Hawley Pratt

Looney Tunes Platinum Collection Volume 3 is a Blu-ray and DVD release containing 50 shorts on 2 discs with special features. It was released for Blu-ray on August 12, 2014, and was released for DVD on November 4, 2014. According to Jerry Beck on the Stu's Show from early this year, he said it's the last volume of the series due to the low sales of the second volume in 2012 and no remastering budget for Warner Bros. to remaster more never-before-released on DVD and Blu-ray Looney Tunes shorts.[citation needed] Only 4 cartoons are new to disc. This is the first and only volume where the Blu-ray only has two discs. Included is a 12 page booklet similar to what came with Volume 2.

Compilation of cartoons raising money for the National Children's Home charity. Featuring Mickey Mouse ("The Simple Things"), Bugs Bunny ("Duck Rabbit Duck"), Tom and Jerry ("The Bowling Alley Cat"), Pluto ("Canine Casanova"), Sylvester and Tweety ("Hyde and Go Tweet"), The Pink Panther ("Sky Blue Pink"), Donald Duck ("Drip Dippy Donald"), Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner ("Hot Rod and Reel") and Daffy Duck ("Ain't That Ducky").

A 1980 Looney Tunes Thanksgiving special, starring Daffy Duck. Cartoons featured "The Scarlet Pumpernickel" "Robin Hood Daffy" "Drip-Along Daffy" "His Bitter Half"


The Little Man visits a psychiatrist, having been driven to insanity by the Pink Panther.


Dogfather reads about a goose that laid a golden egg, and kidnaps him to make him lay another one. Trouble is, he didn't actually lay the egg (it was an another goose that decided to keep his mouth shut since he knew the fate of the goose in the story "The Goose that Laid a Golden Egg").


A take off on The Godfather with canines in the roles of the Corleone family.


The Dogfather was a parody of The Godfather, but with canines as part of the Italian organized crime syndicate.

While the rest of the world is getting ready for Christmas, all the bears in Bearbank are getting ready to sleep… except for Ted E. Bear. Ted gets curious about the holiday, and sets out to learn the meaning of it from Santa Claus himself.


The pressure to conform, the inevitability of change, and the resistance to trying something new form the basis for the usual madcap adventures associated with the creative mind of Dr. Seuss. "Dr. Seuss on the Loose" builds upon three short stories - "The Sneetches," "The Zax" and "Green Eggs and Ham" - to create a thematic trio that explores the often fickle and flexible world of attitudes.


Hoot is ordered to bring in the Indian Jolly Red Giant for not paying his fine for overpopulating his Indian tribe. Hoot Kloot and Fester makes it to the tribe, but there is no Red Giant around. Hoot inspects the tribe for clues, but the Indians starts shooting arrows. Hoot finds Jolly Red Giant in the desert, but Hoot has hard time making him come, since he's giant...


A shepherdess loses her sheep and Hoot thinks Crazywolf stole them, so he's off to get him. Unfortunaty, Crazywolf is a practical joker and catching him is harder that he thought. First "Hoot Kloot" cartoon.


The Once-ler, a ruined industrialist, tells the tale of his rise to wealth and subsequent fall, as he disregarded the warnings of a wise old forest creature called the Lorax about the environmental destruction caused by his greed.


In a marvelously animated version of one of the most beloved of all Dr. Seuss tales, two youngsters find themselves at home with nothing to do on a rainy afternoon. But when the magical, mischievous Cat in the Hat arrives on the scene, they're all cat-apulted into a day of rousing, romping, outlandish antics they - and you - will never forget!


After a big toad takes over Toro and Pancho's pond, they decided to move to an even bigger pond. However, they have to dodge Crazylegs Crane and a big fish, who both has an appetite for frogs.


The Pink Panther reads some old letters from his army friend Loud-Mouth Louie.


A scientifically-enhanced fruit fly attacks the Pink Panther's apples, and he decides to get revenge.


The Pink Panther takes a job in a Chinese restaurant that places orders by gong beats, but annoys a man working at the glass shop above the restaurant. (Last Pink Panther cartoon directed by series creator Hawley Pratt.)


