Harry Solter

James Brieson, a wealthy stockbroker, ruins Hutch Valiant, who soon after dies of the shock. Valiant's son Steele returns from the Northwest, where he won his fortune, just before his father's death and decides to devote his life to the cause of revenge.

Wracked with illness and discarded by a wealthy and unscrupulous aristocrat, Yvonne Lamour seeks out her former sweetheart Anatole in order to beg him to care for her infant daughter Yvonne. She finds him in a monastery, now Pere Anatole, having joined to ease the pain of her leaving him. Soon after, Yvonne dies and little Yvonne grows to adulthood and falls in love with Jean Duval, a young violinist. When the war devastates the land, Anatole flees to America, taking Jean and Yvonne with him. There, beset by poverty, Jean endeavors to earn a living by playing the violin, but fails. In desperation, he pawns his violin to buy food and falls victim to the charms of Sonia Maroff, a wealthy woman whose fancy he has captured.

Florence, trying to escape fortune hunters, is residing at the seashore, when her maid dies. Florence has pretended to be the maid of this woman and she continues the deception. Her death is cabled to her attorney in New York, who advises her cousin and his wife, who have an adopted son, Harry. Later Harry meets the girl in her disguise as maid, and both are impressed.

A doctor commits perjury in order to win a woman whose husband could go to prison based on his testimony.

Two couples head for Reno to swap partners, but change their minds at the last minute.

A new bride tries to win the affection of her stepchild.

When placed in a position to choose between two jealous suitors, a young woman turns the tables on them by choosing a third.

A shopgirl assumes the guilt of her mother and is sent to prison.

A maid risks her life for her employer, with whom she is in love.

Two lovers disguise themselves as counterfeiters in order to escape from the girl's disapproving parents.

A woman of loose morals takes the place of a young bride.

A maid discards her beau in favor of a musician whom she idolizes; when reality sets in, she takes her old beau back.

An actress assumes a guilty appearance in order to save her faithless cousin's marriage.

A woman adopts the guise of a spy when she uncovers an arms plot concerning a country in Central America.

A young girl falls in love with a count, despite her father's disapproval.

A female mail carrier is injured on her route and recovers at a bachelor's lodge.

An uninhibited young woman is brought up by a reclusive eccentric.

A platonic experiment as to how a young couple should make love fails when it ceases to be platonic.

A moving picture actress is mistaken for an escaped asylum patient; the insane girl then steps into the actress's life.

A wayward girl falls in love with the handsome image of a burglar she sees in a photograph.

A confirmed bachelor falls in love with the young woman whom he had pawned off on his aunt when she was first put into his custody.

A mother, grieving over the loss of her child, finds contentment in loving a lame orphan.

An actress cures a wayward young man of his extravagant spending.

A society girl changes places with her maid for an adventure.

Romance develops between a young woman from the Tennessee hills and a man from the city; she saves his life when her brothers threaten to kill him; they part, eventually to be reunited years later.

A young Jewish woman wrestles with the dilemma of an interfaith marriage.

The daughter of an aristocratic Southern family, proud, but impoverished, enters into a marriage of convenience with a wealthy stockbroker.

A young girl survives a dreadful childhood and grows up to right an old wrong.

Flo is the headmistress at Dow's School for Boys (enrollment: 12). The boys get too rowdy at the dinner table, so she dismisses the popular, but permissive, assistant principal. But the boys sneak out and he teaches them outdoors, until Flo turns the garden hose on them and chases the boys into the ice-house, which she locks. After an hour, she sends a bucket of hot coffee in with the assistant principal, but she removes the ladder he uses, stranding him. After another hour, he agrees to surrender, and she releases the boys. He leaves, but love has bloomed in the interim.

A matchmaking wife brings suspicion upon herself when she tries to reunite a young couple.

A stray bullet accidentally kills a blackmailer.

When a minister tries to clean up Riverton, he finds an unexpected ally in the barkeeper's daughter.

A surgeon risks his life in order to finish surgery on a patient when a fire breaks out in the hospital.

