Helen Gilmore

The gang is participating in a program sponsored by the Golden Age Dramatic League. They present their own fractured version of Quo Vadis. Things go from bad to worse when the neighborhood tough kids disrupt the show. The pie fight is given a new twist by use of some slow motion sequences.


Ray Sturgis, leader of the fashionable Long Island jazz set, is engaged to "Egypt" Hagen, an up-to-date girl in every respect. Egypt is arrested at a roadhouse raid, and at her mother's bidding, the Reverend Norman Lodge arranges for her freedom. At a fancy-dress ball, when Ray wears a costume made of newspaper headlines concerning her arrest, Egypt is offended. Seen constantly in the company of Reverend Lodge, her reputation causes church people to take up the matter with the bishop. Leaving the country club, Egypt goes to the Lodge home and hides behind the door when the bishop arrives; Reverend Lodge wants to marry her, and they admit their love; but humiliation causes her to leave with Sturgis that night. Their yacht is wrecked, but Lodge and the bishop follow and rescue Egypt, though Sturgis is drowned. The bishop, realizing the depth of their love, consents to marry them.


Short comedy which posits that in a hundred years men's styles will revert to Regency garb, and that there will be a complete gender role reversal, with husband Clyde Cook staying home alone while wife Katherine Grant goes tomcatting around town.


A young man puts on the play "Romeo and Juliet" as a fundraiser, but has to keep a close eye on his dad, who's had several drinks too many, and a pesky cab driver who's determined to collect his fare.


Casper is the baby-expert at a large department store and his life is less than peaceful as he provides much amusement for the babies at his own expense. On Sunday, he and his wife go on a picnic with the neighbors and hoe comes home on his day of rest with three traffic tickets and numerous stings from the hornets he failed to amuse.


A female secret agent has gotten ahold of a new type of explosive gas. She has to avoid the efforts of two men who are trying to steal it. They succeed in doing so, but the gas turns out to be not quite what they expected.


A very good as a faithful husband, whose wife is looking for proof that more than his eyes have been roving. She hires a private detective to provide it.


Jimmy Jump is asked by the Swedish Government to translate for educational purposes "Little Red Riding Hood", but he can't afford to buy the book, so he tries reading it at the book shop, something the owner doesn't like. But with a little help by the owner's wife it is not impossible, even when the book is bought by somebody else, put in a car and the car is stolen...


aka Billy, the Ford Buster


A few moments before Charley is going to marry, a friend, gives him an anonymous note, stating that the bride has a wooden leg.


As a way to make peace between two feuding Scottish clans, one invites the other over for supper, but things don't turn out quite as expected.


Charley Chase comedy.


A shy cowboy is interested in the local school teacher, but must compete with a bully for her attention.


Jimmy Jump brings his bride to a new bungalow home, selected and furnished by him. All the neighbors come to call that first evening. The man next door is a builder who considers the construction of Jimmy's bungalow far below par. To emphasize his point he pulls down pillars, pokes holes in the floor and uproots the plumbing. When the guests depart the new house is a wreck.

Jimmy Jump is a coward. Everyone and everything makes him afraid. He cowers from the neighborhood children, even though he's old enough to be their father. He is terrified of Lem Tucker, who is his rival for the heart of Dorothy. Only when he mistakenly believes he is about to die does Jimmy find courage. But will it last?


A prosecutor instructs the audience of a courtroom to observe the tearful and slightly hysterical wife (Helen Gilmore) who is sitting in the witness box, and claims she is this way due to her husband, who shows up very infrequently. For the defence (James Finlayson), he never did anything to be proud of - and was proud of it. He sits there smirking and sipping a glass of water before being momentarily distracted. He goes to take another sip of his drink but instead picks up a different glass containing something very different.


'Snub' Pollard as a eccentric movie director.

The setting is a shoe store and the action is pretty frenetic. You get to see Paul lose the store's money, catch a shoe thief, knock down a bunch of shelves and more.


When a store clerk organizes a contest to climb the outside of a tall building, circumstances force him to make the perilous climb himself.


Paul Parrott plays an obsessive-compulsive bill poster in this thoroughly average Hal Roach comedy from 1923. Hired to help publicize a new Gloria Snootful picture, Paul goes bonkers with glue and paper and ends up attaching promotional material to any surface within his reach, including the rear ends of a number of people, though his attempt to nail a poster to a glass window is somewhat less successful.


A 1922 modern Western

Dangerous Paths is a 1921 silent film

Young doctor Bradley Yates has been trying to come up with a serum to counteract blood poisoning, with no results. Exhausted, he takes a rest in the Blue Ridge Mountains and stays in a small mountain community. When a young schoolteacher comes to town a romance develops between her and Bradley, but the local gossips have spread rumors that he has seduced Talithy, a local girl, and will abandon her for the teacher. Complications ensue.


A wife plots to keep her husband at home.


A young adventurer trades places with a European prince and falls in love above his station.


After a wild bachelor party, our hero finds himself aboard a sailing vessel where he encounters numerous adventures. In a dream sequence, he fantasizes that the ship is seized by a band of female pirates.


A young playwright spends his last cent to pay the past-due rent for the pretty dancer who's his boarding house next-door neighbor. Soon after, he winds up at a gambling club, where he wins big - just before a police raid.


Harold Lloyd & 'Snub' Pollard out among the wild life....


It's a classic boy-meets-girl story, boy-loses-girl, boy gets mistaken for an escaped convict and ruthlessly chased by armies of cops across the countryside in a thrill-packed stunt-addled climax.


In this early short Harold Lloyd sneaks into a movie studio in order to locate an attractive young lady he's just met at a snack bar. He's retrieved a letter she dropped and wants to return it to her, but it's pretty clear that his interest extends beyond mere politeness. (She's the adorable young Bebe Daniels, so this is easy to understand.) The movie studio setting provides Harold with lots of opportunities to do what comedians do in comedies like this one: flirt with actresses, anger the studio brass, and dash through sets disrupting everything.


A short film starring Harold Lloyd.

Our hero is a janitor in a old age rest home who actually runs the place.

Our hero gets a job at a hotel in the country and proceeds to introduce some changes, installing gadgets and time-saving devices.


A short film starring Harold Lloyd.

Tom promises his sweetheart, Vicky, that he will stop drinking. He falls in with boon companions, however, and in a saloon brawl, he accidentally shoots Ned, his pal. The sheriff and Vicky's brother find that Ned was only stunned by the bullet. At a rodeo, Tom meets the sheriff, who arrests Tom for the shooting of Ned.

A young girl, Anemone ( Mary Pickford ), who lives with her Aunt ( Ida Waterman ) is abducted by a crude family of Virginia mountain moonshiners. A fight between two of the young male relatives decides who will marry the girl. Lancer ( James Kirkwood ) is the winner and marries Anemone against her will. She is reunited some time later with her Aunt, but when she learns Lancer is in dire trouble she returns and stays by his side, realizing she had always been in love with him.