Hsu Hsia

Shila and Feng have playing against each other since childhood. Shila grows up to run her family's casino and, for a time, seems not to be tough enough to make the grade. Feng gains control of her casino. Will there be revenge ? You can bet on it !


A teacher and his five female students are attacked by a monster with neon-green eyes.The teacher escapes but his students are completely dismembered.He soon discovers the monster is worshipped by a cult whose ambition is to rule the world and tear the clothes off young girls.


An expert assassin - trained since childhood to be the perfect killer - loses her memory during a mission in Thailand, and ends up in the care of a wry ex-policewoman and her boxing cohort. The equally lethal sister of the assassin pursues her, uncertain of her intentions and whether to kill her.


Two Hong Kong police officers end up in a Laos prison and must escape.


Two cops search for a mysterious crystal with healing powers to cure a sick old man. On the trail they come up against a team treasure hunter/smugglers with impressive combat skills and big guns.


An undercover cop loses his memory after an accident. Since he doesn't remember a thing he must figure out who he really is and what side of the law he belongs to.

Police officer Zae Zae is falsely suspected of a crime and, as a result, accidentally shoots dead a fellow officer. The only people who still believe in him are his buddies.

Shaw Brothers movie.


Hsia and Lei Kung are two bumbling cops assigned to protect the gorgeous Rosa, girlfriend to a missing informer named Lee. But Rosa's wanted by more than just the law - the bad guys want her for leverage, and Lei Kung just wants her to be his girlfriend! Meanwhile, Hsia attempts to romance Lei Kung's sister, and the bad guys prepare for a final blow-out fight sequence!


Super-accurate fortune teller Blind Chen informs four young policewomen that the same man, whom they'll soon meet, will incite her to suicide (first woman), rape her (second woman), break her head (third) and kill her (fourth). This man turns out to be their new boss, Inspector Bak Fei Hung. The reason these things are to happen is due to the angry spirit of a former Red Guard muscleman who has sworn revenge against some HK gang bosses and, unfortunately, Bak and his new recruits get in his way. (HKMDb.com)


Yuen Biao plays Jason Chan a lawyer, angry at the way the law seems to protect the bad guys, he decides to take the law into his own hands when a key witness and his entire family are murdered. but Cindy Si is soon on his case and it all spirals into a situation only a few will survive.


There is an underlying story about a lazy son who knows some kung fu but mostly fakes it to show off. After being exposed he does good by improving his skills to the point where he can finally knock down his kung fu master father.


Veteran Lo Lieh, once again playing an evil black-magic priest, unleashes some particulary nasty Japanese ghosts on a peaceful Chinese village.


shaw production


Respected actor and action choreographer Hsu Hsia didn’t waste his chance to direct — inviting three other kung-fu designers to help on this fight-filled thriller. Wang Yu, co-star of such classics as Dirty Ho and The Kid With A Tattoo, here takes center stage as a young rascal caught between master martial arts actor Jen Shih-kuan (Once Upon A Time In China) and violent Huang Cheng-li (Snake In The Eagle’s Shadow). From there on, it’s one masterful kung-fu bout after another.


An aging snooker player relives the mistakes of his violent past through a poverty-stricken, streetwise kid.


A teacher comes across a secret list of anti-Ching rebel names and quickly becomes a target for Ching loyalists. The Five Venom's actor Lo Meng teams up with kung-fu comedic actor Wang Yu (not Jimmy) to bring some of the best lion dancing action footage ever seen on film. The amazing lion dance sequences alone gives this film major historic significance where it's the first time Northern and Southern lion dancing skills are compared.


Kao has purchased a new wife, but an enemy has paid her more money to kill him. Kao must recruit a pair of swordsmen to help defend himself and his family from his ruthless enemy. But Kao has his dark side as well. A complex early action film from master director Woo.


After the death of his master, martial arts student Tong Huo-wan travels with his adoptive family to seek redress from the man responsible but finds himself torn between righteousness and filial piety after becoming entangled in a feud between a local clan and gangsters.


Two young kung fu experts are terrorized by an evil warlord whose weapon is known as the Hell's Wind Staff. With the aid of an old rival of the warlord, they train in the Dragon Hands and the Rowing Oar to face off against the deadly Hell's Wind Staff.


