Hu Chin

Ivy Ling Po reprising her role as Liang Shanbo to celebrate the 40th anniversary of The Love Eterne (1963).

The 'flying Swallow', Li San (Yuen Biao) robs the rich to help the poor. He has come to Beijing to search for his lost love, Ching Li / Chinny (Athena Chu Yin), who has been sold as prostitute.


This Category III period drama featuring power struggles and naughty things within the imperial palace walls definitely has effort put forth but immense chunks of plot holes are nowhere near filled up. Much seem missing in the story of poor Ru Yee who applies to be the nurse maid of the Emperor’s son. She gets help to gain access by Wei (Tan Lap-Man) and soon they are both heavily involved inside the palace. She as the nurse maid and he as a eunuch in training. Wei also finds time to murder Ru Yee’s sick husband and child… a fact barely mentioned after it’s happened.


A story combined by the lives of three night clubs girls in. Porsche is a once-famous aging night club girl; May is forced to work in a night club in order to pay her step-father's debt; and GiGi needs a huge amount of money in order to help her fiancé. They all know Night Club Girl is not a good reputation job, and they expect to start over again someday. However, it seems they cannot break the "curse" that "Bad girls never have fortune"


If the Three Stooges had been Chinese, with one a woman, this could very well have been one of their movies. Veteran director Lu Chun-ku leads handsome Liu Yung, pretty Liang Yun-hsin, and “Thundering Mantis,” Liang Chia-jen on a madcap mixup filled with cons, double crosses, and triple plots. Add “Dirty Ho” himself, Wang Yu, to the proceedings, and you’ve got a winner for any fans of action or comedy.


When a young man ignores a feng shui master’s warning and decides to marry before turning 30, a series of mishaps begins to curse his life.


Chi Kuan Chun's family is murdered by three crooks and he sets out to get revenge first by killing one and then attempting to frame the leader for sleeping with the local governor's wife. When that fails he challenges the remaining two in a fight to the death.


The morale of the army is low as the countess sets out to overthrow the enemy army..


An old man of the village tells kinky ghost stories to a few of it's inhabitants after all the kids have gone to bed. What follows are stories that have horror elements and some soft-core nudity thrown in.


Martial arts superstar Carter Wong portrays a revolutionary who is an expert in the Iron Finger style of kung fu. When his mother is kidnapped, he is forced by his enemy James Tien to destroy a group of subversive warlords, including renegade monk Kam Kong and five element venom man Ricky Cheng. Non-stop, no-holds-barred fight action make this a must for any fan of the martial arts.


Li Han-Hsiang's adaptation of the classic Qing Dynasty novel will take viewers to the heightened pleasures of love and the despairing depths of betrayal. Timeless beauty Brigitte Lin Ching-hsia appears as Chia Pao-yu in her first attempt at a gender-bending role, an art she will wield complete mastery over in later films. Pao-yu is in love with his cousin, Lin Tai-yu (Sylvia Chang), but his family has other marital plans for him that will leave both broken-hearted.


A golden-masked clan master, who had killed many top fighters, was determined to acquire an invincible sword manual so as to rule the martial world. Hence, he pursued a swordsman who possessed the manual, but the latter managed to escape and discovered a cave whereby he met two martial arts masters who taught him the invincible sword skills...


Two stories are included in this erotic/romantic anthology. In the first, a Sung-Dynasty (10th-13th century) Buddhist monk is tricked into sexual relations with an unscrupulous female adventurer. He dies soon after with his misdeed on his conscience. In the second, the daughter of a woman who died in a brothel discovers that her mother died an unnatural death and seeks revenge.


This one has ghosts, hoppers and magic shennannigans!

A misguided youth falls into the bad company of an underground brothel syndicate but redeems himself on discovering that his mother was murdered by the syndicate's female boss.

Chiang plays a righteous character who helps an unjustly imprisoned swordsman accused of stealing. Together they break out of prison and serve notice to all the evil men in their lives that a new deadly duo is in town.


Liao Jiang is the lowest ranking member of a gang that holds up a jewelery store. Subsequently the three other gang members die, and their gold haul goes missing. Liao Jiang and his new gang member Huge Eyes are then forced to turn to a triad gang to help get back their gold from a rival group.


Kung Fu idol, John Chang, stars as an escort and Kung Fu master. He meets his match when he comes up against a masked raider who wants his loot.


In BOXER REBELLION, three young martial arts brothers, played by Chi Kuan-chun, Alexander Fu Sheng and Leung Kar-yan, go in search of fellow patriots dissatisfied with Imperialist foreigners and wind up joining a rising sect of the Boxers, led by an opportunistic conman (Johnny Wang Lung-wei). Named as such for their use of martial arts, these boxers are revolutionaries who believe that spirits protect their bodies from foreign guns. They even dupe the Empress Dowager (Li Lihua), who gives them her royal blessing to fight the foreigners.


A provincial detective seeks to take down a local gambling syndicate with the help of two convicts.


In The Fantastic Magic Baby, director Chang Cheh weaves a wild and woolly yarn about how the legendary Monkey King and Goddess of Mercy battle and defeat the child god Hung Hai-erh then point him down the road to righteousness.


A divorced entrepreneur (Yueh Yang) and his handsome partner (Charlie Chin) both fall for the beautiful company secretary (Brigitte Lin)...


Crime drama based on true incidents around a Kidnapping - and murder case ,also taking much time describing the psychological moments which propel the criminals. It's strictly focused on them, the law representatives are mostly faceless and out of the plot. Lo Lieh plays a moneyless guy working on a gas station, it's owner is a thorn in his flesh, because he completely knows the differences and painfully shows it: "I can find a new worker faster, than you can find a new job" Together with 3 friends, who are similarly struck, a plan to kidnap and blackmail this guy is made....


