister wants Strudel to sign a peace treaty ending civil war with a cousin. Bomania's General Von Snootzer wants the war to continue, so he contrives to derail the treaty. Strudel is a drunk, his queen hates him. Into the mix stumbles our dough boy. If he can pass for the king, maybe the treaty can continue. But what of the queen and her plans?


A comedy short in The Collegians series starring George Lewis, where college students do what students do. Flirt around and do sports.

1925 Mack Sennett Comedies production three-reel short.


Harry leaves home to become a doctor, but winds up with "Doc" Healy's Medicine Show.


Chester Winfield tries to make it as a lumberjack, but he's foiled by his lack of strength and the jealous foreman, Big Bill Reardon, after Chester catches the eye of Hazel Wood, Big Bill's favorite and the camp's waitress. Bill tries to eliminate Chester, so he and Hazel head down the mountain for other work. She waits tables and gets him a job as a dishwasher. He spills kerosene in the soup and then must serve it to an angry customer. Hazel tells a couple of tall tales about Chester, and soon all the customers, the owner, and the cook, think he's a desperado. They make him the saloon bouncer. Some trick shooting seals his reputation. Then Big Bill arrives for a showdown.


Detective Harry is on the trail of a stolen diamond necklace worth $100,000.


In Highland Park, it's Agnes Fisher and Harold Hope's wedding day. Mishaps almost keep them from getting hitched: he goes to the wrong church, then, one of the guests, Professor McGlumm, convinces him that the bride only wants him to collect his life insurance. Finally they marry and her family moves in with them. Harold is now convinced that he'll be poisoned at dinner. When further mishaps give him stomach problems, McGlumm rushes him toward the hospital. On the trip, all is revealed.


A Scottish immigrant on board ship becomes a pawn in a jewel heist aboard the S.S. Cognac, a three-star liner. Blackie Dawson, the uncrowned king of jewel thieves, and his accomplice Pearl Blackstone, have stolen a huge ruby. A detective is searching every cabin, so Blackie forces our young Scot to swallow the gem and, under threat of being shot, to stay mum. The detective is assisted by Flora Danube, a blue-eyed Bulgarian daisy who keeps those eyes open. To escape death, the young Scot disguises himself as a woman, but that draws a lot of attention; when his disguise is discovered, he must climb for his life. Is a European union in the offing?


Little orphan Harry is separated from his childhood sweetheart. Years later, he finds she's a bearded lady in a circus.


Harry Doolittle wakes up on the day he's to marry Betty Bright. He has a terrible hangover. A strange woman appears in his room saying that he married her the night before, and just then, his fiancée and her mother arrive. There's anger all around, leading to Harry's arrest. He's jailed while awaiting trial in front of Betty's father, a judge. She visits him in the clink. He escapes and disguises himself as a cabman. The police are looking for him, as are his fiancée and her mother. Will it get straightened out in time for wedding bells to ring?


Harry runs into his old Marine sergeant and is reminded of the rivalry they had for a girl while they were stationed in France.


Mortimer grabs an opportunity to take a truck driving job; Matthew intends to hang onto it.


As Harry has "cleaned up" on the football field and won the big game, Natalie's dad figured that he should do the same in the world of work before marrying his daughter. Harry's chance to prove himself comes with an "engineering" job with the city. But it's sanitary engineering, and while our street sweeping hero tries his best, he just can't avoid making enemies. When he stumbles into the midst of a lively Chinatown tong war, it's Harry's bravery that saves Natalie and wins the day.


Monty is trying to collect rent from a couple of tough deadbeats who have made a sport of beating rent collectors.

Harry and Marcie are on a train headed for a new job. There's comedy in the berths and during Harry's morning shave, then a thief steals the money Harry needed for his new job, so he has to go back to being a beat cop and Marcie works as a seamstress. One evening, she delivers a dress to a party; a Lothario asks the hostess to get Marcie to stay. Outside the same house, Harry the cop is investigating strange noises. Thieves, bombs, a wallet, a swimming pool, and misunderstandings figure in the luck of our foolish but winsome pair.


Mack Sennett silent short comedy.


Monty Banks becomes a sailor in the hunt for his girl.


A wealthy father tries to discourage his daughter's taste for stories of the Mounted; her imagination conjures up the ideal lover as one who wears that red coat and whose slogan is "get your man." She arrives at her father's camp in the frozen North the victim of a frameup: her father had planned that his employees must discourage her in every manner possible. The idea is if she sees him she will be disillusioned. A few hunters spying the "wolves" shoot with intent to kill, and a real bear enters the hut and scatters the plotters. The scheme works well, even with all these inconveniences, until a genuine Mountie appears on the scene and administers punishment to the arch-villain and his dwarf-like henchman. As a result the girl's romantic imagination vindicates her beau ideal. The two lovers are last seen standing chest-deep in the snow.

Many different people go swimming at a pool at Coney Island.


Universal Ike Gets a Goat