Holly Fraser

When Tilda wakes up to find herself the last human on earth she goes on a journey along with her bunny rabbit Shane, experiencing both the immense joy and crippling loneliness of a world without humans.


It's finally here! The Broadway smash musical 'To The Top! is at last coming to Australia, and the auditions for Desiree Starr are going to be fierce.


Santa doesn't want to retire, but rules are rules and he must train someone to replace him. The lucky winner, to be chosen from among millions of children, must be named Nicholas, be an orphan and have a pure heart. On the other side of the planet, there is a little boy who is a perfect match, but his lack of self-confidence and fear of heights make him a poor contestant. Will Santa agree to step down, and help his apprentice take his place?


The predominantly English-language film will chronicle a tragic and strange funny journey of a South Asian man whose journey takes a layered and complicated shape when he meets an Australian girl in the US.