Hensy Pichardo

An American scientist up to no good (as usual) by creating the half-pterodactyl, half-barracuda: Pteracuda. When the creature inevitably escapes, it's up to Sharktopus to stop him.


In the future, nations have been replaced by Projects that are managed like corporations. Neighborhoods are Quadrants that closely monitored by the supervisors of the Projects and these are led by a man named BLAS. Productivity at all costs is at the core of the new society. Against this backdrop, ROSA Santos, a university student, falls in love with DANIEL, another student from a lesser Quadrant, much to the dismay of her mother. Rosa's mother will stop at nothing to better hers and her daughter's life including forcing her to marry an influential member of the Supervisors, Stefano GRAVELLI, a move that unleashes a series of events that will drag Rosa and Daniel into a conflict of political intrigue and danger.


A young girl named Andrea unleashes a spirit after removing a cross on a sacred holy ground cemetery. The spirit starts terrorizing Andrea and her family. Andrea's family, witch doctors, and spiritual healers battle the spirit in attempts to return to a normal life.