Crazylegs Crane gets an amnesia and Toro and Pancho tricks him into thinking he's a frog. They use him to guard them from the Blue Racer, the fastest snake in the west, who wants to have them for a meal.


While Pancho and El Toro are vacationing in Acapulco, a nearby hotel cook is desperate to find some frog legs to cook for the visiting French ambassador. But where is he going to find frog legs in Acapulco?


Toro and Pancho encounter a hungry cat who has a special taste for frogs.


Pancho and El Toro's lake has completely dried up, so they decide to take refuge in a nearby neighbor's swimming pool. They just have to get past the giant dog first...


The Bongo Pest Control Agency gets a call for an ant problem, so the Aardvark intercedes to take care of the call himself.


The Aardvark is hungry. He spots an anthill. Inside is the Ant. It seems that dinner is for sure. One problem: the Ant has a friend who owes him a favor... a tiger. Returning the favor, the tiger guards the Ant and his pals from the Aardvark.


Pink fights over a bone with a caveman and two dinosaurs.


A clumsy bird named Crazylegs Crane is chasing Toro and Pancho for a meal. When the two frogs arrive to the room full of bottles containing nitroglycerine in the small house, the two frogs thought they could trick the bird by pretending to drink it by filling empty nitroglycerine bottle with water, but Pancho accidentally switched the bottle with real nitroglycerine, and the bird saw Toro drinking it and bird didn't want him to blow up, and let the the toads do what ever they want. The bird took frogs to Havanna, and bird went to Las Vegas after frogs arrived at Havanna. Two frogs happily danced, and blew up! The frogs, instead, arrived at Heaven!


Roland is a flower child; Rattfink is "a weed." Roland keeps growing, picking, and sniffing flowers; Rattfink keeps attacking Roland, but the attacks either fail or backfire. Among the gags: As Roland plays the harp, Rattfink tries to discourage him by drumming. When that fails, he inverts the drum to reveal a beehive; the bees attack, the harp strings send Roland back into a fountain, and the bee-stung Roland still presents Rattfink with a flower. Rattfink air-drops a bag of flour on Roland; the resulting cloud of flour engulfs RF's plane, and he crashes into a building. Finally, Roland is in a jam session; Rattfink paints a can of nitroglycerine to look like a drum, but slips on a banana peel and explodes. Roland puts a flower on his grave; Rattfink's ghost hurls it at Roland.


The Pink Panther operates a farm and battles two crows trying to eat his corn field.


The Pink Panther sneaks into a house on a cold night, soon to learn it belongs to a hunter. The hunter's dog soon learns of the panther's presence, and unsuccessfully tries to prove this to his owner.


Poncho, a pushy but experienced toad, shows his apprentice Toro how to catch flies and otherwise survive the pitfalls of being a toad.


A stagecoach owner is going out of business if the train (rode by Roland) makes it to the other side, so they hire Rattfink to stop the train, but doesn't work.


Pink finds a witch's magic wand and helps a girl in rags become glamorous to win a date with Pelvis Parsley.


The Pink Panther and a sheep come to live in Cattle County, Texas, and have to endure a sheep-abusing cattleman.


The Pink Panther joins the army and angers his sergeant with his usual antics.


The Pink Panther discovers a door with an hypnotic eye that takes him on a mind trip in a psychedelic book shop adorned by huge letters of the alphabet and managed by a short, pointy-nosed hippie. The shop contains a vending machine for lights (a cigarette lighter and Christmas tree lights) and books that "bleed" letters when damaged and are operated on as though critically injured.


The cartoons concerned blond, good-looking, pacifist Roland and the many attempts by the evil, mustachioed Rattfink to ruin his good time.

The Pink Panther buys a camel and goes searching for a hidden tomb.


The Pink Panther has to rescue a princess kidnapped by the Black Knight, but must first tame his uncooperative horse.


In prehistoric times, The Pink Panther and a caveman try to work out the best way to move stone blocks.


The Pink Panther keeps returning a lucky horseshoe to its bank robber owner, which in turn causes incredible bad luck for the crook by continually attracting the police.


The Pink Panther comes to the aid of a hen-pecked man who pulls a thorn out of his foot.


