Hrvoje Hitrec

A documentary about Croatian immigrants' soccer clubs, especially the Croatia Toronto soccer club, and their significance to the Croatian diaspora as well as Croatia itself.

Little known facts about Yugoslavian president-for-life.


The microcosmic world of a street market on the outskirts of Zagreb: traders, thieves, prostitutes, self-appointed security guards and other lost souls, each with their own unique ideas, passion or mania. We follow the tragicomic, mutually intertwined mini dramas of each character, as they fight to save the marketplace itself, when city planners threaten to raze it to the ground and replace it with a skyscraper.


"Sleep Sweet, My Darling" shows a bittersweet coming of age of Tomica Skrinjar, starting at the tail end of World War II in 1945.


In a small Croatian village in 1991, a carpenter Kuzma falls for much younger Ana. In spite of their surroundings' opposition towards their relationship, the couple marries and Ana gives birth to their son. Being also familiar with the statuary, he makes a sculpture of Madonna for the local church. A quiet life of the village is disturbed when the first clashes between Croats and Serbs arise.


A German family Keller arrives to the coastal village to spend summer holidays with their Croatian friends. Horst Keller and Roger Katushic were friends ever since Karl May's film adaptations took place there. Their children were friends for years, too, and they look forward to the reunion. Fantasizing about free life and "cowboys & Indians" adventures in the canyon of the Cetina river, the boys go there without knowing that the three cruel Chetniks who had just escaped from prison hide there.


Film is about one of all time best basketball player from Europe - Drazen Petrovic, who after successful career in European league played in the NBA. He died in 1993 in a car accident in Germany.
