Herbert Vesely

A portrait of Austrian artist Gustav Klimt whose lavish, sexual paintings came to symbolize the art nouveau style of the late 19th and early 20th century.


In 1912, in Austria, the painter Egon Schiele is sent to jail accused of pornography with the nymphet Tatjana in his erotic paints. His mate, the model Vally, gets help from a famous lawyer to release him. Then he leaves Vally, marries with another woman and goes to the war.


A young German man who has just arrived in America, hopes to get over the collapse of his marriage. However, he soon discovers that his ex-wife is pursuing him.


Diary of a Disease - prophesied that all psychiatric experience speaks against the described spontaneous healing. The next depression is determined.

In a fictitious European city known as Padukgrad, where a government arises following the rise of a philosophy known as "Ekwilism", which discourages the idea of anyone being different from anyone else, and promotes the state as the prominent good in society.


Brother and sister meet again after 15 years and fall in love with each other.


A young electrical engineer, engaged to his boss's daughter and on the way to a secure existence, breaks out of his usual life when he meets a childhood friend.


After a shoot, Ina Balke - who was a model at the time in Paris - strolls through the city's boutiques, galleries and hotels. At the same time, a spokesman announces Düsseldorf history and we see well-respected sights.

A short film by Vesely about the 'Folkwang School for Music, Dance, and Speech' located in Essen.

Vesely’s study on changing urbanity claims that "the Espresso has a democratic touch." Italy has expanded into Munich and instead of beer hall cellars, there are Cappuccinos, ice creams and tables in the open.


Short film about highways.

Debut by german film-maker Herbert Vesely.


And the children love to play soldiers. This 10-minute anti-war film lost to posterity was a very loose adaptation of Franz Kafka's short story In the Penal Colony. Vesely presents the execution of a prisoner of war as a serial event that happens over and over again, ad nauseum. As of this project, Tichat worked as set designer and occasional co-author for Vesely, here also appearing in front of the camera as an actor together with H.C. Artmann. Gerhard Ruhm contributed his Musique concrete to the soundtrack.