The Pink Panther buys a land lot atop a narrow mesa, and the house he builds blocks a nearby observatory's view of the Moon. At first, the short, pointy-nosed astronomer at the observatory zooms his huge telescope into the panther's window and believes the newspaper photo of a sexy woman being looked upon by the panther is an actual observation of life on the Moon, and he telephones the fantastic finding to his employers. The Pink Panther builds a brick wall to block the telescope's view, and the hostilities begin.


The Pink Panther arrives on his motorcycle at Bicep Beach, where a hulky, egotistical man is flexing his muscles for a group of bathing beauties. Using his bag-full of inflatable items, including muscles, weights, a swimming pool, waterskis, and balloon animals, the Pink Panther diverts the beauties' attention away from the muscleman, who angrily tries to regain his dominant-guy-on-the-beach status.


The Pink Panther decides to construct and fly a kite


Hawkland (Rattfink's country), and Doveland (Roland's country) went to war. Roland was in a plane holding peace sign to end a war, but instead, Rattfink destroyed the plane (with cannon), and Roland fell down. Roland got another plane and this time, the giant cork covered Rattfink' cannon and Rattfink's plane fell down. Than Rattfink had a huge atomic bomb (looks like an blimp) and Roland Was able to bring to move the bomb to Hawkland and Rattfink quickly got the bomb, but it was too heavy and dropped the bomb on Hawkland. Doveland won and the resident awarded Roland with a bag of gold, until tax collector takes it away, and give it to Rattfink. When Rattfink saw his mother, asking for a dime, Rattfink kicked the cup and mother hit Rattfink.


After the Pink Panther flips a quarter to decide whether he should spend it on a hot dog or a hamburger, it rolls away, and he goes after it.


The Pink Panther has a long journey home and tries to tame a horse to ride back, but it isn't easy.


A cold Pink Panther sneaks into a house owned by a magician and gets irritated by a rabbit who keeps bothering him.


The Pink Panther steals a family's baby basket instead of a picnic basket at the park and ends up having to raise the baby until the parents return.


The Pink Panther replaces all the yellow posies in a garden with pink ones, annoying a gardener in the process.


The Pink Panther stays in the haunted Dead Dog Hotel on a stormy night.


The Pink Panther joins a gym, but does not have luck getting into shape.


The Pink Panther decides to work at a construction site, but wreaks havoc instead.


The Pink Panther is caught littering in the town of Litterburg, and as punishment, he has to clear all of the litter in the entire town.


The Pink Panther wakes up in a log cabin in January and has to avoid starving to death, and getting eaten by a starving mouse, before Spring


The Pink Panther learns to play the violin, and interrupts a performance of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony with the Pink Panther Theme played on various instruments.


The Pink Panther decides to be a superhero and keeps trying to help the same little old lady, but doesn't actually succeed in any attempts.


The Pink Panther battles with a hungry mouse raiding his refrigerator, who throws a late-night party with a crowd of other mice.


The little pointy-nosed man and his dog are out camping one night, not knowing that the Pink Panther is on a tree branch just above them. He can't sleep because of the man's snoring, so he cuts loose the man's hammock with a knife, sending him flying straight to the river. When the dog hears the man's scream for help, he grips the knife in his mouth, and seeing this, the man blames the dog for what's happened. Later, the panther attaches the little man's hammock above the campfire, and sends the tent with the man in it floating down the river towards a waterfall. Every time the dog gets the blame, making the man hating his pet.


The Pink Panther finds a talking magic lamp and becomes a genie. However, he cannot get anyone to rub the lamp.


On the Western frontier, the Pink Panther is a traveling vendor of pep pills. He unwittingly sells some pills to a frail criminal, who gains the strength to rob every bank in a nearby town! Thus, the panther is in as much trouble with the law as the robber and must act to apprehend the scoundrel.


