Herbert Dirmoser

Eight space cargo-ships disappear without a trace within three days. And the orbit station "Margot" has suddenly fallen silent. The space council is faced with a mystery and the scientist in charge, Maria Scholl, sees no other solution than ordering a total flight stop to this mysterious sector of space. Her colleague, Prof. Tal seems to be suspicious since he knows things before they are even released. A forbidden look into his personal file brings to light that Tal was part of the Eolomea project that never found approval of the commission in charge.


First DEFA "western" establishing Gojko Mitić's stardom portraying Native Americans.


At the beginning of the 1960s, a German turns up on behalf of the NATO in the British village of Rocksmouth. NATO wants to establish a naval base in Rocksmouth, but first, the German envoy has to salvage an old ship wreck. In 1942, the "Princess of India" was supposed to bring children to safety in Canada but was sunk by a German submarine at departure. 58 people were killed, most of them children. Diver Bill Smith is one of the survivors of the catastrophe. Although he just got engaged to Bessy who wants to leave this dark chapter behind her Bill starts to investigate. He finds out that the German envoy is Eberhard Wedel, the captain of the submarine that torpedoed the "Princess of India". Soon after, Wedel is found dead in the lake. Now, a trial is set up to find out if Bill is the responsible for Wedel’s death.

Young Kuttel belongs to a group of working-class children who live in Berlin at the beginning of the 1930s. In the big summer holidays in 1931, the children want to make a race with their model boats and choose as a venue for the small artificial water in the park of their neighborhood. All children in the area are invited to participate in the competition. But there is a traitor among them, who tells the company to the local police officers, who in any case look with arrogance on the "Reds"...

A military officer falls sick because of test runs of atomic bombs.


The Italian mountaineer Carel wants to be the first man to stand on the top of the Matterhorn. Since the climb is very difficult, he agrees to try it together with the British mountaineer Whymper. But due to an intrigue this agreement is dropped and the two man try it on the same day with two different teams and then disaster strikes.
