Harry L. Fraser

A test pilot is missing and a search party is sent out in the jungles of Mexico; however, while searching they uncover a monster in the jungle who became this way due to a dose of radioactivity.


A Siamese twin kills the husband who left her. The courts have to decide if she is convicted of murder, how can they punish her sister, who had nothing to do with the crime?


Whip Wilson rides again in the Monogram western Abilene Trail. Wilson and his grizzled sidekick Andy Clyde are accused of horse stealing, a hangin' offense around these here parts. Eluding the authorities, the boys take jobs at a ranch where the real crook is hiding out.


Steve Llewellyn hung up his guns after killing a man in self-defense, left Willow Creek and went on the drift for five years. Now he’s back. And the bad blood stirred up by his return and the violence caused by a cattleman’s grab for all the good grasslands mean Steve must strap on his sidearms again. Rod Cameron -- who became a marquee draw with a pair of espionage serials in the 1940s and went on to establish himself as a popular cowboy star -- makes Steve a hero to reckon with in Short Grass, one of the actor’s 10 films with busy shoot-‘em-up director Lesley Selander. Johnny Mack Brown, a sagebrush stalwart in his own right, plays the marshal who allies with Steve. Adding to the Western pedigree is costar Cathy Downs, who plays the title role in the iconic My Darling Clementine. Buffs will note other familiar faces, including Alan Hale, Jr., well remembered as the skipper who takes a “three-hour tour” to Gilligan’s Island.


Brothers Mike and Tim McCall own a large ranch in Arizona, using the surrounding lands for grazing cattle. Stanley Cox and LeRoy Stanton sell this land to settlers who arrive to find it bone dry, as a dam on the McCall ranch controls the water. Among the settlers are John Dawson and his daughter Connie. The latter goes to the nearest town to take action, but Sheriff Ball tells him there is nothing he can do. Tim falls for Connie but Mike is unimpressed with her charms. While returning from a town dance, Tim discovers Stanton trying to dynamite the dam, and is killed in the ensuing gunfight. Stanton later sends his men to stampede the cattle while he and Cox blow up the dam. Despite the efforts of Mike and Sheriff Ball, the cattle are wiped out and Mike races to the dam and kills Stanton in a gunfight.


It took a lot of courage to set up a new production company devoted to "B" westerns in 1949, a year when the genre was showing signs of winding down. Filmed in Trucolor, Stallion Canyon was the maiden effort from Kanab Productions, a Utah-based organization. Former Sons of the Pioneers vocalist Ken Curtis made his starring debut in this one, playing a ranch foreman who does his best to track down a rogue stallion. The rest of the cast is comprised of unknowns, save for villains Ted Adams and Forrest Taylor. Cheaply produced, Stallion Canyon has the twin advantages of a relatively new leading man and excellent location photography.


Tex Granger heads toward Three Buttes when he comes across a young boy guarding a gold shipment which he has just rescued from a stagecoach that had been held up by Blaze Talbot and Reno


One of four western films made for PRC by bantam-weight Bob Steele, Ambush Trail stars Steele as cowpoke Curley Thompson. The villain of the piece intends to bankrupt all the local ranchers and grab up the surrounding property for himself. But with Curley involved, the bad guy and his minions don't have a chance. The screenplay, by D. W. Griffith alumnus Elmer Clifton, is a medley of western cliches, pausing every so often for a first-rate action sequence. Perennial sagebrush sidekick Sid Saylor provides negligible comedy relief.


Cattle thieves attack every cattle drive that comes near Hagerstown. If they do not sell their cattle for 50 cents on the dollar, they are all stolen. U.S. Marshal Stormy has been sent to end this reign of terror and to find the stolen cattle. He starts with a patrol of cattleman that blast every attempt of the outlaws to steal the herd.


An ex-convict (Bob Steele) returns to his ranch; he and his sidekick (Sid Saylor) prove he was framed.


Looking for all the world like Robin Hood, Robert Shaw starred in this typically threadbare Sam Katzman serial as David Trent, a nobleman who forms an outlaw group to combat his evil uncle Sir Edgar Bullard (Charles King). The outlaws of Sherwood Forest (yes, Sherwood Forest!) are championing young Roger Mowbray, really Prince Richard (Robert "Buzz" Henry), whose right to the throne is being usurped by an evil regent (John Merton).