At a building site, the Pink Panther finds a blueprint for the construction of a generic home and replaces it with a pink-colored plan for an ultra-modern house. When the little man on the building site rejects the Pink Panther's pink blueprint and continues his original project, the panther decides to construct his preferred house on the same site, using the man's materials. The accident-prone Pink Panther sneezes a swarm of nails in the direction of the little man's backside and unleashes an out-of-control power saw that splits the man's ladder in two. The Pink Panther dyes his pink plan blue and slips it in the man's pocket, and the man then appears to unwittingly build the house to the Pink Panther's design. The carpenter has the last laugh, however, when the whole "fancy" front section of the house tips forward and falls on the ground, revealing the plain cape-style house that the carpenter had initially been attempting to build.


At Pinkstone National Park, the Panther heckles a nature photographer (Big Nose Man) and ultimately gets what's coming to him.


The Pink Panther is a chemist who has perfected a pink health drink. When the Pink Panther tries to promote his drink with a series of signs, each of them in pink writing, the starry dot atop the "i" in "pink" has a mind of its own and, to frustrate the Pink Panther, turns green and repeatedly squirts ugly, green fluid on the panther's fur. The Pink Panther is able to restore his fur's pink color by drinking some of his health drink. But the green dot persistently interferes with the panther's efforts to promote his pink drink. Infuriated, the panther tries to eradicate the green dot, only to find that the dot has a guardian - another green dot of a much larger size.


The Pink Panther buys a car and has a driving argument with Granny Flash, Senior Citizens Drag Champion, who drives a souped-up jalopy.


The Pink Panther decides to become a matador and to this purpose confiscates a magician's cape. The panther enters a bullfight ring with the magical cape, and the bull is thwarted not by the panther's bullfighting prowess but by the cape's trickery, in that it deposits flowers onto the bull's horns and produces a foul-tempered, kicking rabbit that angers the bull into running through the cape and being split into two halves.


When Speedy Gonzales invades the home of Granny and rapidly drives her cat, Sylvester, to a nervous breakdown, Granny calls on Daffy Duck of the Jet Age Pest Control company to do the job of removing Gonzales from her home.


An eccentric man has built an ark and has filled it with specimens of all animals except one - a pink panther. To complete his zoological collection, the man sets out, rifle in hand, to hunt the Pink Panther, who leads the man on a futile chase through a jungle.


An English voice talks to the Pink Panther, who is reading a book about secret agents, and suggests to the panther that he become an agent. Intrigued at this idea, the Pink Panther dons a trench coat, hat, and pipe and walks nonchalantly on city streets, looking for enemy spies. He comes upon a gang of foreign agents scheming to detonate a series of black-ball bombs, and when they realize he is following them, they shoot him with guns, lure him into a crocodile trap, and, under cover of darkness aboard a train, replace his cigarette with a bomb.


In South Africa, a talking Pink Panther is the owner of a diamond mine and has unearthed a large gem. He puts it in his safe, which has a combination lock that functions like a telephone dial, and a man tunnels into the safe and filches the jewel. The Pink Panther suspects gophers of perpetrating the theft, but a dastardly pair of rival miners, operating the neighboring DeBoors mine, have taken the diamond and claim it and the diamond-yielding territory as their own. The pair of men ineptly try to eliminate the panther, and the debonaire Pink Panther defeats them, obtaining an even larger diamond and removing it from the DeBoors camp.


A very resistant bug won't let Pink Panther go to sleep.


The Pink Panther tries laying in the hammock; it throws him out every time. He does some work around the house. The Pink Panther decides to fix basement stairs. Every time that he turns on the light bulb, it goes out again. He plugs in his electric saw. It won't go off, and it saws down his house. When he tries to take a shower, water comes out of his ears. He loads his shotgun and waits for the next disaster. He falls down to the basement using a power saw, lighting gunpowder and killing the narrator.


The Pink Panther encounters a coin-operated talking weight and fortune...


The next-door neighbor neglects to return the Pink Panther's lawn mower, resulting in a feud that escalates into all-out war.


A short, pointy-nosed safecracker intends to rob a safe in a building, but he doesn't realize that the safe is occupied by the Pink Panther, who has made the safe his home. When the safecracker tries to blast the safe open with explosives, the Pink Panther returns each of the thief's devices just before they explode, with the thief taking all of the blasts. Finally, the Pink Panther decides to let the persistent, little man have the safe, which the panther has rigged with a bomb.