John Cummins, a wealthy society man, while out in his auto, discovers he is out of gasoline. He stops at a country store and meets Flo Page, the daughter of the proprietor. It is a case of mutual attraction, causing many a heartache to Si, the clerk, who adores Flo. Cummins manages to have sundry excuses for visiting the little general store, and finally realizes he is head over heels in love with the girl.

An unattractive girl endeavors to make herself attractive to an artist, but he sees only the artificial beauty of a model.

Fred acts as a matchmaker for his cousin Flo and his friend George.

A foolish suitor gains favor in a girl's eyes when he pretends to have saved her life. When the truth is known, she rejects him for the real hero.

A country suitor's jealousy of his rival for his sweetheart's hand culminates in fisticuffs.

Dr. Jane Bixby, a new doctor in a rural town, solves the mystery of the moonshiner's still.

Flo's suitor wins her mother's favor when he returns a lost pocketbook.

Two actors, trying to soak up local color for an upcoming play, fall in love with the same girl.

When a fireman rescues his long-lost sister-in-law he mistakes her for his wife when she dies, and contemplates suicide until he learns the truth.

A spurned suitor threatens to kill Margie's sweetheart if she does not give him up.

Betty, a farm cook, yearns to be an actress, but her dreams turn into nightmares, and she seeks comfort in the arms of a hired hand.

An heiress, under the protection of the Queen, falls in love with a poor knight.

Two old sweethearts, Henry Jones and Mrs. Mary Owen, he a widower and she a widow, meet at a summer resort and, renewing their old love, get married. On their way back to the city they send telegrams home, he to his only daughter, Florence, and she to her only son, Tom. The children receive the telegrams and are filled with disappointment.

Unable to bear the abuse of her drunken soldier husband, the wife left her home and went to the city, where she became a nurse in a hospital. Her husband, recovering from a spree, treated his wife's disappearance as a joke and soon went with his company to the Philippines. Meantime a doctor at the hospital had fallen in love with the young wife and when news came from the Philippines that her husband had been killed she married him. They were very happy and a child was born to them. To a friend in her old home she sent a photograph of herself and family. Then her soldier husband returned for he had not been killed. During a reception at her new home he appeared on the scene. A dancer was to be there, but being unable to keep the engagement, the wife had prepared to perform the dance herself. The appearance of her soldier husband greatly excited her for it made her second marriage illegal.


A brash young man loses the business he inherits but learns a lesson in love from the daughter of his rival.

A sheriff must decide whether or not to allow his old friend, a criminal, to escape.

A scheming suitor ends up losing his girl to a rival even after he receives an inheritance.

Aunt Jane's nieces and nephews bicker over an anticipated legacy.

A minister is talked into performing a marriage ceremony for his sister and the beau he despised.

A local girl's romance with the lifeguard at a seaside lifesaving station is threatened by the arrival of tourists.

One man squanders a fortune and loses his house and sweetheart to another who strikes it rich.

The sons and daughters on the opposing sides of a Kentucky feud fall in love and dismantle their fathers' guns to prevent further bloodshed.

An impoverished father is forced to give up his daughter for adoption. After she is grown, she realizes she has two fathers: her real one and her "adopted" one.

A society woman gambles at cards.

A kindhearted criminal saves the life of the sheriff's daughter and is allowed to make it across the state line in order to avoid jail.

The Harrington's first born has died and the father and mother are inconsolable in their grief. Mrs. Harrington later seeks diversion in society, but the husband is engrossed in his work as a scientist, having a laboratory in his house. He conducts several experiments and is on the verge of success in his invention when an explosion of the chemicals occurs and it subsequently develops that he is blinded for life, his eyesight being permanently destroyed.

Florence Lawrence stars in this society comedy in rural surroundings.

A Civil War spy story in which a girl and the officer she loves find themselves on opposite sides of the conflict.

An actress teaches a young girl how to flirt and win back her beau.

A young governess catches the eye of an aristocrat and romance blossoms.

A young woman helps her brother by purchasing a much needed piece of land.

A husband uses a ruse to sneak back into the house after a night out.

A young soldier is shipped overseas after a hasty marriage; when he returns he doesn't recognize his wife who has changed from the tomboy he married to a sophisticated young woman.

A pianist's music annoys a painter, making him unable to work. Eventually they fall in love.