Charley Gray is about to be released from the state penitentiary after serving a long term for the robbery of a government gold shipment. The gold was never recovered, so the Texas Ranger chief has Ranger Panhandle Perkins planted in the prison as Charley's cell-mate in the hopes Charley will tell him where the loot is buried. Charley has a map of the location but is afraid it may be discovered so, while Panhandle is asleep, he draws a copy of it on the sole of Panhandle's foot. Charley then destroys the map but intends to keep "Panhandle" close to him upon their release from prison. Charley makes Panhandle accompany him back to the town where the rest of the hold-up gang is holed up. They go to the saloon owned by Steve Martin, also a member of the hold-up gang, but Charley was the one who buried the loot before he was captured and Charley has no intentions of divulging the location of the gold. Written by Les Adams


Ellen Williams' father has a valuable collection of furs and an outlaw gang is after them. Before he is killed, Williams hides a note revealing their location. The Texas Rangers are on the job and to get more information, they have Panhandle pose as an Indian chief.


The Navajo Kid goes in search of the villains who murdered his foster-father and stole both ring and watch. The trail leads straight to Canyon City, Texas, and smooth cardsharp Honest John Grogan, who is in possession of both the stolen items. But Grogan has an ironclad alibi for the time of the murder, an alibi confirmed by none other than Sheriff Roy Landon.


A white gorilla causes trouble in the deepest heart of Africa. The film uses footage from the silent 1927 serial Perils Of The Jungle which was written by director of The White Gorilla Harry L Fraser under the name Harry P.Crist


Peggy Barlou is a young rancher who refuses to sell her spread to greedy stage-line proprietor John Rankin. Tex Haines, meanwhile, is accused of killing Bill Dugan, Rankin's bodyguard, but eludes capture long enough to hook up with Dave Wyatt and Panhandle Perkins, a couple of rangers in disguise.


Bullets fly as the Texas rangers fight an outlaw gang.


The Rangers are after Yackey and his gang. Posing as an outlaw, Dave arrives as Panhandle's prisoner and works his way into the gang. Tex arrives and joins Wright's committee. Tex plans a trap for the gang but things go awry when the gang catches Tex and the Committee catches Dave and both are about to be hung.


Ignored by his alcoholic parents, Jimmy Wilson starts hanging around with some shady characters. After falling in love with a lounge singer, Jimmy tries to impress her by doing jobs for her shady boss. After one of these jobs goes bad, Jimmy ends up on the run. Eventually, he must confront the truth, his past, and his parents. The judge cites parental neglect in the case of a teenager (John Miljan) charged with murder.


Rangers Tex Haines and Dave Wyatt track a killer known as the Whispering Skull. In the wake of the Skull's slaughter, a band of thieves takes advantage of the fear he's brought to town.


Superhero Captain America battles the evil forces of the archvillain called The Scarab, who poisons his enemies and steals a secret device capable of destroying buildings by sound vibrations.


Ranger Tex Wyatt introduces himself as the notorious bandit Spade Norton. Crooked saloon owner Red Hayden believes him until the real Spade turns up and all hell breaks loose.


In order to obtain a stage coach mail contract, a new road must be built. A gang of outlaws try to prevent the building of the road.


Japanese master spy Daka operates a covert espionage-sabotage organization located in Gotham City's now-deserted Little Tokyo, which turns American scientists into pliable zombies.


Dusty Gardner, and other Texas ranchers, are driving a herd of cattle to Abilene, Kansas along the Chisholm Trail. Desperate need of water takes them to the Turner ranch, where Belle Turner demands exorbitant prices for the water. Dusty learns that Belle is also trying to oust Mary Lee and Montana Smith from the trading post Mary operates. The sheriff sides with Belle following a fight between the two women. Belle knows there is artesian springs under the land the trading post occupies and intends to get the property by any means.


Prospector Henry Tolliver disappears and his son "Wild Bill" Tolliver comes looking for him.


The evil and masked "Gargoyle" is sabotaging all of America's industrial plants. It is up to the Spider to save the country.


An expedition sets out to darkest Africa to find the fabled City of the Dead, and must battle thick jungle, hostile natives, wild animals and a deadly epidemic.


A Phantom is murdering the hands at the Circle T Ranch. The Range Busters are recruted by the owner of the Circle T to stop the Phantom and discover his identity. (First film in the Range Buster series.)


Cowboy puts on a black mask and a black outfit to fight a gang of land-grabbing crooks.


When Butch Taggart escapes prison, the Marshal sends Lightning Morgan to find him and his hidden gold. He finds the map to the gold on Taggart's boot. Joe Laikon and his men are also after the gold and they overpower Morgan, get the map, and head for the treasure. But Morgan and Tod Grant are soon on their trail


A "special" by Monogram standards, Lure of the Wasteland was lensed in a not inexpensive process called Telco-color. Grant Withers takes a break from his duties in the "Mister Wong" series to play Smitty, a US marshal assigned to track down $250,000 in stolen bonds.