Innocent girls are lured to Hong Kong and trapped in a prostitution ring.

Golden Lotus is based, in part, on Jin Ping Mei, a famous erotic novel of ancient China. Li Han-Hsiang adapted part of the story into this film, which starts with Hsi Men Ching, a successful merchant, wooing Pan Chin Lien, the beautiful wife of one of the townspeople.


In the early days of the Chinese Republic era, dockworkers in Macau are being mistreated by their Chinese overseers. An accident reveals that the cargo is composed of guns and opium.


When two kung-fu brothers attempt to carry out a dying man's wish, they suddenly find themselves caught in a war between two rival gangs. Chow Yin and Si Fong were out for a walk when the spotted dying burglar Ting Chow Ming. Stumbling out from the bushes, Ting used his last breath to request that Chow and Si take the stolen jewels to his wife. Later, as Chow and Sii attempt to seek out Ting's wife and daughter, gangsters who have been charged with the task of recovering the stolen goods ambush them.


Chen is forced by his father to leave their home as evil plotters plan his death. On his journey he kills a man in hand-to-hand combat and then decides to find and help the man's family. When Chen arrives, he meets the dead man's two pretty daughters, now under the control of an evil war lord and his cruel gang. One by one, Chen takes them down until the big tournament, when he is forced to fight several skilled killers in a variety of martial arts styles. After winning the tournament, Chen takes on the big war lord himself in a fight to the death!

Arguably the funniest of the four famous Hui brothers, Michael has a tour-de-force vehicle in this naughty little comedy playing four different characters, each one in a compromising situation. And the laughs do come big and hearty as Hui bounces his cheeky humour off a terrific large supporting cast including the sophisticated Hu-chin and the lovely Pai Hsiao-man. Keeping the Benny Hill-style hi-jinks afloat is stalwart Shaw director Li han-hsiang who manages to switch flawlessly between these cheeky flings and his period epics.


Filial daughter seeks revenge on father's killer. She must associate with dishonest people to finance her mission.


Lee Khan, a high official under Mongolian Emperor Yuan of the Yuan dynasty (year 1366) procures the battle map of the Chinese rebel Chu Yuan-Chang's army. Rebel spies, aided by treachery within Khan's ranks, strive to corner him in an inn.


It starts out in rip roaring fashion, with our heroine (genre veteran Chiao Chiao) watching an out of control man rip the bodice from a struggling farm girl. Incensed by this brutality and no doubt offended by the film's one and only topless scene, she rams her fist through a brick wall and kills the man with her distinctive 'dragon blow'. Enter the film's male hero, her brother, who scolds his sister for using this deadly and forbidden weapon. The story then commences in earnest, as brother and sister end up protecting a poor orphan girl who has a valuable jade necklace that a nefarious criminal syndicate is desperate to obtain. Much mayhem ensues, though the film remains chaste and relatively bloodless after its promising beginning.


Michael Hui plays four characters in this three-chapter, Hong Kong erotic comedy anthology set in Northern China during WWII.


Incriminating evidence against a gang is left in a cab when a gang member dies in it. The gang chases the innocent cab driver, who receives help from the dead gangster's sister - a tough police woman.


Set during a period of depression, the film chronicles the daily lives of a single urban building split up into several separate units, and the actual people that dwell within.


This story is centering around a Ming Dynasty brothel that steams with secret erotic myths, trysts and twists of pleasurable indulgence. A shaw production


No list of the screen's comic geniuses would be complete without Michael Hui Kwun-man. He created a hilarious and lovable comic persona that was both uniquely Asian but also universally beloved. This, his first film, not only showcased his incomparable sense of humor but revolutionized Hong Kong comedy. Evoking Chaplin, he plays a warlord in early 20th Century China, but makes the role his own with both laughs and some of the sexiest ladies on the Shaw Brothers lot.


It starts off well enough with some nice build-up in a sprawling deserted farm town (a nice backlot on a Taiwan location) as various motley characters show up at the town's only open establishment, a tavern/inn, with some evil doings in mind. When advance men for the title bandits show up to lay the groundwork for a raid, they round up all available hostages but one. That one is the film's lone hero (Chang Yi), whose motivation is simply stated—he's there to check up on family—but no one believes him. At the thirty-minute mark, he launches into an eight-minute battle with the two bandit chieftains, hand-to-hand with one (Sammo Hung) and swordplay with the other (an actor I didn't recognize). It's a well-staged brawl and it spreads all over the empty town.


Chong has been dedicating to run the Hotel Esquire for more than thirty years. Business is booming. However, a double room rented by a newly married couple is said to be haunted. Business thus declines sharply. Chong employs a private detective to look into the matter first, and then a taoist to play exorcism. But nothing has changed. One day, Chong and a tenant see a woman in weird dressing go into the room. They then plot to catch the backstage manipulator of this haunting event.

The Golden Blade should be kept in the hands of a good person; if it fell into the wrong hands the outcome would be terrible. Evil Black Bat asked for the sword, but the sword smith refused the demand. The prentice hid the sword while his master got slaughtered by Black Bat and before his death asked his prentice to give the sword to Ting Yeh the son of Ting Hsiang Ren. Black Bat slaughters Ting Hsiang Ren and his family, while Ting Yeh was absent. Upon return to home, Ting Yeh finds out the tragic destiny of his parents. After recovering The Golden Blade he seeks vengeance.
