Hubert Benhamdine

August in Paris' suburbs, 7 friends are gathered to spend a week in the city where they grew up. The city is empty and the days pass by under a deep blue sky.Each of them has a reason to be there: some still live there, some come back to see their family, some are searching their childhood, some want to escape boredom or eventually searching for love...They are all bearing the fact that these moments they are sharing are maybe the last ones...


Antoine, a handsome boy in his 20s, falls for a straight best friend who does not reciprocate, and being a junkie exits the film quite early. Enter a girl, who seems to make him happy again, after he has tried living as a rent boy with men, having some familial, financial difficulties. But the girl is a junkie too.


A West suburb of Paris, a big park over the city, the Seine below, a hill in London, the tune of a dissonant melody, friendship, the shadow of these over listened British bands, forgotten faces, the color of memory. Mikhaël Hers' idiosyncratic hour-long Primrose Hill is the ultimate (sleep)walking-and-talking film, in which assorted young people drift around parks in the small hours, musing on favourite records and a lost London idyll.


Julien and Emma are brother and sister, living in rural France with their father, who writes children's books. Julien is a gifted pianist but the loss of his mother has sucked the joie de vivre out of him; his best friend Alice knows it although their platonic relationship is more about him supporting her in bad relationship choices than anything else. When he sees a beautiful woman called Olga in a bookstore, Julien is smitten and sets about to set up someway of impressing her and winning her affection.