When a young man loses his wealth, he also loses his fiancee, but he is more than consoled by her younger sister.

A maid loves her employer, sacrificing her own happiness in order to insure his.

A jealous mother is envious of the affection shown toward her future daughter-in-law by her husband.

A girl chooses between two boys by testing how each one would help the poor.

An heiress, a businessman, and a playboy form the eternal triangle.

A girl from the country writes glowing letters about life in the big city despite the fact that it's really been disastrous.

A young man's parents refuse to accept his new wife, but a reconciliation is eventually brought about.

Misunderstandings abound when a minister's son and an actress become engaged.

A woman's sweetheart is prevented from killing himself by two burglars who are afraid they will be accused of murder if he pulls the trigger.

An escaped mental patient assumes the identity of a society girl's dead father and threatens her marriage.

A widow threatens her rebellious daughter that she will remarry if the girl does not behave at school.

A wayward brother is mistaken for a burglar in his own house.

A sympathetic showgirl assumes the guilt for her cousin who is cheating on her husband.

Two brothers vie for Rosie's hand; she gives a rose to each of them.

A silly and extravagant wife must learn to curb her wild ways before her husband is willing to take her back.

A prima donna falls in love with the voice of a singer that she hears on a recording.

A reformed woman shows a petty thief the righteous path by her good example.

Two brothers, one a minister and the other a cad, both love the same girl.

A hastily written letter is used in a blackmail scheme by a scorned suitor.

A nurse ignores her other patients in order to concentrate on her favorite one, a fascinating bachelor.

Nan feigns insanity when her former sweetheart unexpectedly appears.

When a bored wife seeks a Reno divorce, she regains the attentions of her inattentive husband.

An orphaned young woman rejects her appointed suitor and falls in love with her guardian.

A couple goes to Reno to be divorced, but change their minds at the last moment.

Two old gentlemen who have been pals from boyhood decide that their children ought to marry. This intention is a commendable one, to be sure, and what is more, their son and daughter like each other pretty well, still more, the wish of the parents would have been automatically done if the old men only had sense enough to remember the adage about the cooks and the broth.

When a senator falls victim to morphine addiction, a look-alike double takes his place.

After an accident, a young girl desperately needs a blood transfusion to save her life. A young blacksmith agrees to be the donor and wins her heart as well.

A girl's affections waver between the winner of a boxing match, and a greedy count.

Roses and trousers have little in common and pressed roses presage something wrong in the scheme of things. When roses are pressed instead of a pair of trousers, chaos and confusion is the result

A young wife instigates a duel between a dashing count, with whom she has been having an affair, and her elderly husband. In the duel, the husband is mortally wounded and his now repentant wife chooses to join him in death.

A wife tries to drive away her husband's best friend by flirting with him, but trouble arises when the friend flirts back.

A philandering husband arranges an ill-planned rendezvous at the same restaurant his wife and daughter are dining at.

A clever girl inventively uses a stage prop to attract help when burglars enter her house.

There is always a right girl for all of us; sometime, somewhere, somehow we find her. But often the discovery leads through strange channels and peculiar by-ways. A young heiress, discouraged by fruitless efforts to secure a suitable husband at the seashore and fashionable summer resorts, decides to go to visit her old nurse, to recuperate. She does not want the town people to know she is an heiress, so she changes places with the nurse's daughter. A youth who is pretty much "down and out" receives a letter from a city friend saying that the heiress is in town. The friend advises him to board at the house at which she is staying with the intention of courting the her.

Early movie star Florence Lawrence appears in this dramatic farce, in which the police pay a famous burglar to save the life of a child thought to be trapped inside a bank’s time-lock safe. Also stars King Baggot and Owen Moore (Mary Pickford’s first husband).

A circus girl must decide to stay under the big top or marry the minister who loves her.

An extravagant wife leaves her husband, but returns when he strikes it rich.

A young doctor is jealous of one of his patient's romantic interest in his nurse.

A rejected suitor rebuffs the woman he loves after the death of her husband.

When an infirm husband learns of the dire circumstances his wife must endure, he makes every effort to bring himself back to health.