Nothing is every simple for the Pink Panther. For example, he heads to the beach for some relaxation. All that he wants to do is fish. Instead, he battles a bunch of worms and an angry crab. There's one worm who won't cooperate. This only leads to more problems with the militant crab. What's a panther to do?


An alcoholic is returning home from a night of partying and encounters the homeless Pink Panther in a park. He invites the panther to come and stay with him. But he has a wife who disapproves of him bringing in any guests. So, he has to keep the Pink Panther hidden, which tends to be rather painful for the hapless panther.


Sylvester Cat intrudes on Speedy Gonzales' Cinco De Mayo celebration, starting a chase that ends in disaster.


The Pink Panther hides himself inside Gamble's Department Store after closing time. Once the janitor arrives he decides to have a little fun.


Ever wonder who was the fastest Road Runner or Speedy Gonzales? This cartoon aimed to answer that all-important question between two of Warner Brothers' speediest characters. Of course, the race (set in an American desert) wouldn't be interesting without Wile E. Coyote or Sylvester trying to nab the bird and mouse. Both the hard-luck coyote and the puddy tat use a variety of tactics to grap their respective dinners, all which (of course) fail. In the end, Wile E. and Sylvester use a supersonic jet to pass their prey at the finish line (and "win" the race), but their vehicle quickly careens over the cliff. The poor puddy tat fall down over the cliff, just like Wile E. has so many times.


In a Mexican restaurant, a man named Jose tells to his friend, Manuel, the story of Senorella, a Mexican version of Cinderella. Senorella's dream of liberation from her slavish existence under the yoke of her wicked "Strap-mother" and "Strap-seesters", comes true after her fairy godmother grants her a night as a ravishing beauty at the fiesta at a bullfighter's father's estate.


Sylvester Cat uses a hunting bird, Malcolm Falcon, in another unsuccessful attempt to catch Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in Mexico.


A house painter can't understand why everything he paints blue turns pink.


A hot-tempered bandit, Pancho Vanilla, robs a Mexican bank and rushes to his hideout to count the loot. Speedy Gonzales, Mexico's fastest mouse, follows Pancho there, intending to return the money to the bank. He challenges Pancho to a duel and then speeds past him again and again, bringing every cent of the money back to the bank and causing a flustered and enraged Pancho to shoot himself in the feet.


Night has fallen, and the Pink Panther is looking for a place to sleep. A flop house denies him access, but he fortunately finds a key on the ground that gives him entry to a man's home, in which the Pink Panther helps himself to the man's shaving equipment, electric toothbrush, and bed. The man, a drunk, arrives home after one of his binges and, casting eyes on the pink feline in his bed, thinks he's having an alcoholic hallucination. He calls Alcoholics Anonymous to send someone to help him quit drinking. A man from A.A. throws all of the drunk's booze bottles into a garbage can, and they sit down to share a carton of milk. Then, both men see the Pink Panther walk past them! Befuddled, the two men rush to find the Department of Sanitation truck carrying the bottles of booze. After what they've seen, a drinking spree is in order!


Another in a series of Warner's economy cartoons featuring clips from previous Bugs Bunny-Yosemite Sam cartoons. After Sam is killed in each pursuit, he meets with the devil, who goads him into continuing to chase the bunny. Eventually, Sam balks and, donning a devil's outfit, tells the devil, "If you want him, you can get him yourself! I'm staying!"


Yosemite Sam marries a widow for her money, and once the honeymoon is over, the woman reveals her real bossy...


Speedy Gonzales' lethargic cousin, Slowpoke Rodriguez, comes to visit Speedy's hacienda, to the delight of Sylvester Cat, who is confident he will be able to catch Slowpoke for dinner.


Two Mexican crows, flying to Guadalajara on the wings of an airplane, spot a corn field on the ground below and dive into it...


Sylvester the cat imitates the Pied Piper of Hamelin to lure a group of mice into a jug that he seals with a cork. But Speedy Gonzales won't be hypnotized by Sylvester's flute and gradually rescues his friends from Sylvester's clutches.


