Howard Vernon

Rachel Sheppard is a millionaire’s daughter, kidnapped for ransom and tortured in the weird and wonderful Virtual Hell of Dr Wong. Nelly and her toyboy assistant call on the help of the world’s greatest magician, Johnny Cagliostro.


An action movie directed by Jess Franco.


This bizarre surrealistic black comedy takes place in a small fictitious post-apocalyptic town where food is scarce and butcher Clapet has the macabre business of using human flesh to feed his customers. Yet when his daughter falls in love with his next slaughter victim things turn into chaos.


A miraculous mushroom is discovered by a film director's daughter.It would be used to cure an actress.


A companion piece to the earlier film ‘The Death of Empedocles’, 'Black Sin' is an adaptation of the third version of Friedrich Hölderlin’s play ‘Der Tod Des Empedokles’.


Short film made on the production of HOWL OF THE DEVIL.

A model named Barbara Hallen has disappeared and her father gets private detective Sam Morgan to go to Paris to find his daughter. Barbara's trail leads Morgan to a plastic surgery clinic owned by Dr. Flamand. Morgan's investigation reveals the horrifying secret behind the Doctor's miracle cures which is blood and organs taken from kidnapped young women. As Morgan's investigation closes witnesses are eliminated one by one, each in a more horrible way.


A Jewish commando unit hunting Nazi war criminals tracks down the infamous Dr. Mengele in the jungle, and find that he is torturing nubile young virgins and performing horrible medical experiments on the locals. They prepare to battle their way past Mengele's hordes of fanatic Nazi bodyguards in order to get to him.


Film adaptation by Straub and Huillet of Hölderlin's 1798 tragedy on the symbolic death of Empedoclus, the legislator in Ancient Greece.


Paul Naschy plays several roles in this film about a nowhere actor who likes to pick up prostitutes and play sex games. His nephew resides with him, and is lost in a fantasy world of his own.


After the death of her little boy, Anita wants to take her own life.


The story of the man who killed Josef Mengele.


The colonel Daniel Blimp, of the secret British service, travels to Bangkok to investigate the murder of the Brittish Ambassador happened during a holiday in his residence. Blimp receives the help of Keats, agent of the secret service. Both men discover that the man who shot against the Ambassador is blind, and it takes the black skin as a result of a strange phenomenon of mutation.


The son of the infamous Dr. Orloff clashes with his father when he begins to stalk and dismember prostitutes in order to get parts to reanimate his dead mother.


Meet Ogroff, the most bestial and savage backwoods killer in the history of French horror genre. This masked psycho randomly butchers random people doing random things in the forest including men, women and even kids.


Agents across the globe take turns spying on and double-crossing one another in an attempt to locate a valuable formula encrypted in the music code.


Upon arriving at the dilapidated estate of his mentor, Dr. Harker finds his former professor, Dr. Usher, radically changed. Instead of the reasoned scholar he once knew, a paranoid man is in his place and he's spiraling into madness.


Christian, an art critic, must write a study on the painter René Dimanche in order to understand why he did not produce anything for eight years. He asks his friend Ingrid to help him break through this mystery.


It's the engagement party for brilliant young Dr. Henry Jekyll and his fiancée, the beautiful Fanny Osbourne, attended by various pillars of Victorian society. But when people are found raped and murdered outside and ultimately inside the house, it becomes clear that a madman has broken in to disrupt the festivities - but who is he? And why does Dr. Jekyll keep sneaking off to his laboratory?


In a small village, somewhere in France, German soldiers, killed and thrown into the lake by the Resistance during WW II, come back.


From Hell To Victory follows the relationship of six friends throughout the Second World War. They meet in a cafe in Paris on 24th August 1939 and agree to meet there on the same day every year. The war however takes them on their own individual path's and keeping their friendship throughout proves complicated.


Directed by Sohrab Shahid Saless.


A group of female freedom-fighters led by Karine Levere is caught by the warden of a women's prison, located somwhere in the South American jungle. None of them will reveal the secrets of their organisation or the names of their collaborators in the cities, so they are handed over to Dr. Costa who, after four years inactivity in Europe, is delighted to be able to practice his torture techniques once more. Laverne fails to resist the inhuman treatments and reveals all. The only hope of saving the organization is for the girls to warn the city cell before it's too late. They trick the prison guard into having sex with them, knock him out and break out of prison. The warden and Dr. Costa must prevent them from revealing the practices inside the prison. The hunt is on and it's shoot to kill...


