Henry G. Sell

This 15 chapter serial is considered to be "the last of the adult serials". Produced in Wilkes-Barre, PA., it has crisp editing, fast action, and carefully lit and composed interiors and lush pictorial exteriors. This is a serial of great complexity with the director, the photographer and title-maker always in absolute control. The extraordinary rhythmic momentum of the film is never lost despite the films complex plot turns. This is the best of the surviving serials from the silent era.


A drama about twin sisters Daisy and Violet, who grow up unaware of each other's existence, one with their wealthy father and the other with their poor mother. The two sisters are manipulated by a criminal.


A beautiful young woman is a daring master thief. She meets the young millionaire Thomas Babbington Norton, while fleeing from the scene of her latest theft.


Directed by George B. Seitz.

Only Episode 7, "The Hooded Helper," of this 20-Episode Serial is known to survive. All other episodes are believed to be lost.


Free Air is a 1922 American silent comedy drama film directed by Edward H. Griffith and starring Tom Douglas, Marjorie Seaman and Henry G. Sell. It is an adaptation of the 1919 novel "Free Air" by Sinclair Lewis.