Hsu Yu

Golden Lotus is based, in part, on Jin Ping Mei, a famous erotic novel of ancient China. Li Han-Hsiang adapted part of the story into this film, which starts with Hsi Men Ching, a successful merchant, wooing Pan Chin Lien, the beautiful wife of one of the townspeople.


Sworn-brothers expert martial artists are the targets of a mysterious killer, which seems to bear a grudge against them for what happened several years ago.


Teddy plays some physically deformed musical genius named Wu Sheng who falls for a blind girl named Jui Fang (Chin Ping). Is love really blind? According to Wu Sheng, probably so, but when Jui Fang is on the verge of regaining her eyesight from an operation, Wu Sheng packs up and leaves the country for fear of Jui Fang disowning him once her eyes gets a look at Wu Sheng.
