Henrik Bjerregaard Clausen

In a strange, dark asylum, a brilliant physicist with no memory, sits incarcerated. One thing occupies his mind: escaping - to what or where, he has no clue. Haunted day and night, by creatures that roam the halls - or his imagination, he scribbles equations on every surface of his his cell. Not knowing whether he is insane, or on to something truly groundbreaking, every combination of symbols etched onto the walls might be the key to his escape, or just his madness laughing back at him. One day he has a breakthrough.


A terrifying coven of tales designed to take viewers into the nether reaches of insanity, shock and horror.


Marvin has the most boring job in the universe. But all is not as it seems.


In the grey city of Nordby, where they fear everything blue, lives the hotel receptionist Anne. She dreams of becoming one of The Grey, the city's protectors. One night Anne sees a blue cat by the hotel. She imminently calls The Grey to the scene, who unsuccessfully starts a mission to catch the cat. Meanwhile, a young and colourful couple, Al & Chris, arrive at the hotel. Their different way of looking at the world and dangers of the blue cat challenges Anne's faith in The Grey. When the cat suddenly gets caught in a trap near the hotel, Anne has to decide whether she wants to free it and leave the city, or turn it in to The Grey and keep following the city's strict code.