An old rancher's property sites smack-dab on the site where a new highway is to be built, although he doesn't know it. Someone else does, however, and is determined to force the old man off his property in order to get the ranch for himself. The rancher's foster son returns home to help the old man keep his property and find out who is behind the scheme to take it from him.


Cowboy star Ken Maynard is Jim "Trigger" Morton, in town undercover while pursuing the man who framed him for robbery. But a well-placed shot tames a band of scofflaws and gains Morton the sheriff's badge. Now, he's riding on both sides of the law. The line is further blurred when old buddy Chuck (Walter Long) offers evidence of Morton's innocence in exchange for a blind eye to Chuck's impending postal heist in this classic Western.


The story of the rise of boxer Joe Thomas, which paralleled the life of Joe Louis.


Mystery and adventure, surrounding a stolen rubber harvest.


In early spring of 1833, the smoldering resentment of American settlers in Texas against their oppression by Mexico dictator General Santa Anna/Ana coming to a head. When a decree is issued that no more Americans may enter Texas, William H. Wharton, fiery head of a faction determined on independence or nothing, warns Stephen F. Austin that the time for half-measures is past. Austin, responsible for bringing the Americans to Texas as colonists, reminds Wharton that a settler's revolt against Mexico would dishonor his name and the arrangements he had with the Mexican government. He gets the "Whartonites" to agree to a general convention of all colonists. Almerian Dickinson, biggest land owner in the settlement of Gonzales, deeply in love with his wife Anne, warns Wharton that a bloody revolt would endanger every wife and mother in the colony. He proposes they send Austin to Mexico City to ask Santa Anna to grant Texans a voice in their own government.


A low-level gangster determines to let nothing stand in the way of his gaining control of the numbers rackets in Harlem.


After having been gone for some time, a cowboy comes home to his ranch to find himself up against a gang involved in smuggling Chinese into the country.


An old miner is ambushed by outlaws trying to steal the $10,000 he is carrying to start up a new mine. A passing cowboy comes to the miner's aid, but winds up getting blamed for the attack.


Buck Bonner, posing as the recently deceased Morning Glory Kid, is sent to round up the Mort Ringer gang. Buck finds Ringer and joins up with his gang. But he is in trouble when Slim and Bud who buried the Kid arrive and expose him as a Marshal.


Jim Cole, heir to a mining operation, takes over the mine, which is suffering from unexplained low production, and is facing a strike by the miners. Jim will soon loose the mine if production doesn't increase and the sabotage continues. Mary Norsen, office-secretary, accidentally learns of a plot by Fred Johnson to wreck the mine and force Cole to sell his coal-mine. She and her brother, Joe, join Cole in his fight to stop Johnson.


Cheyenne rides into Durango and runs into his old enemy Kelton. Kelton's game is to bring his safe to a town without a bank and let the townspeople put their valuables in it. Then he grabs the loot and flees. But Cheyenne is on to his scheme and finding the safe empty, gets the Sheriff to join in the chase.


A rodeo rider (Hoot Gibson) works himself into two different 'gangs' in order to end a range war over.


Perrin plays a boxer whose manager takes him out to a ranch for training, but Perrin soon discovers the ranch foreman is responsible for a $100,000 jewel heist.


Two brothers are separated when young. One becomes the pony express rider Clint Knox and the other the outlaw Ace Carter.


Baritone singer Barry Glendon, completing a successful season in opera, departs for his ranch in the west over the objections of his manager Tony. Arriving there with his double-talking friend Shorty, Barry learns that a parcel of his vast ranch has been fraudulently sold to Carol Marland and her ailing (and tiresome) young brother Johnny. Pretending he is only the foreman, and having his cowhands go along with it,Barry allows Carol and her whining, growing-ever-more-tiresome brother to believe that they are the actual owners in order to give him a free hand in running down the swindlers who victimized Carol who, with a brother like hers, was a victim to begin with.Barry learns that brothers Clem and Jonas Allen are the villains and,through a ruse in which they are led to believe there is a hidden treasure on the land they sold Carol, they try to buy it back bidding against Barry, who forces the price up.


Prison escapee Utah Evans kills Sheriff McClay. Joe Norton was McClay's predecessor and sent Utah to prison. Ma McClay having taken over as Sheriff for her husband, now gets Joe to return. Joe sets out to get Utah and Utah, learning Joe is after him, hopes to get revenge for being sent to prison.


