Hiroko Fuji

Nikkatsu Roman Porno

Nikkatsu Roman Porno

Real-Life stripper Madoka Mika plays the fictional ROSE RED, a former striptease queen who is now doing roadshow engagements while trying to raise her kid and balance her love affairs.


Pinku from 1982, distributed by Nikkatsu.

Roman Porno from 1982.


Pinku from 1982, distributed by Nikkatsu.

A teacher, Sakiko Kurata, receives a phone call regarding one of her former students. Young Sueko is accused of being a prostitute and has requested Sakiko’s help. This minx seduces random strangers for sex, but does not ask for payment. Sakiko has moved to another town and barely remembers Sueko, but there’s something about her that awakens painful memories of her own secretive past. What is that strange paint thinner smell on Sueko? Who is the man in the nylon ski mask that violently assaulted Sakiko many years ago? In her search for answers, Sakiko discovers that her past may have inadvertently destroyed another family’s future.


A once-thriving village is in dire need of women to help with diving duties. Times are tough and the current diver is definitely no spring chicken, so the mayor’s son finds some beautiful maidens to fill the position. The arrival of the new recruits gets a rise out of the village’s male members.


Nikkatsu Roman Porno

She has a plump chest wrapped in a bleaching cloth, and her thighs are so stylish that she dislikes men for some reason. For the first time, she knew love and burned her sensual blood. The opponent is a chef who has a master's skin who leans on a knife. The two had hot feelings and bodies, but... (Google translation from Amazon Japan VOD listing)

A woman on the run is raped, rescued, then raped again. Escaping, she heads for the hills and finds safe haven at a convent. After becoming a postulant (trainee nun), she catches her fellow sisters engaging in lesbianism, fighting over nothing, hurling snakes at each other, and engaging in mild flesh eating.


Roman Porno from 1976.

Reconstruction, in the form of episodes, of the most bizarre crimes that occurred in Japan after World War II.


Naomi Tani plays bar-owner Aki, whose entire world appears to be crumbing whenever she discovers her husband is having an affair along with her own mama. Truly the only individual she can trust is Iwasaki, the woman club supervisor. One time, she asks Iwasaki to accompay her to a company meeting with a trader Hanamatsu, the owner of a mannequin factory. At the warehouse, Miss Aki is abnormally aroused when she sees Hanamatsu toching the mannequins. She allows by herself to be seduced by the businessman…


One of the Japanese Shinkansen “Bullet Trains” is threatened with a bomb that will explode automatically if the train slows below 80 km/h, unless a ransom is paid. Police race to find the bombers and to learn how to defuse the bomb.


Roman Porno from 1975. Nobutaka Masutomi stars as a doctor who develops a robot love doll to keep a team of Antarctic researchers company, but is displeased with the result despite the product’s success. His desire to create a more realistic doll leads the doctor to model one after an attractive college student (Maya Hiromi). Naomi Oka co-stars, and the screenplay was by Atsushi Yamatoya, who had directed the subgenre’s most notorious cult film, Koya No Dacchi Waifu, in 1967.


A first-class heel exploits a spinster's hunger for love. She is a trusted employee in a bank and embezzles money to secure his love.

With a Kansai syndicate vying for Tokyo, one man reunites with his roguish half-brother in the midst of negotiations, when all hell breaks loose.

While Hirono is in prison, his rival Takeda turns his own crime organization into a political party, whose two executives stir up new tensions in their thirst for power.


Shizuka is the aristocratic wife of the president of a large company. When she wants to divorce her domineering husband, he orders his employee Yoshi, the son of an adult toy store owner, to train his wife to become sexually submissive.


This biopic of notorious yakuza-turned-actor Noboru Ando focuses on the days leading to his arrest after the shooting of businessman Hideki Yokoi.


Set loose in a postwar world with no rules, an ex-juvenile delinquent begins building the most powerful gang in Tokyo's glittering Shibuya ward.

After a desperate gang of ex-soldiers and gamblers meet in a fistfight in occupied Ginza and decide to make the neighborhood their own.


In the gaudy world of 1930s Shinjuku, a violent youth known as Bakudan Match tangles explosively with prostitutes, politicians and the police.


With her first love that unfolded in the battlefield in her heart, and with a short sword and a pillbox as her weapons, female gambler Okatsu the Tiger Lily travels from gambling site to gambling site. Surrounding her are Omon, an outlaw star blind lone gambler; Onaka, a thief who’s after Okatsu to avenge her father’s death; Ohide, a tattoo artist whose back is covered by a dragon tattoo; and Oryu, a young girl sold as a prostitute to a gambling family.


Pinku from 1971.

Pinku from 1971.

In the Edo era, two man arrive in a village and engage in criminal activity. While one of them becomes successful and rich, the other gets betrayed and ends up in prison, burning for revenge. The truth changes with the viewpoint in this Wakamatsu film, which has inspired comparisons to Rashomon.

Tomoko suffers at the hand of her husband, Arakawa, who practises sadistic sex with her and various other women. After Arakawa dies suddenly, Tomoko is at first relieved, but then discovers that she is incapable of enjoying sex unless she is in a masochistic position.

Comedy about a man who acts as a pimp.

A Geisha makes money by revealing scandalous details of prominent people's private lives.

Yōko is a young woman who is forced into prostitution by a yakuza gang. She repeatedly escapes from the gang, and is repeatedly captured, and repeatedly tortured at length.

A gynecologist attempts to rid the world of sexual problems by separating sex on the one hand and reproduction, which he feels should be left to artificial wombs.