Five days more! Only five more days says the physician, and the man who has for so long a time been totally blind will be able to take off the bandage, and have the great, light world before him!

An orphaned girl raised by a miner in the wilderness falls in love with a tenderfoot, even though the miner loves her as well.

A young woman marries a man she hardly knows or understands; in a moment of crisis, the two suddenly realize what they mean to each other.

A husband becomes jealous when he finds his wife's shawl in a suspicious location.

A mother loses her sanity when she loses her child. Her husband brings home a newly adopted child, and she regains her health.

Two girls fall for the same boy.

A dramatic love triangle between two women and a man.

Jane thinks she has witnessed a murder and the suspect is arrested; she later learns the truth and saves him from hanging.

A fickle tomboy eventually falls for the suitor who had previously been annoying her.

A jealous husband misinteprets the performance his actress wife is putting on with his best friend.

An honest man trades places with a convict so the convict can see his dying wife, but he is killed on his way back to prison. The governor must step in to assure the right man is released from prison.

An abused wife takes a shot at her husband, and, as a result, he reforms.

A husband learns from his mistake after he wrongly accuses his wife of infidelity.

A young woman pulls a fast switch on the fiance handpicked by her father.

A woman is forced to reevaluate the quiet man in her life when she finds he actually could be her knight in shining armor.

The indolent, thriftless black sheep of the family, the good-for-nothing son of a rich banker bothers his busy brother, who is disgusted with the antics of his drunken sibling.

An unscrupulous tourist plots to steal the famous diamond, "The Light of the World," tricking a young woman into helping him. She is caught and imprisoned, while he prepares to sell the diamond and make his getaway.


Jack Windom experiences a sensation of awe at the reception of the Hindoo dagger from his old chum, Tom, who was traveling in India. Hanging the dagger on the wall. Jack goes out. For some time Jack has discerned a coolness in his wife, and his jealous misgivings were verified when he returned and found her in company with a stranger. Seizing the dagger from the wall he chases the recreant lover from the house and then follows the wife to the bathroom, wither she has flown in terror. Mercilessly he plunges the dagger and flies the place. The lover in hiding sees him leave and returns, and calling aid succeeds in reviving the wife, who afterwards with careful treatment recovers and marries her paramour. However, either from the baneful influence of this diabolical dagger, or the woman's capricious nature, just one year later the second husband enacts the same scene, but with fatal results.


Mack Sennett appears as a man in the crowd in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


This is a very short and rare attempt at comedy by D. W. Griffith.


A son leaves to seek his fortune in the city. Many years later he returns and checks into his parents' inn. They don't recognize him, but noticing his fat wallet, plan to rob him.


"Fine feathers make fine birds." and handsome gowns make handsome women, and a handsome woman is the most fascinating thing extant. Hence it is when Isabelle appears on the scene clad in a gown that is a masterpiece of the dressmaker's art she easily fascinates the male contingent, among whom is Enrico, the sweetheart of Veronica, a street singer. Enrico is so enraptured at the sight of Isabelle in her resplendent attire that he becomes her abject slave, casting aside the poor, peasant-clad little Italian street singer, who has loved him devotedly. Crushed almost beyond endurance the poor girl stands sobbing at the entrance of the park where the inconsistent lever left her. Her tears attract the attention of a wealthy young couple who happen to pass. In answer to their queries she tells them how contemptibly her sweetheart acted, and all because of the fascinating influence of a gown.


Mack Sennett appears as a cop in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Mack Sennett appears as a butler and a man in an office in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Mr. Jones, since his last escapade, had made strenuous efforts to amend the reputation he had gained in the eyes of the ladies of the Temperance League. But Oh! the ordeal, for such it was, was telling on him, and his pent-up spirits were threatening ebullition, when at last the chance comes. The league arranges to attend a three-days' convention out of town, and when Mrs. Jones departs, Jones sends a note to Smith, telling him to bring the gang, and they would have a "Prayer Meeting," enjoining him not to forget the "fixings." Well, the gang are not long in putting in an appearance, for they feel that every minute's delay is a chunk lost from a golden opportunity for fun.


A wife innocently inspires suspicion by generously giving away some money given to her for a hat.

