Helvécio Ratton

For decades, thousands of patients were hospitalized forcibly, without diagnosis of mental illness, in an enormous hospice in the city of Barbacena, Minas Gerais, southeast of Brazil. There they were tortured, raped and killed without anyone caring about their fate. Famous journalists, in the 1960s and 70s, made reports denouncing the ill-treatment. None of them - as Daniela Arbex does now - could tell the whole story. Sixty thousand died. Some managed to survive. And they now tell a little about the terrifying history of the Cologne Hospital.


In São Paulo, in the late 1960s, the convent of the Dominican friars became a trench of resistance to the military dictatorship that governs Brazil. Moved by Christian ideals, frets Betto, Oswaldo, Fernando, Ivo and Tito came to support the guerrilla group Ação Libertadora Nacional, commanded by Carlos Marighella.


Based on the true story of four friends who decide to install a communal pirate radio station called Rádio Favela in a shanty-town, to give voice to the outcasts' complaints.


The principal character in Helvécio Ratton's delightful film has been adapted from a book and comic created by the Brazilian cartoonist Ziraldo, and tells the tale of a happy-go-lucky 10-year-old child growing up in a city in the 60s.


Mr. Kapa and his assistant meet Iara, a mythical being, in a river with purple waters. Geléia, the assistant, fills a bottle with this magic water and makes three puppets turn alive.
