Hirokazu Inoue

Saori is a young woman struggling to make her way in life. Her gay father, Himiko, had abandoned Saori and her mother years before. Now her father's young lover Haruhiko shows up to tell Saori that her father is dying of cancer. Still angry with her father but in need of money, Saori travels to the House of Himiko, a nursing home established by her father for gay men. Over time, a tenuous relationship begins to develop between Saori, her father, and Haruhiko.


A mysterious and vengeful spirit marks and pursues anybody who dares enter the house in which it resides.


Shinji and Masaru spend most of their school days harassing fellow classmates and playing pranks. They drop out and Shinji becomes a small-time boxer, while Masaru joins up with a local Yakuza gang. However, the world is a tough place...


Assistant police inspector Aida is assigned to investigate the murder of a former gang member. When a justice ministry official is killed days later in a similar manner, he begins to suspect that something bigger is going on...


The patriarch of a bickering family announces his retirement, stirring competition about who will succeed him as a leading practitioner of Noh theater, his granddaughter or grandson.


A remake of the 1953 film of the same name.


After five years in prison Rei, a former call girl visits an old friend.


1980 Japanese film distributed by Shochiku.

A policeman is murdered and his gun, stolen, used to commit the next crime. Detective Kashiwagi, who is leading the investigation, learns that the author of the killings “walks like a dead man”. Kashiwagi runs into Date, a former correspondent in the Vietnam War. There, Date discovered hell and something snapped in his mind.


Nikkatsu Roman Porno

The story of a second rate detective asked to tail a mysterious woman who is cheating on her man.


Yasuji Hajima runs a butcher shop. When he was younger, he was just as interested in the sex as the next man but lately he has a hard time satisfying his wife who is still oversexed at her age. The Hajimas have one son, Shuichi, who is studying to enter Tokyo University. It is after he sees his parents acting in which he considers an odious manner that he changes entirely and raises the roof in every whichever way.

Akiko is the heir to a yakuza clan. Hitoshi, who has been kicked out of the rival Hono Clan after attempting to seduce Akiko, kidnaps her at the behest of Hanamura. Hanamura has formed a new gang and intends to use Akiko as a hostage to take over her clan's territory. During the torture and abuse sessions which follow, Akiko comes to enjoy the treatment and forsakes her gangland empire.


Roman Porno from 1977.


Two infantry regiments of the Imperial Japanese Army—210 men overall—tackled Mt. Hakkoda in the winter of 1902 to prepare for war with Russia.


During the latter part of World War II, Judge Murayama, head of the Japanese military police, uses his position to falsely accuse, capture, imprison and torture women in whom he is interested. Namiji Kikushima, a high-class business woman, is one such lady.


In the summer of 1947, various men and women gather at a mansion in the countryside at the invitation of Kazuma Utagawa. They are artists, novelists, poets, painters, playwrights, actresses, etc. Then the murders begin, one after another. The incident seemed to have no continuity...


Naomi Tani plays bar-owner Aki, whose entire world appears to be crumbing whenever she discovers her husband is having an affair along with her own mama. Truly the only individual she can trust is Iwasaki, the woman club supervisor. One time, she asks Iwasaki to accompay her to a company meeting with a trader Hanamatsu, the owner of a mannequin factory. At the warehouse, Miss Aki is abnormally aroused when she sees Hanamatsu toching the mannequins. She allows by herself to be seduced by the businessman…


A Nikkatsu Roman Porno movie

Yukichi Asano and Kiriko, his wife, love each other very deeply and are completely happy in their cozy, little flat. Then Yukichi discovers that Kiriko had once worked in a blue film, a thing unthinkable to a man like Yukichi and his love turns into burning hate and jealousy. He burns the film and tries to forgive his wife's unfortunate past but Kiriko suffers a thousand deaths for she had actually worked in four more blue films.

Roman Porno from 1975.

Roman Porno from 1975.

Writer and ladies-man Yonosuke, who gives inept English lessons (using Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet), is ushered into a lonely woman's house one rainy night. Her husband is at the front in the war with Russia and, as our hero will soon discover, she's wearing a chastitity belt...

A group of burglars in black tights breaks into a church to commit robbery and commits outrages upon the pastor's young daughter. After some time, Detective Harada and his squad rush/came back to the church they robbed earlier. In the duty station, the police chief informs Harada that his ex-colleague, Nakamura, has escaped from a mental hospital where he had been hospitalized for insanity. Harada and his partner, Kato, are assigned to pursue Nakamura on the run. If Nakamura's insanity turns out to be false, the cop buddies must terminate him and masquerade it as self-defense.


Akiko is a housewife who is bored with her relationship. She lives an adulterous passion with a colleague of her husband, decides to follow him to Hong Kong where he has just been transferred. Akiko's husband goes out looking for them, without success. Desperate, he lets himself be dragged into the underworld of the city by a mysterious Sino-Japanese mongrel who plunges him into drugs and pimping. Until the day he finally learns the terrible truth about his unfaithful wife.
