Harry Freedman

Two college students on a survival weekend in the wilderness cross paths with three desperate killers in what turns into a fight for life.


A detective investigating the death of a heroin-addicted prostitute uncovers evidence pointing to the existence of a murderous devil cult.


Witty cartoon in a popular idiom about the serious issues that face the world: overpopulation, starvation, and people’s selfishness when confronted with these. Is there any possible solution? A good discussion starter, as relevant now as it was when made.

A woman's peculiar religious convictions lead her on a self-destructive path.


Isabel takes place in a Canadian coastal village. Genevieve Bujold plays a girl, Isabel, whose flawlessly beautiful face masks the maelstrom swirling in her mind. She is haunted by the images of her family members, each of whom suffered a violent death. Believing herself the product of an incestuous relationship, Isabel enters into an affair with a young man who resembles her own brother.


Two beatniks get their kicks by dealing drugs and violence.