A talented young swordsman (Derek Yee) has beaten many veterans before his inherited martial arts manual gets stolen. After encountering his first defeat in life, in despair, he comes across a gorgeous girl (Liza Wang), daughter of the head of a mysterious sect...


A mischievous young man is sent to hone his martial arts skills with an older, alcoholic kung fu master.


The forces of good and evil clash in this martial-arts picture, as personified by warriors and overlords from the Orient's past.


Director Chu Yuan's titanic teaming with respected, inspired author Chin Yung created this unforgettable saga. Set during the Yuan Dynasty, it tells the fascinating story of the "Sacred Fire" sect, the Wu Tang swordsmanship clan, the disciples of the O Mei group, The Book of Chu Yang (which can make the reader immortal), and the destruction of Shaolin -- complete with a killer cliffhanger. And that's just the start of the fascinating intrigues and ingratiating characters found here.


As an expert of the 'Cross fists' technique, a reclusive kung fu master Li Pai perfects a lethal maneuver called the 'Shaolin Handlock' while an old wolf-in-sheep's-clothing friend Fang Yun-piao pays the unwitting Li a visit. Armed with the deadly Handlock maneuver, Cheng-ying & Kun Shih joins forces to exact revenge on the evil Ling Hao after the truth is unraveled.


Ti Lung is the Nameless Swordsman bent on defeating the faceless King of Swords to claim the title, and the glory, for himself. Hordes of fighters lunge from the shadows to cut down the mysterious challenger. Even a cunning seductress takes a stab at him in a revealing bath house assassination. It is said that a man's weapon reflects his utmost dreams, desires and fears. A warrior with no name and one motive has a soul as merciless as cold steel.


Everyone abuses and humiliates a downtrodden orphan (Chan) until he befriends an old man, who turns out to be the last master of the "snake fist" fighting style. Jackie becomes the old man's student and finds himself in battle with the master of the "eagle's claw" style, who has vowed to destroy the snake fist clan.


The Embroidery Bandit is stealing treasures while blinding his victims. The hero Liu Xiaofeng is called in to solve the mystery. The evidence points to the all-woman Clan of the Red Shoes - but appearances can be deceptive....


Sun Chung had made a name for himself directing satirical comedies and modern day crime thrillers when he started exploring the kung-fu genre with this fascinating tale which mixes music and martial arts. Revered choreographer Tang Chia leads a great action cast (including "Dirty Ho" - Wang Yu, and award-winning actor - Ku Feng) in a tale of conflicting clans and a mysterious song called "The Proud One" which leads to slowly blossoming love as well as sudden death.


As China and Russia's governments are talking peace, traitorous agents on both sides seek war. Enter John Liu as a special agent sent to identify who the Russian traitor is, and who his contact is within the walls of the Forbidden City.


The Third Master is considered to be the greatest sword master of the day. His displays of skill and strength bring armies of challengers to his door, seeking the title for themselves. Not to be defeated, the Third Master fights evil, saves damsels in distress, and duels rival swordsmen to the death.


The twin brother of the Silver Fox attempts to avenge his brother's death and get a hidden treasure using the 8 Diagram. It is up to one hero from the original and the brother of the 2nd original hero to stop him.


Hwang Jang Lee is a corrupt Ming guard who frames John Liu for murder. A wanted fugitive, John hides out with a teen who is an expert in the infamous Iron Armor technique, a technique that means the expert can withstand anything. However, Hwang is an expert in it as well as the Eagle Claw's. Can John stop Hwang before it's too late?


A cripple takes revenge on criminals by using a magic spell that transforms him into an oily monster/superhero.


Emperor Chien Lung, bored with imperial traditions, disguises himself as a commoner to experience a different side of life.


The Tiger of Northland must help a lady and beat up some people.


The powerful mobster Leung, who is protected by the dangerous and wicked Huan Fai, sells two hundred Japanese weapons and ammunition to a Chinese gang. He uses the smuggler Luy Fu to bring the weapons but the smalltime thief Kim and his gang heist the shipment on the road and dump the cargo into the sea. However, he lures Luy Fu and asks a large amount to return the weapons with the intention of traveling abroad with his brother. Meanwhile Kim befriends Fan Ming, an undercover police office from Shanghai that is investigating the illegal activities of Leung. When the mobster finds that Fan Ming is a policeman, Leung ambushes him and Huan Fai and his men stab the officer that falls from a cliff into the sea. Kim brings Fan Ming's fiancée Ipi Feng to the house of his lover, the prostitute Hung, and tells Ipi Feng that her fiancé was murdered by Leung. She decides to revenge the death of her beloved Fan Ming with tragic consequences.