Viking Yosemite Sam arrives to storm the castle. But Bugs takes charge of the defenses, and between Bugs' cleverness and Sam's stupidity, the castle is never seriously threatened, even when Sam enlists the help of an elephant.


Sylvester Cat slips when making a grab for Tweety Bird in Granny's flat, and falls dazed to the floor as one of Tweety's feathers lands in his mouth. Tweety runs off. Sylvester comes to and finds the feather lodged between his lips. He thinks he has swallowed and killed Tweety and suffers terrible remorse as an Alfred Hitchcock-like voice-over chides him for his "crime". Sylvester cracks, runs into the streets confessing, and returns to Granny's place, where he finds he didn't eat Tweety after all.


Dr. Frank Baxter, with the help of The Mad Hatter and Jabberwock, takes young Judy exploring the world of language, in which she finds out that language is for doing more than just talking.


An absent-minded wolf sets out to catch Bugs for dinner but keeps forgetting what he was heading out to shoot in the first place.


King Arthur's kingdom and the knights of the Round Table are in the doldrums since the Dark Knight stole the Singing Sword and put it under the protection of a fire-breathing dragon. The king's jester, Bugs Bunny, says only a fool would try to steal it back, so the king orders him to try. The jester boldly enters the Dark Knight's castle, initially catching his adversaries napping, but when the Singing Sword wakes the knight and the dragon, can Bugs complete his mission? He's a clever fool. A moat, portcullis, and catapult all figure in the face off.


In this spoof of Alcoholics Anonymous, pussy cats are cast as bird-eating addicts and go through the 12-step process to deal with their addiction. Sylvester, who could never quite get the best of the object of his desire, Tweety Bird, joins and resolves to quit chasing and eating the canary.


Three hip, Little Pigs are travelling entertainers, moving from straw to wood, to brick nightclubs, playing swinging tunes for high-class, "with it" crowds, but an uncool Big Bad Wolf keeps intruding on their act with with his "corny horn" and uses it to blow their nightclubs down when they throw him out- until they are playing in their brick club and the Wolf tries a more drastic, explosive method for destroying the "House of Bricks".


Two polite twin gophers find that their home, a tree, has been cut down and taken away. They find it in a log pile about to be taken inside a processing factory. When they follow it into the factory, they become caught in the bizarre human machinery whose purpose, among other things, is to grind whole trees down to make toothpicks.


Tweety Bird goes to the beach with Granny, and Sylvester tries once again to catch him.


Mr. and Mrs. Jones hear a piano being played in their living room. They automatically assume it is their cat who is making the music, when in fact, the talented one is a mouse whom the cat has forced into being his stooge to make him famous. The cat is showered with media attention and set to play at Carnegie Hall, where he hopes nobody will notice that he is pantomiming the movements with the keys while the mouse is playing his miniature piano inside the full-scale model.


Sylvester Cat and Tweety Bird are snowbound in a mountain cabin, and though Tweety has lots of bird seed, Sylvester will starve unless he can cook the unsuspecting Tweety. Meanwhile, a starving mouse thinks Sylvester is edible and keeps springing on the cat, chewing the fur off his head and tail and trying to cook his various body parts. Granny returns just in time with groceries, to find she mistakenly brought back only more bird seed!


Sylvester Cat spots Tweety Bird in a display window of an after-hours department store and sneaks inside through a mail server chute. Tweety flees Sylvester by hiding in a hat pile and a doll house, evades the shots from a rifle Sylvester uses, and escapes in a vacuum tube. Tweety sends a dynamite stick through another tube, and Sylvester swallows it, thinking it is Tweety. The dynamite blows up inside Sylvester after the cat leaves the store and walks down the street.


Sylvester Cat discovers Tweety Bird in a pet store window. Tweety is taken to be delivered by truck to a new owner - Granny. Sylvester chases the delivery truck to Granny's home, where Granny has a huge, fenced-in area for her army of bulldogs. Sylvester makes several unsuccessful attempts to pass the dogs and reach Tweety inside Granny's house.


It's Christmas Day in the home of Granny, and her pet cat Sylvester delights at chasing her new Tweety Bird and takes fright at the bulldog unwrapped from under the tree.


