Helli Servi

With Christoph Waltz


Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk is an Austrian television series. Schwejk is a bumbling fool (he claims to have been discharged from the army on the grounds of being a certified idiot) but manages to outwit his superiors and his arch nemesis, the secret policeman "Bretschneider" with hilarious results. Set during the first world war, it follow Schwejks adventures as a recruit in the Austro-Hungarian army.


An Austrian version of the famous farce Charley's Aunt. A man impersonates his own aunt.


The actors Heinz Doll, Hans Stiegler and Werner Mack have failed to look after the end of the last season in time for a new commitment and are now unemployed. Since they are just right that the Salzburg mountain hotel "Zum Blaue Enzian" staff looking for.


This movie takes place during the premiere of Mozart's Die Zauberfloete (The Magic Flute). Not really depicting his entire life and loves, much of this is fictionalized scatology. Although not without basis in fact, Mozart has attained a somewhat colorful reputation and this is really just more of the same. The music is a joy, but the movie bogs down in titillation. Mozart's last days were lived in poverty and disgrace--stemming chiefly from his embracing of the Freemason stance, which was essentially a heresy in Austria and the rest of Europe at that time. None of this is depicted and even a satyr could not sustain the lifestyle Mozart has been portrayed as having here. Still, this is an interesting movie and worth a listen to.
