Heinz Marecek

A documentary directed by Wolfgang Liemberger.

The vet Markus received the offer of taking over an animal centre in Africa. There he mets Arianne, a woman who is going through a troubled marriage.


German/Austrian-TV-movie with Hansi Hinterseer.


Die Bergwacht is a German mountain rescue television series, broadcast since 26 November, 2009 on ZDF.


The story of Napoleon Bonaparte's grandniece, the famous Princess Marie, her friendship and her work with Sigmund Freud.


After the death of his spouse Robert Senden,professor of literature in Graz (Austria) has become a solitary man.His housekeeper, the Italian Maria hardly tolerates his pedantry.Suddenly Maria must travel to Italy for family reasons and Robert Senden will take care of Rick, Maria's godchild till Thomas, the father of Ricky can come for him.But bad news Thomas had an accident and stays now in an hospital.Ricky is desperate and escape from Graz to Italy and Robert Senden will follow him and now begins some days of rest in the house of Maria's mother.


Half-Italian Gioia loves Max, but leaves her son's son to cheat her as a fiancé. When Mama invites the family to the Italian winery for Grandpa's 80th birthday, the feelings are on the table alongside pasta, pesto and vino, because Gioia happens to meet Max again ...


SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2001. The German abbreviation SOKO stands for Sonderkommission, "special commission", a task force with specific duties.


Die Neue – Eine Frau mit Kaliber is a German television series.


A bodyswitch comedy directed by Cyril Frankel.


The (male) members of the "Fussballclub Reith" are so focused on their passion for football playing that their neglected wives plot against them to "force" them back into fulfilling their "marital duties"...

A politically naive Viennese butcher (Bockerer) manages to survive the Nazi occupation of Austria and the second world war.


Die liebe Familie is an Austrian television series.

"Fredrik Egerman is very happy in his marriage to a seventeen-year-old virgin, Anne. Only she's been a virgin for the whole eleven months of the marriage, and being a bit restless, Fredrik goes to see an old flame, the famous actress Desiree Armfeldt. Desiree is getting tired of her life, and is thinkin of settling down, and sets her sights on Fredrik, despite his marriage, and her own married lover Count Carl-Magnus. She gets her mother to invite the Egermans to her country estate for the weekend. But when Carl-Magnus and his wife Charlotte appear, too, things begin to get farcical (Send in the Clowns), and the night must smile for the third time before all the lovers are united." Written by Kathy Li


Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk is an Austrian television series. Schwejk is a bumbling fool (he claims to have been discharged from the army on the grounds of being a certified idiot) but manages to outwit his superiors and his arch nemesis, the secret policeman "Bretschneider" with hilarious results. Set during the first world war, it follow Schwejks adventures as a recruit in the Austro-Hungarian army.


Adi (Admitos) is under the protection of Apollo, the son of a man with money and relationships. The two are in jail, suspected of murder, but without evidence. So they are released. Adi loves Claudia (Alkeste), the domestic partner of his arch enemy, who finds death in a - metaphysical - duel. The power of Apollo is with Adi, who subsequently even finds out how to overcome death, after the apocalypse.