The fortunes of a small theatrical company based in the Paris suburbs.


Boris Zaroff is a modern businessman who is haunted by his past -- his father was the notorious Count Zaroff of The Most Dangerous Game fame. Consequently, Boris is subject to hallucinations and all-too-real social lapses which normally involve sadistic harm to beautiful naked young women. His butler is sworn to indoctrinating him into the evils of the family line, and their castle's torture dungeon proves quite useful in this regard. However, Boris is periodically lured away from his destiny by the romantic apparition of the deceased countess who previously owned the castle.


A dedicated clarinetist receives a valuable violin and has a difficult time deciding what to do with it.


A well-known politician receives a tape showing her son in a porno movie. She decides to hire a female detective to figure out who is trying to blackmail her.


A French-produced adventure of the Mexican hero.


According to legend, a group of women escaped from Atlantis just before the destruction of the continent. They took refuge on a mysterious island, and founded a kingdom. Men who dared approach the island, were devoured by these sexually voracious Atlanteans, and thus they were called "gobblers".


Set in 19th-century Russia, Allen is a cowardly serf drafted into the Napoleonic war, who would rather write poetry and obsess over his beautiful but pretentious cousin. Allen's cowardice serves him well when he hides in a cannon and is shot into a tent of French soldiers, making him a national hero. A hilarious parody of Russian literature, Love and Death is a must-see for fans of Allen's films.


Martine Bressac is released from a psychiatric clinic after a year's treatment and is driven home by her chauffeur, Mathias. She is welcomed by the demented hunchbacked gardener Malou and the mute servant girl Adèle, and impatiently demands the key to her mysterious private chamber. There, set out like exhibits in a waxwork, are the bodies of beautiful girls frozen in postures of terror on the point of death. With Mathias' help, Martine has just added another girl, a prostitute, to her collection when her husband and accomplice, Charles, arrives home with slides of a further prospective victim: Cécile the virginal daughter of a diplomat...


Dick Sand travels aboard the "Pilgrim" when, following dramatic events, the ship becomes without a captain. Fate has it so that, to keep all sailors in peace, he shall command the ship. All accept this arrangement, even Negoro - whose resentment will add treachery to circumstances already difficult to take the ship to safe harbour. To a point the task may prove impossible...


Two wealthy aristocrats lure a virginal girl to a Spanish island for a night of sex, death and cannibalism in this Jess Franco's softcore version of "The most dangerous game".


Twenty years after seducing a businessman, a demonic temptress lays claim to the man's daughter.


Adolfo Arrieta’s third feature film stars famed French transsexual and founding member of the FHAR (Homosexual Front for Revolutionary Action), Marie-France, and is widely regarded as the first Parisian underground film. The loose plot revolves around the ex-wife of a famous sculptor who convinces her lover to remove a work by her ex-husband and replace it with a live model.


The story opens with Celestine eluding arrest with a friend as the police raid a brothel. While hiding out in the hayloft of the Count de la Braquette's estate, she meets the hayseed handyman Sébastien and the butler Malou, who reward her favors with the offer of employment. In a manner recalling Terence Stamp's effect on the household in TEOREMA, Celestine's open and relaxed attitude toward sexuality has a transformative effect on the isolated, moribund inhabitants of the mansion, imbuing them with gift of renewed life for the men and women alike, that remains even after a third act twist that forces her to betray them.


Dr. Frankenstein is left for dead in the woods. His daughter, Dr. Vera Frankenstein, hunts for his attacker: Dr. Cagliostro, a mad scientist who’s created a race of human-animal hybrids.


A nightclub singer is haunted by the ghost of her late father. The dead man summons her through a mirror, forcing her to commit a series of violent crimes.


A lawyer finds out that a young couple convicted of murder was in fact framed for the crime and goes to the prison with the hope of freeing them and learns the events that happened to the two from a fellow prisoner who helped them escape.


A girl arrives from London to visit her estranged relatives in a remote castle for the reading of her father's will. After a while she discovers that they are all in fact dead and her decision to live with them turns into a nightmare. Unable to leave she's drawn into a macabre underworld through visions of nude satanic rituals and her own impending sacrifice.


A group of nuns become possessed by demons and are then tortured in a dungeon of horrors during the inquisition.


