Hugo Flink

A grieving husband tries to uncover the truth behind his wife's suicide, leading him to discover a tragic tale of infidelity and redemption.


The doctor, Vera Meiners, lives with her small daughter, Brigitte. Her former husband, Jan, left her after she met a former lover in a harmless meeting (Frank Douglas). Without the knowledge of the chief surgeon, Vera orders an operation to be performed and is thereafter fired. Penniless, she works in Spanish nightclubs in order to provide for herself and her child. After many years, she runs into her friend Frank again in one of these nightclubs. Frank informs her that he can make it possible for her to emigrate to South America. With the false papers of another doctor, who is a friend of hers and who is dying, she hopes to build a new career. But, instead, she ends up getting arrested. She is suspected of murdering her former friend Frank to keep her secret quiet. But then her former husband hears about the whole thing and soon the real story comes out.


Endstation offers the American viewer tantalizing glimpses of busy, bustling mid-1930s Vienna. Otherwise, this minor yarn of an amorous streetcar conductor is strictly formula material. The film benefits from the star power of Paul Horbiger, resplendently garbed in an elaborate conductor's uniform. Also worth noting is the performance of Maria Andergest as the woebegone hatmaker whose fate is inextricably linked with hero Horbiger. Incidentally though the direction is credited with one E. W. Emo, Paul Horbiger actually called most of the shots on Endstation.


The political advisor to the French emperor Napoleon, and the Austrian emperor Franz I, arrange a marriage between Napoleon and the Austrian archduchess Marie-Luise in order to prevent another war.


First adaptation of Hans Fallada's novel of the same name.


An international gang of thieves and swindlers decide to move their criminal operation to the Teutonic city of Cologne, but Tom Wilkens, one of the best agents of the international police, is not far behind and leads an investigation to unmask the criminals.


If watching a fellow facing indifference/rejection in the slums of Berlin didn't convey enough pathos, Gerhard Lamprecht gathered much of the same crew from Die Verrufenen and turned his attention to the city's population of unwanted children for the heart-tugging Die Unehelichen, released the following year. The trio of foster children at the center of Die Verrufenen are survivors who use their own resourcefulness to get by when the kids' guardians and the system itself let them down.


An adaptation of the eponymous novella by Jeremias Gotthelf.

A little girl falls into the hands of a hypnotist the morning after the assassination of a jeweler. A visitor of the uncomfortable host confesses himself as the perpetrator, the girl can testify and delivers the two villains of the police.

A fragment exists at the EYE Filmmuseum.

Adamant's last race - a drama written by Paul Rosenhayn.

a silent movie by Robert Wiene

Slapstick farce about a man who falls in love with a circus woman.

Abdar Rahman, returning from a raid upon a neighboring tribe, brings with him, Romeika, the daughter of its sheik. She is introduced into his harem but repulses all his advances till messengers from her father brings a ransom by which the freedom of the girl is affected.

Kind-hearted Thekla helps her frivolous brother and hides him on a remote farm.

A French woman promises her hand to the destroyer of a Prussian spy in the French ranks. Directed by Emil Albes.

Comedy superstar Kamma has her professional life and her relationship strained when her son Maurice becomes fatally ill. Only a small fragment of the film remains.

In a remote german valley, a lord falls in love with a gypsy thief. This film is considered lost.

The landowner Bergmann and his wife hire Annie as a maid, but when the girl gets pregnant by a relative of her master, they dismiss her. Only Johann, the coachman, tries to help her. The child grows up without his mother at the Bergmanns'. A few years later, Johann helps Annie kidnap her son. But, discovered, he is condemned and imprisoned. After serving his sentence, the coachman retaliates by burning the estate. Annie, who tries to save her son, is killed. The George Eastman Museum holds a 35mm acetate negative and a 35mm acetate positive print.


Stella, a circus princess, has two suitors: young, handsome Count Waldberg and the greying, hidebound jeweller Hirsch. Stella’s love for Waldberg drives Hirsch mad with jealousy. He will stop at nothing to be near the woman of his dreams. When the count loses a staggering sum to the jeweller in a gambling duel, Stella embarks on a fateful mission to save her beloved’s honour. (