An upper class drawing room. A gentleman breaks the curtain pole and goes in search of a replacement, but he stops into a pub first. He buys a very long pole, and causes havoc everywhere he passes, accumulating an ever-growing entourage chasing him, until he escapes them through a bit of movie magic, only to discover that the pole has already been replaced.


After three years at sea, Edward returns home to find his sweetheart forced into an engagement with a much older man.


At the Italian boarding house the male boarders were all smitten with the charms of Minnie, the landlady's pretty daughter, but she was of a poetic turn of mind and her soul soared above plebeianism and her aspirations were romantic. Most persistent among her suitors was Grigo, a coarse Sicilian, whose advances were odiously repulsive. The arrival at the boarding house from the old country of Giuseppe Cassella, the violinist, filled the void in her yearning heart. Romantic, poetic and a talented musician, Giuseppe was indeed a desirable husband for Minnie.


When her man is falsely arrested for murder, woman falls through the cracks; Salvation Army rescues her from a band of shoplifters and she"s converted. Later, her guy gets out of jail, and...


Mack Sennett appears as a cop in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Mack Sennett appears as a party guest in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Mack Sennett appears as a party guest in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


A short romance starring Florence Lawrence.

The Awakening of Bess is a silent short film of 1909 directed by Harry Solter . The protagonists of the film are Florence Lawrence (wife of the director) and King Baggot , a well-known theatrical actor, here in his cinematographic debut.

A wife offers to support her artist husband by teaching piano. She can't find work at the conservatory, and ends up working in a laundry, without telling him the truth. When he discovers her lie, he is determined to leave her, until she is injured and he understands the sacrifice she made for him.


Lady Florence hides her lover, a Prussian spy, from the French troops who are hunting for him. One of her other suitors, a French officer, discovers the hiding place and threatens to kill the spy.


Antonine, a worthless, good-for-nothing scoundrel, demands money of his cousin Galora, an energetic, provident husband and father. His demands are met with a positive rebuff, and when he becomes insistent be is forcibly ejected by Galora. As he leaves the tenement he vows to get even, and lies in wait until Galora has gone out on business. Climbing to the fifth floor, on which the Galoras live, he watches his chance, which comes when Mrs. Galora goes for an instant to visit a neighbor on the same floor. Darting into the apartment and raising the window he perceives the awful result of a drop to the ground, five stories below, and so evolves a plan that is dastardly in the extreme. Taking the infant child from the cradle, and placing it in a basket he lets it out with a short rope, the end of which he secures by letting the sash down on it, so that to raise the window would precipitate the baby to destruction.


A young courtier gambles in a tavern and wins a coat from the leader of a gang. In the pocket he finds details of a plan to kidnap the Queen. He returns to the castle and hides until the kidnappers show up, then he exposes the kidnapping plot.


A rich little girl helps a poor little girl by making their Christmas enjoyable.

Mons. Flamant, a typical roué of the French nobility, is surrounded by all the pleasures and pastimes his fabulous wealth can procure. In a quest of diversion he visits the art rooms, just as a young girl enters with a magnificent piece of sculpture and places it on sale. The roué is so impressed with the work and the girl that he purchases it at once and follows her to the atelier, where he learns that she is the maid of the sculptress, whom he sees and at once falls passionately in love with her, but when he learns that she is totally blind, his feelings change to one of deepest pity.


Henry is being blackmailed. When the blackmailer breaks into his house, Henry apprehends him at gunpoint and takes the opportunity to rid himself of the blackmailer's threat.


Mack Sennett appears as a man at the dance and a cop in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Mack Sennett appears as a footman in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


A man arrives home late and drunk as usual. His wife reminds him that he's supposed to take their daughter out to a play. While watching the play, he's faced with his own drinking evils and how his life would be without them.


A contest is being held in Cremona for the best violin, with Giannina's hand in marriage as the prize. Filippo is secretly in love with her, but is also ashamed of being a cripple, so he switches his superior violin with that of another apprentice, Sandro, whom Giannina loves.


Mack Sennett appears as an extra in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


A Greek woman marries a struggling sculptor. When he can't support her and their baby, she offers to sell herself as a slave to allow them to buy food.


