Hassan Brijany

The sleepy little town Valleby is getting ready for the cafe owners Dino Panini's and Sara Bernard's wedding, and our popular young detectives Lasse and Maja stand ready to ensure that nothing will go wrong. But when the wedding couple's respective relatives arrive, they prove to belong to rival mafia families.


Mia wants to go to space, but finds it difficult to raise money. Her fantastic pizza doesn't convince the restaurant owner who claims one 'need to have it in the veins'. A film about dreams, prejudices and a different girl.


Jonas, a successful car-salesman is being suspected having driven over a child. His life is turned upside down and he realize that that we are all responsible, one way or another.


Ulf and Eva are finally becoming adoptive parents. But when they are picking up their little son from the airport, it turns out that the orphanage has sent them the wrong George; Instead of a child they get an old man!


Around the time that the chief of police is elected the Most Popular Citizen of Valleby, a thief and impostor is released after two decades in jail and returns to the town with a revenge plan in mind.


There is a thin line between money and loyalty. Thomas Skepphult runs an investment company, and is arrested for the murder of his business partner when his fingerprint is found on the murder weapon. When he tries to call his lawyer, the phone is answered by someone who he thought had committed suicide years ago.


Jojo is out of money and must work for his stepfather's shady car dealership to pick up a car that belongs to a Russian gangster.
