Herbert Stass

Two Berlin archetypes - Harald Juhnke and Günter Pfitzmann - convince in this touching big-city fairy tale in insistent roles as typical Berlin characters with everyday wit, temperament and improvisational talent.


Der Havelkaiser is a German television series.


Sie kommen aus Agarthi is a German television series.

Reconstruction of the murder of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg and the following farcical military court procedures.


Part Seven in Jerry Cotton Series. The FBI agent tackles an organisation of assassins who kill to order.


After two British Secret Intelligence Service agents are murdered at the hands of a cryptic neo-Nazi group known as Phoenix, the suave agent Quiller is sent to Berlin to investigate.


a tv-movie by Rainer Erler


a tv-movie by Rainer Erler


"Wunderbar" takes on a new meaning in this routine satire by Bernhard Wicki about a bar that is miraculously transported by God Himself to a nearby, new location on an island. The nature of the miracle is a bit strange, but it comes in answer to Pater Malachias' prayers to get the sin-ridden place out of the center of the city. The good and naive Malachias is subtly played by Horst Bollimann. Once this miracle of relocation has occurred, the sharks and entrepreneurs, who would bilk both the faithful and the curiosity-seekers alike, crop up like an unwanted epidemic. The mercenary and the sacred clash, as many try to find deeper meaning in what has happened, and Pater Malachias starts to doubt the wisdom of his original prayer.


A disillusioned Wehrmacht officer named Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg and his co-conspirators attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler on 20 July 1944.


A movie by Wolfgang Staudte

Hans Albers plays returning war veteran Hans Richter who has trouble finding work. With nowhere else to turn, Richter gets involved with black market activities. This so disgusts Richter's son, blind ex-soldier Edwin (Paul Edwin Roth), that the boy literally disowns his father. Hans eventually mends his ways, but not before several other devastating setbacks.
