Hassiba Rochdi

The events revolve around a family consisting of 5 brothers (3 boys and two girls) and their old mother is bedridden. Each of them has his own problems and the older brother and older sister take care of the younger siblings and try to keep them away from everything that could harm them despite of their stubbornness.

Directed by Omar Khlifi.


As far as can be determined, Goha was Tunisia's first entry in the Cannes Film Festival. Omar Sharif stars as a naïve young man who is taken for granted by friends and family. Little do they know that he has more intelligence, tenacity and imagination than all of them put together. The story takes an unexpectedly dramatic turn when the man falls in love with the young wife of his village's elderly "wise man". Based on an ancient Tunisian folk tale, Goha boasts impressive production values and sure-handed direction (by Jacques Baratier).
