Harry Piel

German big game hunter brings elephants back from Africa safely through enemy lines, but they go on a stampede in Berlin. Filming began during WWII in Germany, but production was stopped because story showed Third Reich police and military having problems coping with an elephant stampede; after the War, it got completed by its originator, and exported to the US with English dubbed, while removing all references to its 1940s German origins!


Jonny Wilken is an ageing lion trainer in a circus. He is in love with his younger colleague Jutta Sarris. On her wedding day, Jutta's favorite Bengal tiger attacks her out of jealousy and kills her. Jonny, full of pain and out of revenge, enters the cage to kill the animal with his bare hands. However, the tiger bows to him without any resistance.


Remake of a 1929 German film by the same title about a man and a police dog.


Rich American Dina Morris and her New York friends sail through the Indian Ocean on a yacht. When the ship suffers a machine damage near the coast, it is decided to go ashore.


A German scientist designs and builds a machine that will do dangerous work instead of placing humans in jeopardy. But the machine itself turns out to have disastrous effects on the people involved.


A taxi driver, (Piel), finds an odd contraption on the back seat that renders him invisible, but his friend steals the device to rob a bank. An inventive comedy.


A police deputy in Paris have a lead on an international gang into trafficking. The police dresses as a steward to tail the head of the gang to Marseille. On the ship he meets with Madeleine. A girl controlled by the traffickers.

"His Best Force" - Harry Petersen has just made a big invention: the lamp without electrical supply. In American businessman Al Kinley, Harry hopes to find a financier for his idea, but Kinley does not show any interest.

Harry Piel plays Harry Peel who receives an urgent telephone call from a friend who has returned from South America recently. The call is being made from the circus "Beely" and our hero arrives there too late to prevent the murder of his friend. Now Harry must find his friend's killer and go on a strange mission involving a hidden document.


Filmarchiv Austria holds a non-access master print and a nitrate duplicate negative of the film.


Power-crazed scientist Professor Ravello desires Evelyn. He also has a marauding robot. In comes our hero, Harry.

A restored 24-minute fragment survives of this Harry Piel adventure feature.


A german silent sci-fi movie by Harry Piel

A detective is chased by gangsters.

The first in the Joe Deebs series