Heloísa Périssé

The life story of Brazilian actress Dercy Gonçalves, told from her childhood days in the countryside of Rio de Janeiro all the way to her stardom.


Brazil Avenue is a dynamic, lifelike, and modern telenovela that reveals how unrelenting ambition and inflicted cruelty can change a young girl’s destiny and lead her to seek revenge.


Tati is a typical teenager, unable to learn mathematics, but very intelligent when creating plans to escape the punishment of the mother. During the summer, she needs to hide that she has to do math classes to improve her grades, conquer Zeca, the most popular boy in school and also care for the heartache of her mother, who wants to try to find a new love.


Three young friends, Tita, Mari and Aninha decide to change their situations and travel to a beach place for a weekend. On the road, they meet Estrella, a hippie that wants a hide to try to find her unknown father. Together, they will live hilarious, absurd and moving situations. More than a change the air, they change themselves.


Cama de Gato is a Brazilian soap opera broadcast by the Globo network.


During a summer camp, a group of children fight for their lives as they encounter a dangerous criminal transformed into a crocodile, searching for a sacred luck charm which can bring him back to his human form.


The story of two couples who are neighbors and the marital problems caused by the unexpected arrival of two important personages of their past. The first couple, Carlos and Ana, live on the seventh floor of a building. Ana feels she's entitled to more love than her husband is willing to give. Suddenly, an old friend, Tomás, reappears after many years away and stays at their house. Andréa and Miguel live in the building across the street and are also going through a marriage crisis. In a party, they meet Cláudia, Miguel's first girlfriend, and she has no place to stay. Naturally, she's invited to sleep at their place. The presence of the two newcomers will cause many changes in their relationships.


Ingrid Guimarães and Heloísa Périssé give life to different women, always involved in extreme situations in nine short stories.


Lisbela is a young woman who loves going to the movies. Leléu is a con man, going from town to town selling all sort of things and performing as master of ceremonies for some cheesy numbers, such as the woman who gets transformed into a gorilla. He gets involved with Linaura, a sexy and beautiful woman who happens to be the wife of the most frightening hitman of the place. The hitman finds out his wife's affair and goes after Leléu, who has to leave in a hurry. In another town, he meets and falls instantly in love with Lisbela, who is engaged to Douglas, a hillbilly who tries hard to pass for a cosmopolitan Rio de Janeiro dweller.


Sofia goes to her cousin Matheus's to take care of his two children, Júlia and Lucas, while he goes to a party. She finds a magic book, which transports them to a Magic Forest, where they meet some fairytale characters such as Pinocchio and Little Red Riding Hood. But their presence starts interfering with the original stories, and so Matheus tries to bring them back to the real world.


The life of Brazilian actress Odete Lara, muse of the movement called Cinema Novo in Brazil, who exchanged stardom for a quiet and religious life.


An attractive, 30-year-old successful graphic designer with a captivating personality hasn't had a good date in over a year, and she's not alone - her best friends share the same problem. They all dream about finding their prince charming and all too often settle for the frog. At the agency, instead of Mr. Right, Laura meets Miguel, a blue-collar, and Tiago, an irresistible, compulsive womanizer.


The fun and inspiring journey of a woman, from her 8 to 40 years of age, in search of herself and her own pursuit of happiness. When pressured by her family and society, Suzi becomes different from the sensitive girl she once was. Throughout the years, she interacts with different contemporary feminine archetypes: the married woman, the woman who has attitude, the intelligent woman, the successful woman, the depressed woman, the enlightened woman and the desperate woman. Until she meets with her aunt Suely, the free woman, who makes her revisit her story and connect with her past. Suzi stops living in a way to make others happy and goes back to being her own self. A delicate comedy about a woman, who gets tired of corresponding to others 'expectations and goes after fulfillment in her own terms.