The forest ranger's daughter catches a spouse by hoodwinking Papa who brings in a minister.

In the lonely wilds of Southern California there stands a rural tavern, kept by an old trapper, who had been widowed years ago; his wife leaving him a most precious legacy in the being of a pretty daughter.


Mack Sennett appears in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Mack Sennett appears as a man in a bar in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Mack Sennett appears as a member of the Wilkenson clan in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


George Redfeather, the hero of this subject, returns from Carlisle, where he not only graduated with high honors, but was also the star of the college football team. At a reception given in his honor by Lieut. Penrose, an Indian agent, the civilized brave meets Gladys, the lieutenant's daughter, and falls desperately in love with her.


Mack Sennett appears as a guest and a man in the fight in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Mrs. Wharton, a dashing widow, gives a party at her beautiful villa in honor of the presentation to her of a handsome diamond necklace by her fiancé. During the evening bridge participated in by a number of the guests, among whom is Myrtle Vane. Miss Vane is playing in wretched luck, and is advised several times by Mrs. Wharton to desist, but she still plays on in the vain hopes of the tide of fortune turning, until at last, in the extreme of desperation, she stakes her all and loses. Shame and disgrace stare her in the face. What can she do to recoup her depleted fortune? As one of the guests there is Professor Francois Paracelsus, the eminent palmister, who of course, was called upon to read the palms of those present. Sheets of paper were prepared and each imprinted their hand on a sheet to be read by the erudite soothsayer at his leisure, and so were left on the drawing room table.


Adaptation of a poem written by Thomas Hood.


A castaway returns home after years lost at sea, to the wife and child he left behind. Has she waited faithfully or has she moved on?


Mack Sennett appears as a policeman in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


William Thompson and John Smith occupied offices in the same New York skyscraper, and both being seized with an irrepressible desire to cut loose and paint things crimson, arranged it as follows in this Biograph picture. Thompson sent a message to his wife that his friend Smith was ill, and it was his duty to perform that spiritual work of mercy, "comfort the afflicted," hence he would not have her wait up for him as he might be late. Smith did likewise, using Thompson as the object of his humane consideration. This done, they start off to make a night of it. First they visit the gilded throne room of a temple of Bacchus, where they moisten their parched spirits with dry Martinis. They are soon in a most glorious condition. Smith suggests the show where "Amateur Night" is on. - Written by Moving Picture World synopsis

Mack Sennett appears as a lover in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Mack Sennett appears as a barbarian in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Hulda is a maiden fair to look upon. Her artless rustic simplicity, rivaling Hebe's gorgeous radiance, phlogisticates the susceptible hearts of the village swains. But alas, Hulda was a fickle maid, and seemed to have as many phases as the moon, with a smile for all and a frown for none. Her capriciousness was the cause of much unrest, both for herself and her lovers, for when her parents had departed for a visit, leaving her in charge of the kitchen, she received most effusively Jocular Jake, the village cut-up, only to hide him above stairs at the entrance of Previous-Hearted Pat, the hostler, who in turn is hidden in the Dutch oven at the approach of Handy Hank, the chore boy.

Two noblemen fight over a lady.


It would have taken more than the wonderful powers of deduction of a Sherlock Holmes to have dispelled the mystery that shrouded the disappearance of a case of jewels at the home of Robert Jenkins, a wealthy stockbroker, and although they were eventually brought to light, it was through a most remarkable accident.


The pretty daughter of a French-Canadian backwoodsman incites the love of a trapper who is so smitten with the beauty of this wood nymph that he purchases her into marriage from her father. The transaction meets with repugnance from the girl. She was entirely contented with conditions, a child of nature, carefree. However, she finds her pleading of no avail, and so pretends to accept the situation. The trapper and Canadian go into the cabin to seal the bargain with a drink, and while inside the girl closes and fastens the door on them and makes her way through the woods to escape.


A woman who is filled with romantic ideas is making no secret of her eagerness to find a husband. Her father decides to help her by pressuring and threatening an eligible bachelor, who reluctantly allows wedding plans to be made.


Believed to be the first film to feature cannibals.


