Henrik Thodesen

How funny could it be when Norwegian comedians doing normal everyday things? That's something Odd-Magnus and Henrik want to find out.

In Western Europe, on the west side of Scandinavia, on the west side of Oslo, is the greatest place on earth - Smestad. This is where Tina and Bettina lives, the most popular teen girls in high school. With a teen life filled with blogging, boys and parties, everything is great for the girls, right up until they stand before a terrible problem - immigration.


Glenn has been dumped by his girlfriend. He is lonely, and terribly difficult to deal with. To cheer him up, his buddies get a brilliant idea. How about organizing a fakte audtion for a non-existing feature film?


From their booth, two sports announcers, Thomas and Rune, take us to the bedroom of Stian, on Park Street in Olso, where the big question is, can Stian rouse himself from sleep and get to work on time.