The son of Sheriff Clay Hartley, of the frontier town Elder, has gotten into bad company and hangs out with an outlaw gang in which, Collins, owner of the Golden Rule Saloon, is the secret head. Sheriff Hartley suspects him, but has been unable to gather the needed evidence. Collins instructs his gang, including young Hartley, to hold up the stagecoach on its return trip from Missionary Flats and take the cargo of gold dust it is carrying. Sheriff Hartley is notified of the planned holdup by one of his deputies who has been spying on Collins, and organizes a posse. A deputy-sheriff is killed in the ensuing gunfight between the lawmen and the outlaws, but Deputy Joe Larkin, pursues and captures Clay Hartley Jr. The latter is quickly tried and convicted of the killing of the deputy, and sentenced to be hung. Sheriff Hartley has only a few hours to prove his son was not the killer. He enlists the aid of Collins' step-daughter, Joan, who is in love with Hartley's son.


Cheyenne joins El Diablo's gang looking for his long time missing wife and daughter. After saving Romero from the gang he returns to get Connie who he now realizes is his daughter. Captured, he escapes with Connie and they return to Romero's just ahead of El diablo's attacking gang.


A wild college student gets in fights, steals cars, is caught by the police and finally expelled from college. Later on, though, he comes to the aid of a kidnapped heiress.


Cowboy infiltrates an outlaw gang to expose their rackets, but after he's ordered to kidnap a young girl, the gang finds out who he really is.


Two prisoners, Steve Brandt and Nick Montana, chained to each other, escape by jumping from the train that brought them to the penitentiary. Persued, they hide in the carriage with Jane Langton. Arriving at her ranch, they discover that she is fighting against a Pete Sutton, who wants to take her pasture. Not wanting to confront, Sutton offers the two escapees help by assisting them move to Mexico.


A gang of robbers steals the deed to the Pecos Ranch and kill the family. The young son escapes, and years later he returns to the ranch to find the killers and reclaim his property.


Chris Morrell, the guardian of half-Indian girl Nina, is helping her find her missing white father. so she can cash in on her late mother's oil lease. Outlaw Sam Black is after the girl and her father as well. Besides dealing with the Black gang, Morrell has to find another robber, Jim Moore, who switches clothes with him after he finds Chris unconscious from a fight with Sam Black. Along the way, he meets a lady who's the sister of Jim Moore, another bad hombre who's in cahoots with Jim Moore, and an old friend who takes in Nina and helps Chris locate Nina's father and fight off the various desperadoes


Cattlemen Protective Agent Reb Russell arrives to try and stop the cattle rustling. He gains a friend when he saves Jack Thorn from Lenahan and his men. They hire on at the Lund ranch and when her cattle are rustled and she is kidnaped they follow the trail, It's Lenahan and his gang and Reb soon finds himself a prisoner.

Lawyer Creech is after the ranch of the dying Cartwright. First he brings in Cahill to pose as the only living relative. Then when the Tonto Kid finds platinum on the ranch, Creech frames him for murder.


Bandits lead by Matt the Mute enter a bar and kill multiple people. Randy Bowers comes to town and is framed by Matt the Mute, who is working with the sheriff (who doesn't know Matt is really a criminal). Randy escapes with the help of the niece of the dead owner of the bar. Bowers ends up running from the sheriff, and ends up in the cave in which the bandits have their hide-out…


A cowboy on the run from a posse finds the clothes and ID of a preacher on the trail. He assumes the man's identity, but when he arrives at the nearest town, he rides into the middle of a hanging--and the man who is being hanged knows his real identity.


The story of a boy, a dog, and a man. The boy discovers he is heir to a shipping line, and travels to Los Angeles, accompanied by inventor/radio operator Bob Whitlock and Irene Blaine. Their journey is aided by Pal, a wolf dog.


Reporter Speed Morgan helps Flash Barrett escape from the police and this gets him into Flash's gang where he poses as a gangster. Flash and his gang head west guning for Bill Miller who failed to send some diamonds on to Flash. Speed hopes to bring Flash to justice but is in trouble when his true identity is revealed.


A phony spiritualist hypnotizes the daughter of a wealthy banker in a scheme to swindle the banker out of his money. A reporter investigating the swami discovers the plot, determines to expose it.


A half a million dollars has been stolen and stashed away and prison inmate Dutch knows where it is. So Government Agent Joe goes to prison and makes friends with Dutch. When Joe breaks them out, Dutch leads them to the money only to find it gone. But Dutch's old gang is on hand and they haven't found it either.