This one-reeler is regarded as a Griffith thriller. It engages with the Chinese White slave traffic from the perspective of a female detective, Marion Leonard, whose assignment is to expose and break the traffic ring.


The central figure is an old miser, a Harpagon of sorts, who, like Frosine, stashes his ill-gotten money in a secret cellar. While the miser is at the bank, exchanging stolen notes for gold coin, a couple of thugs witness the transaction and see their opportunity- It seems avarice grips the hearts of all those who'd possess the bag.


Mack Sennett appears as a policeman and waiter in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Mack Sennett appears as a waiter in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Mack Sennett appears as a butler and a policeman in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Mack Sennett appears as a man in the bar in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


A gang of lawless freebooters who terrorized the country and made travel in the mountains a hazardous pastime hold up a stylish landau in which are seated an old gentleman, a duenna, and a pretty young Senora. The inevitable happens; all are relieved of their valuables, and while the gentleman and duenna are sent on their way, the girl is held a prisoner.


John Holland, a planter in a small way, is devotedly attached to his wife and infant child. The wife wearies of the monotonous grind of farm life and is easy prey of a contemptible villain, in the person of Tom Roland, the ubiquitous "other man".


Pretty Miss Chrysanthemum has but little to say as to the disposal of her heart, at least, such is the custom in Japan. Her parents attend to that for her. However, pretty little O Yama Sum had a will of her own, and casting tradition to the winds, insisted upon making her own choice. The Grand Daimio has long loved the pretty O Yama and presents himself before her mother in quest of her hand. His offer is scorned by O Yama, for she loves another, a low-born but worthy warrior.


Mack Sennett appears as a man in the bar and in the wedding party in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Mack Sennett appears as a wedding guest in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


D.W. Griffith film about an elderly father who grows tired of seeing his son bring home beautiful women so he gets a makeover and heads out on the prowl.


It is often said there is honor among thieves, but not so, as we shall see in this story. Two denizens of the underworld are seen in their squalid furnished room planning a robbery. Their intended victim is known to hold at all times in his safe at home a large sum of money and a wealth of jewels. Gathering together the tools of their nefarious calling, they start off, arriving at the house shortly after the master had retired for the night.


After a judge (Harry Solter) does his job and sentences a man, a gypsy woman (Marion Leonard) erupts in vehement protests and has to be taken forcefully out of the courtroom. Later the gypsy follows the judge to his home and plots a vicious revenge on his wife (Florence Lawrence).


Based on Shakespeare's play: Petruchio courts the bad-tempered Katharina, and tries to change her aggressive behavior.


Mack Sennett appears as a policeman in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Mack Sennett appears as a Native American in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Mack Sennett appears as a policeman and waiter in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


At a political club, the members debate whose bust will replace that of Theodore Roosevelt. Unable to agree, each goes to a sculptor's studio and bribes him to sculpt a bust of the individual favorite. Instead, the sculptor spends their fees on a dinner with his model during which he becomes so inebriated that he is taken to jail. There he has a nightmare, wherein three busts are created and animated from clay (through stop-motion photography) in the likenesses of Democrat William Jennings Bryan and Republicans Charles W. Fairbanks and William Howard Taft. Finally an animated bust of Roosevelt appears.


Mack Sennett appears as one of character Mike McLaren's assistants in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Bachelor Reggie writes his uncle that he has a wife and child, but then must produce them when the uncle visits.


Mack Sennett appears as a Confederate soldier and a Union soldier in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


John and Tom Wilkins are brothers and most divergent in natures. John is a clergyman and a noble, upright fellow, while Tom is a scapegrace, wild, reckless and unscrupulous. Not having the parental guidance so essential in youth, his father being dead and his mother blind, he drifted into bad company, the contaminating influence deeply affecting his susceptible nature.


Irving Robertson, a successful playwright, has just received a message from out of town to witness the initial performance of one of his plays. As he is about to leave, Henderson, the manager, calls to pay a sum due him for royalties. At the same time, Frank Wilson, a friend of the family, drops in.


A pretty model with two rival art students (her father's pupils) in love with her, a situation not at all surprising considering how alluring she looks in the garb of a nun, posing for their canvas. Jealousy and anger ensues.