Linda comes to the big city in search of fun and excitement. What she finds is exploitation and abuse at the hands of a succession of sleazy guys. Searching for love, she enters into a lesbian relationship with a beautiful countess, discovers drugs and swingers' parties and starts acting in porno movies. She also begins to write a secret diary... With a cast of some of the most stunning Euro actresses of the period, wall-to-wall sex and nudity, pot parties, porno shoots and a psychedelic soundtrack, this is a gem of 1970s exploitation cinema from Jess Franco. Street scenes shot in Benidorm (Alicante, Spain) and Las Palmas (Gran Canaria, Spain).


An international assassin known as ‘The Jackal’ is employed by disgruntled French generals to kill President Charles de Gaulle, with a dedicated gendarme on the assassin’s trail.


A crime movie directed by Jess Franco.


Part documentary, part mockumentary, part sexploitation, all Franco. Starting in the Garden of Eden we are taken on a voyage around the world that covers various rites of passage and cultures deflowering of the virgin.


Dr. Frankenstein and his assistant Morpho are killed just as they bring their creation to life. The monster is taken by Cagliostro and he now controls the monster and plans to have it mate and create the perfect master race!


The plot involves the murder of a prostitute in a Paris brothel (run by early 60's sex symbol Anita Ekberg). It's blamed on a jealous client, but the lead detective ("Bogey") suspects otherwise. And when the murders continue after the suspect's ironic-if-he-were-actually-guilty demise, his suspicions are confirmed.


Luisa is called to the bed of her dying mother Edith at Karlstein Castle. Before she dies, she tells Luisa that the Karlsteins are a family of vampires and that her ancestor, the original Count Karlstein, lies buried in the crypt. Afterwards, Luisa goes and finds the count's coffin and discovers that he is undead. As she takes Karine, her cousin as her lover, a police inspector, Ptuschko investigates a series of killings around the town, dismissing the locals who insist these are being caused by vampires.


Meet poor old Mr. Robinson who is so bored at home with his terrible and an annoying house wife and her Mother. At work one day, he decides to retire from urban life and spend the rest of his time with three very nice girls on an island. But beware! there's awful cannibals.


A young doctor kills himself after a medical committee terminates his research into human embryos, considering it too inhumane. His wife then seeks revenge on those who drove her husband to his death by luring each member of the committee into compromising situations and then killing them one by one.


A plane leaving the turmoil of a South American country in the midst of a revolution crash-lands in the Amazon jungle in Brazil. Among the passengers are a corrupt banker who is smuggling diamonds out of the country, a reporter, a mysterious beauty and a shady flight attendant. The survivors find themselves up against not only the dangers of the jungle itself but a band of headhunters and a gang of revolutionaries who are looking for the smuggled diamonds.


A mineral is discovered which can turn metal to gold or humans into zombies. When the mineral is stolen, secret agents are sent in to get the mineral back!


The story revolves around Anne who is held hostage by an escaped maniac from an insane asylum. The fugitive forces her to tell stories to prevent her from getting help. Anne then spins a fanciful tale about a girl's escape from her imprisonment by savages and her longing to return to captivity.


Horror icon Christopher Lee, who worked with Jess Franco on several occasions, plays Lord George Jeffreys, the infamous and merciless judge and Lord Chancellor in England torn by strife between the reigning King James II and William of Orange. Convincend of doing what's necessary, the cruel judge mercilessly persecutes 'traitors', who sympathize with the King's opponent William of Orange, as well as 'witches', who are accused of being in league with the devil...


A moral adventure: one sees friendships being born and being discarded, under the pressure of avowed authorities such as the family and the prejudices it states, or unavowed as the economy that no individual alone expresses.

An evil scientist creates a murderous, invisible ape-man.


Frédéric Lansac, an artist and botanist, has a wild affair with party girl Moira, but throws her over when he meets the lovely Anne. Frédéric and Anne marry, but tragedy strikes when Moira shows up at the wedding party and makes a scene, causing Anne to fall into a bonfire. Frédéric and Anne lock themselves up in his mansion with his servants, a pair of mute dwarves. Anne, needless to say, becomes bitter and demanding. Frédéric tells everyone Anne has died, then on the sly, hires a nurse to look after her.


Without a family, penniless and separated from her sister, a beautiful chaste woman will have to cope with an endless parade of villains, perverts and degenerates who will claim not only her treasured virtue but also her life.


Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria clashes with his father, Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria, over implementing progressive policies for their country. Rudolf soon feels he is a man born at the wrong time in a country that doesn't realize the need for social reform. The Prince of Wales, later to become Britain's King Edward VII, provides comic relief. Rudolf finds refuge from a loveless marriage with Princess Stéphanie by taking a mistress, Baroness Maria Vetsera. Their untimely demise at Mayerling, the imperial family's hunting lodge, is cloaked in mystery.


In an ancient castle, a mad scientist is trying to revive his dead daughter by an operation, but there are certain body parts he needs that he can't get. His problem is solved when a group of drunken party-goers stumble into his castle.


Janine Reynaud stars as a nightclub stripper who free-floats through a spectral 60's landscape littered with dream-figures, dancing midgets and bizarre S&M games.


Truck drivers hauling supplies are caught in the battle between the French and Arabs in this routine adventure drama. Jonathon is held prisoner by revolting Arabs and falls for the pretty blonde widow Lucia. The two are part of a group that is held captive and faces death when the fighting begins.


The good news is that at last a scientist has discovered a way to disarm all the nuclear weapons in the world. The bad news is that he doesn't have altruistic intentions with regard to his new invention. Fortunately for fans of somewhat (?!) improbable spy movies, the professor is being sought by agents of both the Russians and the Americans, among others. The evil old professor has been keeping his daughter under wraps, almost a prisoner. He has also been keeping a mysterious sea monster in a pool on his estate, for reasons which remain unclear. What is clear is that somehow the professor's daughter will be saved, he will come to a bad end, and the world will be saved yet again from mad scientists.


An unusual World War II crime thriller about a Nazi investigation into the murder of a prostitute. Major Grau finds himself focusing on three suspects: the Generals Tanz, Kahlenberg and Seydlitz-Gabler – all three of whom, it seems, are also involved in a plot to kill Hitler


A horror movie directed by Santos Alcocer.


An hour-long discussion between Fritz Lang and Jean-Luc Godard in which they discuss a variety of art forms, the role of the cinema, their collaboration together, and much more. (Filmed in 1964 but released for TV in 1967.)


Renee Saccard is a pampered, selfish young wife of a middle-aged Parisian businessman who falls in love with her stepson but is driven to the point of madness when her husband tricks the stepson into betraying her.


A safecracker turns double agent during WWII.


A woman seeks to avenge her father's death by using a local dancer, with long poisonous fingernails, to do her bidding.


Claude Brasseur plays a villain on the run from both the police and the mob. Good atmosphere in the Paris by Night, including deserted factory, Les Halles market and an empty theatre.


A playboy who refuses to give up his hedonistic lifestyle to settle down and marry his true love seeks help from a demented psychoanalyst who is having romantic problems of his own.


An American private-eye, arrives in Alphaville, a futuristic city on another planet which is ruled by an evil scientist named Von Braun, who has outlawed love and self-expression.


Early Spanish western. Ramon Torrado’s westerns remain among the most obscure ones. Of his four westerns, all shot around 1964.


As the Allied forces approach Paris in August 1944, German Colonel Von Waldheim is desperate to take all of France's greatest paintings to Germany. He manages to secure a train to transport the valuable art works even as the chaos of retreat descends upon them. The French resistance however wants to stop them from stealing their national treasures but have received orders from London that they are not to be destroyed. The station master, Labiche, is tasked with scheduling the train and making it all happen smoothly but he is also part of a dwindling group of resistance fighters tasked with preventing the theft. He and others stage an elaborate ruse to keep the train from ever leaving French territory.


1944 : Occupied France. Juliette (Vice) is Wehrmacht General Bamberg's mistress and enjoys a privileged life. Her younger sister Justine (Virtue) is about to marry Jean who is in the Resistance and come to Juliette for help. Both sisters end up at "la Commanderie", where Juliette becomes SS Colonel Schonberg's mistress and Justine is detained with other pretty girls who must satisfy the sexual needs of high-ranking nazi officials. Inspired by "Justine ou les infortunes de la vertu" by the marquis de Sade


Jess Franco returns with another campy gore-fest featuring the strange goings-on in a tiny hamlet called Holfen. When women wind up knifed and gouged in the village, everyone thinks the deaths are due to a curse wielded by a cruel 17th century baron. Von Klaus heir Ludwig is distantly related to the royal, which makes him the target of suspicion. Can he clear his name, or will he wind up giving in to his dark side?


Zorro the Avenger


Dr. Orlof, a former prison doctor, abducts beautiful women from nightclubs and tries to use their skin to repair his daughter's fire-scarred face. He is assisted by Morpho, a deformed monstrosity who delights in biting his victims. Orlof had better hurry, though -- a young police inspector and his ballerina girlfriend are onto his sadistic practices.