Carter Wong plays a young chinese martial arts student who travels to Korea to learn Taekwondo. Soon he comes up against a vicious gang who want all the local martial arts schools to join their evil association. But before he can defeat the bad guys, he has to learn to master his own strong desire to fight.


A monk is expelled from a monastery because he was found with a dirty magazine under his pillow. He falls in with a gang of villains, who hire him because of his martial arts skills. He later returns to the monastery where (for reasons unexplained), he fights his former buddy-monk.

The surface of the Earth is under attack, thousands of people are killed in this unprovoked attacked. The cause, Princess Dragonmon and her army of monsters have decided to invade. Princess Dragonmon is an alien whose race has been hiding under us for centuries waiting to attack and the time is right. A doctor has been preparing for something like this and turns his assistant Rayma into the cyborg hero known as Inframan. Now only Inframan stands between the Earth and Princess Dragonmon but when a close friend is captured and brainwashed, can she be stopped with this inside man feeding her info?


Professor Van Helsing had been asked to help against the tyranny of skeletal creatures that are responsible for terror and death amongst the peasants in rural China. He is the only person qualified to deal with the cause of these phenomena, for the undead are controlled by the most diabolical force of all.... Count Dracula. But he is not alone- to aid him comes a mystical brotherhood of seven martial arts warriors.


The "Organization" will go to any lengths to sell their drugs. But this time, they made a mistake... a big mistake. They never counted on The Chinese Tiger, Master of Kung-Fu.


Chen Hui-Man breaks out of jail and goes on the rampage for those who wrongly put him behind bars.

Honor and Love is a Hong Kong Martial Arts Film

Leaving the poverty of his life in Shantung to seek fortune in Shanghai, The Boxer is instead drawn into a world of corruption, gang warfare and evil... Where his only protection is his famed fighting technique.


A young boxer joins a martial arts school to increase his skill so he can enter a martial arts competition. He leaves the school when he hears that a local gangster is terrorizing the town. He comes to the aid of a young singer and brings on the wrath of the local gang. He eventually enters the martial arts competition after learning iron palm technique and takes out all competition.


Tan Jen-chieh’s life spins out of control when he’s forced into exile to clear his name following the murder of his adopted father. He’s hunted in the streets. His lover, Butterfly, turns to prostitution. And his father’s likely killer – a smooth operator known as the Rambler – is always lingering nearby. But before Tan and the Rambler can slit each other’s throats, they learn they’ve been double-crossed and go two against everyone in a rage of double-edged vengeance.


In this thrilling martial arts twist on the tale of Robin Hood, a charismatic highwayman (Death Duel and Shaolin Temple's David Chiang) with formidable sword skills decides to help the poor by robbing from thieves and distributing the wealth. This plan doesn't sit well with the criminals, who band together to stop him. Fortunately, our hero has a powerful blade on his side, not to mention popular beauty Lily Li (Black Magic) at his side. A high-spirited blend of action, romance, and comedy, this Shaw Brothers classic from fearless director Chang Cheh (Five Deadly Venoms) is a timeless example of pure high-voltage entertainment.


this is one of the few films where godfather of kung fu film; chang cheh headlined lo lieh as the leading hero. three years before lo would become the shaw brothers first international star in king boxer. here he plays a dedicated chief constable for the tsang chou village. he falls in love with the blind daughter of a bandit who is wrecking havoc. joining him in all the action and emotion are award winning actor ku feng and future superstar david chiang.


Chivalrous swordsman Jun-zhao (Kiu Chong) goes in search of a fugitive named Li Yueh (Jimmy Wang Yu) in order to reunite him with his love, Liu Xian (Chin Ping). Though the two men meet and become loyal brothers, Li does not reveal his true identity until Jun-zhao’s life is endangered by swordsmen from Flying Fish Island who are looking for revenge.


A Hong Kong Jane Bond film starring Josephine Siao.