Helge Skoog

What a wonderful summer evening by the sea. A delicious dinner, a drink on the terrace and the weather gets warmer and warmer.

Far beneath the sea, a scientist and his assistant find a strange object. The assistant is very curious, and the scientist tries to answer his many questions.

Hör och häpna! De gamla kumpanerna Ragnar Vanheden och Dynamit Harry har bestämt sig för att bli...hederliga. Därför har de startat AB Alltjänst. Doris arbetar naturligtvis som firmans sekreterare. En dag blir Ragnar och Harry kontaktade av en äldre dam som erbjuder dem ett aningen originellt uppdrag: att bevaka Kungliga Operan i Stockholm.Den gamla damen har emellertid ett kriminellt förflutet. Och inte nog med det - hon är ocksp Sickans mormor! Och som inte detta skulle räcka, bor även Sickans lillebror, Sven-Ingvar, kvar hemma hos mormor! Det visar sig att den gamle ärkeskurken Wall-Enberg tänker lägga beslag på Operans hela Eu bidrag i maskopi med den avgående Operachefen och en italiensk kumpan med djupa förgreningar i den sicilianska maffian. Nu gäller det för Jönssonligan - förlåt - AB Alltjänst att hinna före. Och det blir bråttom...oerhört bråttom!


Cluedo was a Swedish television game show based on the board game of the same name. It was hosted by Martin Timell and broadcast on TV4.


Aired in December on the Swedish channel SVT as their Christmas Calender series of 1989. The Story follows private eye Ture Sventon as he solves crimes in Lingonboda, the Arabian desert, London, and Stockholm. His secretary Ms. Jansson and good friend Mr. Omar aids him in the constant battle against his arch enemy Vilhelm Vessla. Based on the books by Åke Holmberg.


Barbro has a sister in secret, a twin sister named Ylva-Li. Ylva-Li lives under a rose bush, but not any rose bush. It is Salikos roses. When Barbro feels lonely and like her family doesn't care about her she can disappear into the hole under the roses. This day, Barbro and her sister are going on a journey. A long journey to the most beautiful valley in the world.


At dawn on June 22, 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union. On the same morning, Germany demanded permission from the Swedish government to transport 18,000 German soldiers from Norway to Finland across Sweden by railway. This was a difficult problem for the Swedish government. On one hand remaining friendly with Germany at the height of its power, on the other maintaining a strict neutrality. The Swedish cabinet meet in Stockholm to decide upon the best reply to the German demands.


The real horror is worse than - than a horror film, worse than - than the worst horror film. A story about some who are producing horror and special effects.


A melodrama with humor about an actress who makes a comeback.

"Life and Death" - A female reporter intended to go on a reporting trip about childbirth to Japan, declines the offer. Instead, she visits a maternity hospital in Sweden. She meets a doctor, who she has been in love for 15 years.


A bunch of homeless people becomes interested in a rehab facility for alcoholics, run by a religious foundation. They think it will be an easy and comfortable stay/cure to sober up and get fat. But they don't know what they are getting themselves into. The staff at the foundation are very eager to treat the newcomers.


The King is about to visit a small town, and everyone is excited to prepare for the event. Everyone but Egon Karlsson, vice municipal commissioner and and member of the Republican Association.


This is a comedy about people who work in the theater, live for the theater, think of nothing but the theater. The director seems crazy, the art director has idiotic ideas, and the acting coach is eccentric: they even look like brothers, related by their common obsession for the theater, linked as one with the actors. The new project is Mozart's Don Giovanni, in which the director insists to give it a brand new interpretation and an avant-garde treatment. Now, he has to deal with the violent objection from the actors, the musicians, the singing coach, the stage manager, and even the cafe bar attendants and the cleaners. The situation is further complicated as the director is such a womanizer like Don Juan... and his lovers and kids keep bugging him throughout the rehearsal...


This partly autobiographical film by Suzanne Osten is about the young film critic Gerd, who dream of interviewing actors like Jean Gabin and Jean-Louis Barrault and to one day direct a movie.


Mania is a new employee at a mental hospital, where she meets a young man with mutism. He gets her to realize that it is a fluid boundary between being healthy and being regarded as sick.


Sofia has lived in the small town Falköping during her childhood. Since she left her hometown she has become an famous international actress. Now she longs to return to the playgrounds of her childhood, and meet old friends


Bertil "Engeln" Engelbrecht is tired of working for his half-brother's detective agency. After being released from prison his girlfriend Maggie begs him to find another job. But leaving his prior work is harder than Bertil thought.


Latvian soldiers seek political asylum in Sweden after their country falls under Russian control at the end of World War II. They had been forced into military service by the Nazis to fight against the Russians. Fearing reprisals from the Russians for fighting against them, they struggle desperately to stay in Sweden. After a hunger strike, suicides, and political intervention by Sweden fails to keep them from their former enemy, they are ultimately given over to the Russian authorities. The men are sentenced to hard labor in prison camps and later released, and Latvians are plunged into repression by the aftermath of the bloody war. The cycle of political unrest was still apparent more than 50 years after the conflict.


"The Man Who Lived his Life Over" - A drama about a person who gets the opportunity many dream of, to relive his life. In his past he committed a crime. It must not happen again. Now everything will surely be different.

Classic Swedish mini-series about time traveling children.