In World War II, the widow Barny sees the Italian soldiers arriving in occupied Saint Bernard while walking to her job. Barny lives with her daughter and works correcting tests and feels a great attraction toward her boss Sabine. When the Germans arrive, Barny sends her half-Jewish daughter to live in a farm in the countryside and finds that Sabine's brother has been arrested and sent to a concentration camp. The atheist Barny decides to baptize her daughter to protect her and chooses priest Léon Morin to discuss with him themes related to religion and Catholicism and Léon lends books to her. Barny converts to the Catholicism and becomes closer to Léon, feeling an unrequited desire for him.


A reporter is murdered while driving to his job. The Police are contacted by a clairvoyant who saw the death in a vision, but some dark force is preventing him from seeing the man behind the crime...


Murderous foreign agents are after a scientist who has invented an atomic engine that could change the future of rocketry.


Just released from prison after serving a six-month sentence, Fernand Bastia goes into hiding. He has indeed double-crossed his gang by keeping part of the product of a robbery for himself. Thanks to his sister Marcella, Fernand has taken refuge in a small circus where she works. There, he falls in love with Gina but also arouses the jealousy of Quedchi, a fairground stall-holder who has seen him hiding the stolen money. After a while, Fredo Riccioni, the boss of the gang and his men, manage to trace him...


An old violin maker has been killed and the investigators have only one clue: on the night of the crime, a blind street musician heard a melody playing in the house. As they do not know the title of the song, they present the music to the famous radio contest known as "The mysterious melody". Little by little the two inspectors will surround the killer after checking that there are several suspects.


In Paris, Bob Montagne is practically synonymous with gambling -- and winning. He is kind, classy and well-liked by virtually everyone in town, including police inspector Ledru. However, when Bob's luck turns sour, he begins to lose friends and makes the most desperate gamble of his life: to rob the Deauville casino during Grand Prix weekend, when the vaults are full. Unfortunately, Bob soon learns that the game is rigged and the cops are on to him.


The third part of Paul May′s "08/15" trilogy based on the novel by Hans Hellmut Kirst takes place shortly before the end of World War II: In the spring of 1945, the German troops are practically defeated, and the battalion of Kowalski, major general von Plönnies and Asch who had risen to the rank of lieutenant in the meantime is left to its own devices to a large extent. They hope to be able to wait for the end of the war without having to encounter any combat operations. At the same time, Asch tries to prevent high-level Nazi officers from disappearing unnoticed and from cashing in on the chaotic circumstances.


Mr. Rossi and Mr. Capelli, co-owners of a successful traveling circus, have a rivalry over the affections of the lovely Dolores. That's all settled after Rossi is mauled to death by a lion. Years later a series of accidents, attacks and mysterious deaths plague the circus.

In the early 16th century, Italy is ruled by the powerful Borgia family, led by César Borgia and his sister Lucrèce. In a ruthless power play, César plots to have his sister’s husband murdered. But without her brother’s knowledge, Lucrèce has taken a strong lover who will challenge the Borgias.


FBI Agent Lemmy is sent after a missing two million in Casablanca while mob boss mistress Carlotta plays both sides of the law.


Gerard, a 25-year-old student, decides to find a treasure Troilus lost in the sea after the Peloponnesian War. His meeting with Manina jeopardises his plans of finding the treasure.


An ambitious girl (Micheline Presle) uses a sea captain (Errol Flynn) to climb the social ladder in old New Orleans.


A chronicle of the life of Bertrand du Guesclin, grand officer of the French army in the 14th century.


In a small town in occupied France in 1941, the German officer, Werner Von Ebrennac is billeted in the house of the uncle and his niece. The uncle and niece refuse to speak to him, but each evening the officer warms himself by the fire and talks of his country, his music, and his idealistic views of the relationship between France and Germany. That is, until he visits Paris and discovers what is really going on...


"Les jeux sont faits," is a fantasy film based on a screenplay by French existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. A society heiress and a resistance fighter are tragically killed at the same moment and meet in the afterlife. They are offered a second chance at life if they can prove their love is real or be doomed to roam the earth as ghosts.


Commander Gerard and his band of guerrillas have found the ideal hideout: a nursing home in the Alps where, along with the mentally ill, are also hiding a Jewish girl and a Swiss doctor who might be a spy for the Germans ...