The circus arrives in Great Shows. Rainey Big Ben and Kit Denton, the star of the show, are informed that no representation will be allowed in the city, and that their presence is not desired by the local potentate. This incomprehensible hatred is equaled only by the Kit 's father's contempt for women. Kit, who criticized his father's contemptuous attitude towards Alicia, his girlfriend, Kit's father tells him of the drama he lived in Big Ben many years earlier.


An emergency at his Aunt's ranch gets Ed Randall leave from the Navy. He returns to find the water cut off and her note due the next day. When the man he seeks legal advice from is murdered, Ed is accused and he now finds himself in jail with a lynch mob forming outside.


Two young lovers caught up in the underworld decide to get out and go straight, but a gang leader has other plans for them.


Hanley shoots a man and then frames Bill Roberts. Being the Judge he then holds court planning to hang Bill but Bill's friends effect his escape. Andy tries to lead Hanley astray by misleading him as to Bill's location. But Bill changes plans and Hanley catches up with him and this leads to the showdown.


Canadian Mountie Mason is sent south of the border to look for a horse thief with only a watch chain for evidence. He befriends young Andy and when Calhoun hits Andy, Mason and Calhoun fight. In the scuffle Calhoun's watch with the missing chain is dislodged. Mason then sets out to bring in Calhoun and his gang.


Though well past 50, Harry Carey could still play a virile and convincing cowboy hero in such inexpensive westerns as Without Honors. Carey is cast as Jack Marian, a gambler with an unsavory past. Suspected of being an outlaw, Carey plays along with this misconception, the better to infiltrate a gang of smugglers. Along the way, he clears the name of the brother of Texas ranger Mike Donovan, and helps patch up the romance between Donovan and heroine Mary Jane Irving. Among the supporting players are Gibson Gowland, previously the star of Erich Von Stroheim's silent classic Greed, and the "ever popular" Mae Busch, taking a break from her usual duties in the Laurel and Hardy comedies.


A cowboy detective goes up against a gang of big-city thugs trying to set up a protection racket out west.


An intoxicated millionaire commissions an expedition to Africa. A white jungle goddess falls in love with the millionaire's daring consort, incurring the wrath of the jungle itself.


Officer John Brown is after the outlaw known as the Night Rider. Posing as Jim Blake he takes a job on the Rogers ranch. He finds the secret passage from the Rogers mine to the Rogers house used by the Night Rider and also a note written by the Night Rider to his henchmen. Practicing his hand writing, he has a plan to trap him.


A cowboy saves his injured friend from a vigilante group, which believes that he is part of a bandit gang that attacked a wagon train. The cowboy sets out to find the bandit gang and clear his friend's name.

A cowboy whose friend has been swindled out of his ranch and then murdered must take care of the man's son, then he goes after the killers.


Dave Kent, a commercial aviator, and his mechanic, Skeets Smith, are forced to make an emergency landing in Mexico and find themselves in the hands of La Panthera, a notorious bandit who wishes to overthrow the government and become president of a new republic. Manuel, his chief henchman, obliges them to collect the booty in a robbery, but Kent manages to meet María Valdez, a prisoner--held for marriage to the insurgent leader--who implores his aid. Kent and Skeets are arrested for the robbery and sentenced to death.


A prospector is murdered by The Cactus Kid and his gang, who hope to find the murdered man's goldmine. The miner's dog, Rin-Tin-Tin, recognizes the killers, who thereafter seek to use the dog to locate the lost mine. With the help of a government agent and a young girl, Rinty saves the mine and brings the bad guys to justice.


One of the final installments of the Collegian series of short films where they are set to compete in a long race.

A young woman and her father search for hidden treasure in the African jungle.


Douglas MacLean stars as The Young Thief, who falls in love with The Girl, played by Sue Carol. Alas, the Girl has been sold into the harem of The Wazir (Albert Prisco), forcing the Thief to sneak into the palace to rescue her.


One of the bloodiest battles in American history is brought to life in this rarely-seen silent blockbuster. Over 3,000 extras were employed to recreate General George Custer's last stand against the Indian forces led by Crazy Horse.


After years of living a partying / drinking lifestyle, a boxer (Gordon Clifford) try's to get his life on the right track after his manager moves him to a secluded ranch. While training, things gets complicated as Clifford's new gal pal comes complete with stolen jewels!

Car racer Burn 'em Up Barnes, son of a wealthy manufacturer, leaves home to make his own way in the world. After being robbed by hoodlums, Barnes joins a group of hobos who take him in and show him the carefree life.


Only Episode 7, "The Hooded Helper," of this 20-Episode Serial is known to survive. All other episodes are believed to be lost.
