Hubert Point-Du Jour

Enslaved teenager Henry Shackleford, aka Little Onion, becomes a member in abolitionist John Brown’s motley family during the Bleeding Kansas era before the Civil War.

In this play based on the book Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed, Sugar is an anonymous online advice columnist—later revealed to be Strayed—who thousands of people have turned to for words of wisdom, honesty and hope. At first unsure of herself, Sugar finds a way to weave her own life experiences together with the deep yearning and real problems of her readers, creating a beloved column about the monstrous beauty, endless dark and glimmering light at the heart of being human.

James White is a troubled twentysomething trying to stay afloat in a frenzied New York City. As he retreats further into a hedonistic lifestyle, his mother's battle with a serious illness faces a series of setbacks that force him to assume more responsibility. With the pressure on him mounting, James must find new reserves of strength or risk imploding completely.


Three men meet in a strained chance encounter at a local recycling center. A tense exchange transforms into a remarkable bond transcending their differences, but a startling arrival leads to an unforgivable parting.


A story about a woman willing to do anything and risk everything for her marriage.
