Ho Bik-Kin

Ah Wei used to be a policeman but his many battle scars and bullet wounds have demoted him to the daily grind of a sercurity guard. His existence is anything but boring, however, as this Hong Kong film like all the others, thrives on shoot-outs, chases, and enough violence to keep an audience awake.


This is a Cantonese musical from director Wong Yiu

Director Wong Yiu, recognising the spending power of a new demographic, was looking to create a teenage sensation for the factory girls. It soon became a social phenomenon in the 1960s. Former child star Connie Chan Po-chu fitted the bill perfectly with her doe-eyed innocence framed by silky long hair. In Girls are Flowers, she plays a young tutor falling in love with a handsome boy. However, their road to romance is paved with potholes and speed bumps. Chan's fellow former child star Nancy Sit plays the boy's younger sister who saves the day with her shrewd, nimble-minded plans. Sit's role may be small but with radiance from her glorious smile and beaming personality, she brightens up this musical romantic comedy like a fairy-tale nymph.

Chan sisters Chan Meiling and Chan Meiyu are respected high class, women in Hong Kong's more upscale neighborhoods. However, they both share an alter-ego called the Black Rose, a notorious cat burglar who dresses in a black leotard, and steals from the rich to give to the poor - taking on a Robin Hood-style mission. Even with their antihero status, the Black Rose has created uneasiness and tension in the high society; therefore, an insurance detective investigates the crimes and tries to unmask the woman behind the cat mask.


After a fatal traffic accident, a community is haunted by a phantom figure.

A Chinese heist comedy about a chair filled with diamonds.


Ah Hing is made pregnant by her master Fan Chun-kit. Fan soon leaves for his studies overseas while Ah Hing suffers gross prosecution and is reduced to becoming a prostitute. In a momentary slip of a struggle, Ah Hing commits manslaughter. Now a qualified lawyer, Fan acquits Ah Hing of the charge, and intends to marry her to redeem his negligence in the past. Ah Hing, however, is determined to pursue an independent life.

Historical drama from Hong Kong directed by Lee Sun-Fung.


Drama from Hong Kong directed by Lee Tit.