Holly Kaplan

Pleasantries are quickly pushed aside when Shirley Sadstone, the ostracized black sheep of a money-obsessed family, shows up to Thanksgiving unannounced and uninvited. As the virtue-signaling "always happy" Sadstones begin carving Shirley up like the proverbial turkey before them, tensions dramatically boil over with deadly and unforeseen consequences - forever reshaping the Sadstone family dynamic.

This bizarre retro comedy, shot entirely on VHS and Beta, takes us back to when 12-year-old Ralph, over one formative week, mistakenly records home videos and his favorite late night shows over his parents’ wedding tape.


A story of loss, grieving, independence, and family dysfunction. Kenny is a thirtysomething burnout who sacrifices his own dreams to care for his dying mother.


Caroline and Margo respond to a "Missed Connections" ad on Craigslist, only to realize that there whirlwind romance was a trap, and the man of her dreams is leading a secret life. The Two women join forces to bring down the dangerous con man who simultaneously romanced and duped them.


A troubled young woman inherits a cabin filled with memories, but revealed secrets of the past ruin her hopes of a fresh start.


The apartment of a young shut-in gets hijacked by the restless spirit of the lady down the hall.
