Héctor Godoy

After crossing the river, Mauricio has a hard time finding work, so he throws in with a gang of cocaine smugglers.

A whacked out scientist is capturing wrestlers (because they are "perfect") and using their spinal fluid to create a Gill Man. Two cops call in Batwoman to investigate. She steals aboard the baddies boat , uncovers his mad plan, but she is discovered and during a scuffle our hero tosses acid in the scientists face. This doesn't sit too well with the dude and he seeks revenge. His plan, capture her and turn her into a Gill Woman!


Man with fatal illness encourages wife and best friend to have fun together.


The story of The Last Hours of Jesus Christ.


Series western -- cowboy hero "Martin Romero, el Rapido."

Cowboy-justice guy breaks up a criminal gang who are terrorizing a small town with the appearance of vampire activity.

A group of would-be beneficiaries gather for the reading of a will, and discover that they must spend the night in a spooky castle to gain their inheritance. A spooky housekeeper and a man who seems to be a vampire are just two of the obstacles that might deter them.


Half-dozen comic actors in a spooky house.


Variation on Zorro. Lawyer disguises himself to fight crime, using his secret identity to work on clearing a client and himself of criminal charges.

An apostate member of the ruling class renounces hs privulege and lives among the peons, educating them toward readiness for the Mexican Revolution.Unfortunately, the rival landowner's beautiful daughter.


Cowboy heroics. With masks on.

A landowner dies of disgust when his rival makes him believe that he has legally taken away his property.

Four young ladies, four fiances, nine crises. Then, the big day.


Family with young-adult children returns to Mexico after many years in Spain.


Teresa is a beautiful and intelligent young woman, desperately seeking to leave the grinding poverty of the neighborhood where she lives.


Three high-school girls prepare for the most beautiful night of their lives omg.


Ambitious non-starter gets a job as a bill-collector at a beauty-products company and tries to bluff his way into a management position, then tries a couple of other business schemes with minimal success.


A young professional hires a sex-worker to pass as his wife in a situation that requires him to seem married. Later they think about getting married for reals... but mostly they just recite monologues to each other.


One of the boys is a radical, one's a playboy, and the girls want to get jobs first before they think about marriage! Mom and Pop have their own #firstworldproblems.


Woman becomes a prostitute so her writer BF can concentrate on his art instead of working for a living.


Dead man's will reveals he had three wives.
