Harry Studt

Mikolás and his brother Adam rob travelers for their tyrannical father Kozlík. During one of their "jobs" they end up with a young German hostage whose father escapes to return news of the kidnapping and robbery to the King. Kozlik prepares for the wrath of the King, and sends Mikolás to pressure his neighbor Lazar to join him in war. Persuasion fails, and in vengeance Mikolás abducts Lazar's daughter Marketa, just as she was about to join a convent. The King, meantime, dispatches an army and the religious Lazar will be called upon to join hands against Kozlik. Stripped-down, surreal, and relentlessly grimy account of the shift from Paganism to Christianity.


The plot takes place in a picturesque Montenegrin islet of Sveti Stefan. The local authorities investigate the murder of a tourist, which background turns out to be connected with the Nazi crimes.

The assassination of Heydrich in Prague during WWII.


Eleven years old Lutt Matten lives near Baltic Sea and has only one dream - to go deep sea fishing independently and catch some eels.


A military officer falls sick because of test runs of atomic bombs.


First of two propaganda films about German communist leader Ernst Thälmann that follows him from the Western Front in 1918 through the Hamburg Uprising of 1923.