Tweety Bird is shoveling out his nest atop a city pole after a snowstorm and is spotted by Sylvester Cat and a one-eyed orange tabby, who fight over Tweety. Tweety runs into a cellar where he befriends a wooden dunking bird. The two cats then chase Tweety into a park and onto a sheet of ice covering a pond. Tweety cuts a circle around the cats so that they fall into the freezing water and become bedridden with cold.


Sylvester Cat leaves a trailer in a National Forest Camping Ground to go bird hunting and discovers an egg in a nest. Sylvester decides to sit on the egg to hatch it, and when it hatches, out crawls Tweety Bird! Sylvester chases Tweety into a geyser and down a river in a boat toward a waterfall.


Sylvester Cat and Tweety Bird are pets of tenants in the Spinsters Arms Hotel, where pets aren't allowed. As they try to keep out of sight of the landlord, Sylvester discovers Tweety and chases him in and out of the hotel rooms.


Sylvester Cat stows away aboard a seagoing passenger liner to try and catch Tweety Bird, who is guarded by his mistress, Granny. Sylvester becomes seasick and runs to the sickbay for a remedy. Tweety mixes nitro into the medicine before Sylvester drinks it. When Granny hits Sylvester with her broom, he is blown sky-high.


Tweety Bird is on a train with Sylvester.


Bugs Bunny escapes hunters by leaping into his rabbit hole and tunneling to safety. Unhappily he tunnels into the Sing Song prison where a sadistic prison guard named Sam Schultz refuses to accept that he's anything but one of the prisoners. Soon Bugs is in stripes, but it's the guard who will find prison life to be hell when Bugs Bunny is around to trick him into a cell, the hangman's noose, an electric chair and even into the warden's office, where Bugs will put a severe strain on the relationship between boss and underling. Finally, Sam decides that enough is enough.


Sylvester Cat spots Tweety Bird in a San Francisco apartment and tries to gain access but cannot make it past Granny or the cat-hating desk clerk.


Yosemite Sam tries to force Bugs Bunny to do a high-diving act when the regular act cancels.


Sylvester Cat starts to saw down Tweety Bird's house. Tweety flees into a badminton court, where he becomes the birdie in the game. Sylvester disguises himself as a player, and Tweety drops a TNT stick into Sylvester's mouth.


Elmer Fudd takes in Sylvester Cat and an orange kitten during a cold winter night. He'd like to adopt them both but can only keep one. He decides to go to bed and make up his mind in the morning. Sylvester and the kitten both want to be the one who is adopted. So, each tries to "frame" the other for misdeeds in hopes of swaying Elmer's decision in their favor. The noise escalates to the point that all three- Sylvester, the kitten, and Elmer too- are evicted and must scrounge for food in trash cans.


Humphrey Bogart visits the Mocrumbo Restaurant. He orders fried rabbit and Elmer Fudd has twenty minutes to serve it.


Thomas the cat finds Tweety in the snow, warming himself by a cigar butt. Thomas's mistress rescues the little yellow bird before her cat can devour him, but Thomas doesn't give up.


Bugs Bunny relates his early life in the Manhattan tenements and spotlights his encounter with a gang of canine toughs.


A baseball game is going on in New York City, at the Polo Grounds (although the rooftop facade is more suggestive of Yankee Stadium), between the visiting "Gas-House Gorillas" and the home team, the "Tea Totallers". The game is not going well for the Tea Totallers, as the Gorillas, a bunch of oversized, roughneck players, are not only dominating the Tea Totallers, made up of old men, but intimidating the umpire by knocking him into the ground like a tent peg after an unpopular judgment. The Gorillas' home runs go screaming out of the ballpark (literally) and the batters form a conga line, with each hitter knocking a ball out.


Daffy sneaks onto the Warmer Brothers lot, eventually posing as a tour guide. Daffy spoofs a number of contemporary stars, and others appear as "themselves". He also has a number of run-ins with a studio cop.


The Looney Tunes Golden Collection is a series of six four-disc DVD box sets from Warner Home Video, each containing about 60 Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies animated shorts. The series began on October 28, 2003 and ended on October 21, 2008.