Héctor Ríos

The film revolves around the concept of soap opera. Its structure is based on the assumption that Chilean reality does not exist, but rather is an ensemble of soap operas.


A Chilean teacher, Ramiro, is sentenced to internal exile in a southern town where tidal waves often appear. He falls for a woman, Maite, whose father asks him to take her away. Although he gets his freedom he doesn't leave and when the water rises, Maite and her father die, and Ramiro flees to the hills.


Portable Country is a venezuelan film based on the novel of the same name, written by Adriano González León, whose theme is inspired on a central character, Andrés Barazarte, who is a law student at the Universidad Central de Venezuela in 70s and he engages in urban guerrillas of those years.


A skilled worker has a sudden nervous breakdown at the company for which he has been working for the last 20 years. He attacks the machines and smashes the windows. The company decides to have him undergo treatment with a well-known young psychiatrist. She will try to bring light the reasons for his behavior so he can adapt himself to his work once again.


Documentary about colonialism in Venezuela.

Gilberto, a young man from the countryside, arrives in the city with the aim of carving out a future for himself. Initially he is dazzled by the sparkling image of the city, the spoiler of civilization, which will batter him until his personality undergoes a radical change.


A guerrilla group arrives in an indigenous community of the Peruvian sierra with the intention of recruiting volunteers.


Through the testimony of the victims of the Brazilian dictatorship, and the re-creation of the practices to which they were subjected, the torture suffered by the Brazilian political detainees in their country is denounced. Restored version.

A documentary about the consequences of consuming alcohol and how it works as a weapon of the bourgeoisie to appease the thirst of the people.


This stark Chilean melodrama concerns itself with the plight of slum dwellers living outside Santiago. For many years they have, with great difficulty, been faithfully paying small sums to a real estate man. This man has said that by doing so they can obtain title to the miniscule plots of land their houses stand on. In fact, he has been swindling them and does not even own the land he has been "selling." One of the aggrieved slum dwellers confronts him about this while he is visiting the slum, and the real estate agent shoots him before everyone's eyes. The question confronting these witnesses is whether testifying against this monster will make their lives even more precarious.


In support of the victory of the Unidad Popular, artists create a mural on the Paseo Bulnes, located in front of the Palacio la Moneda. Among the muralists are José Balmes, Gracia Barros and Guillermo Núñez.

A foreign journalist arrives on a small Pacific island 200 miles off the coast of South America. Once a leper colony, the island was later transformed into a prison and then, under U.N. mandate, made into an independent republic. Yet despite democratic structures, the inhabitants--who speak a strange dialect composed of Spanish and English--still obey the old prison rules. After sending back detailed accounts of the torture and repression seen everywhere, the journalist realizes that she"s fallen into the trap created for her by the islanders: lacking natural resources, the island"s main export is news. The clearest anticipation of Ruiz"s later European work, The Penal Colony is a powerful document of the tensions and contradictions in Chile in the months before Allende"s electoral victory.


Based on an actual murder case that ignited a furious debate over the death penalty in Chile in 1960, this experimental social drama portrays the life and death of an illiterate peasant who, while drunk, murdered the woman with whom he had a relationship and her five children.


A collage of images showing the two faces of a society. That of poverty and that of wealth. Throughout the documentary, this antagonism is shown: populations in unhealthy conditions, and on the other hand, large showcases with mannequins.

This documentary shows the inhuman conditions on which the patients of Iquique's Psychiatric Hospital live.


Feature film that wraps, through Jorge Lillo's text, three short films by Helvio Soto

A poet recites his verses. The people who listen to him, inspired by him, form the Spring Party, which later becomes the Spring Army. It is decided to eliminate possible opponents. The poet is considered an enemy and is shot.

A docudrama based on the family planning policies for the population with limited resources. A low-income lady resorts to clandestine ways to get an abortion...

Two guerrillas (Miguel Littin and Jorge Guerra) wander lost in the desert until one of them dies. A jeep appears in the distance to rescue the survivor, but unable to read the signs of comradeship pointed out to him by the drivers of the vehicle, he shoots them.

A maid loses all her jobs because her son cries at night, and that bothers her bosses. The play portrays the wandering and desperation of the protagonist to get a job, which ends in her failed attempts due to the "Angelito".

A poetic film that records the excavations carried out by Swiss ethnologist Jean Christian Spahni at the mouth of the Loa River. Through the bone remains and objects found, the testimony of the Chango indigenous people is revealed.

A boy goes to his friend's funeral procession. When he realizes that his grave does not have flowers like the others, and that he does not have money to buy them, he goes out looking for some in the streets of Santiago.


A family on the brink of bankruptcy decides to do dirty jobs undercover by the government to overcome their condition.