Hussein Fahmy

Fares is a struggling gas station worker with a sports background, but circumstances force him to confront the brutality of businessman Rashid El Suwaifi.

The events revolve around the journalist Fairouz, who suffers from her husband's psychological issues, and as a mysterious murder occurs, the couple's life turns upside down.

The 'Koways' Family may seem like a model for the normal family, but it is far from normal, as it unfolds through a series of comedy situations.


While trying to win the heart of an old love, the ambitious Fouad runs into Gaber, a mysterious older man. Gaber takes Fouad into a journey of the unexpected.

Gaafar Al masry a capitalist whose empire is about to collapse, asks the devil for him after his dirty history revealed that he committed the last sin, namely murder, in return for saving him from bankruptcy.

In a comic framework, one of the husbands tries to get rid of his wife's control over him, especially since she has a great income, which makes him responsible for home matters and raising the child, and with his feeling of not being important, this husband resort to forming an association, in which he collects the oppressed men from their wives.

A group of men decide to form an association called "Men of the World Unite" after the roles between women and men are exchanged.

In a dramatic context, the events of the series deal with the changes of the social relations between the Shazli family members and its head, Mahmoud, from the Royal era until the events of 1952.


The story of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb, through the story of Gad, a young Nubian who comes to live in Luxor and accompanies Howard Carter during his search for the tomb.

As the Israeli forces occupy Sinai prior to the War of Attrition, they use an excavator to dig deep in the land, under the pretext they're searching for oil. When the Egyptian authorities discover their true intentions, they try to stop the excavator from reaching Bab El-Mendab.

Directed by Khairy Beshara.

The story of the famous dancer Hikmat Fahmy, who was spying on the British army for the German forces during the Second World War, convinced that it contributes to rid Egypt of the British occupation.


Adel is a simple employee who is married to a teacher, and has three children but faces financial troubles. He meets Iglal,the corrupt businesswoman,who marries him and he becomes rich. Then he meets Sherine, another rich woman and marries her also. Till he feels lost and wants to go back to his old life.

When Hassan Bahlal, a young unemployed man, calls the National Security Agency to report a fire that is to break out in a factory the next day, a new chapter in Hassan's life begins as he tells the officer he has foreseen the incident in a dream!

Set in 1987 against the backdrop of a hunger strike by the Egyptian film industry, Chahine himself steps in to play Yehia, the famed Egyptian director whose life is chronicled in "Alexandria, Why?" and "An Egyptian Story". Obsessed with Amr, the handsome actor he discovered and cast as his alter-ego in parts one and two of The Alexandria Trilogy, Yehia pressures Amr to star in various film projects that change even as Yehia's perception of the young actor begins to change. He first casts Amr as Hamlet, which the actor deems too demanding for his talents, then as the lead in a musical biopic of demigod Alexander the Great, who founded the city of Alexandria in 332 B.C.


Husband and wife they can't have kids and one of the doctors helping them to do the surgery.


Famous actress Sherine lives with her uncle Dr. Omar and his daughter Amal, suffering a headache that comes back to her. Examined by Dr. Adel, and it turns out that she has cancer and sentenced to death within a few months and learns his teacher. Sheren is confronted with death by courage, while Adel discovers some scientific victories through which to cure his wife.

Nafisa al-Kharboutly marries a poor singer and runs away with him. The husband dies after the birth of their son Yusuf. Nafisa asks her family for help but they reject her. Yusuf grows up and draws a full-fledged plan to get rid of the remaining Kharboutly men.

A Young woman fall in love with a poor musician and because she was from the royal family she escaped with him then they get married after then they became so poor and she had to work as a servant in her house and make degrading works for The Guests and after her death her son wanted to take revenge from her family as they were the main reason for her death.

Master Qaddoura (Hassan Abdeen) is a big drug dealer in Alexandria, and officer Kamel (Mahmoud Abdel Aziz) is trying to catch him. He recruits brothers Morsi and Hassanein (Hussein Fahmy and Said Saleh) who work in the port ,along with Fatima (Magda El-Khatib) who wants to revenge Qaddoura for his involvement in her brother's murder.

A teacher with his two sons, one always takes the side of the workers. The other, his dad's side.

The teacher (Khalil) is a big merchant who monopolizes the leather trade in the neighborhood. He has two sons, one of them (Fadel) is a supporter of him and the other (Hussein) who is always standing in the side of the workers. Mohsen, with money from his brother, but with his debt accumulating, the tannery is seized.

A family inherits their father's drug business which leads to their undoing.

Naima escapes from her stepfather's house, and works in Sherazade's nightclub who gives her the artistic name 'Layal' and she becomes a famous dancer. She falls in love with journalist Galal and hopes to marry him.

Aziz goes to visit his friend Sherif while the latter's girlfriend, Salwa is in the house. As the two friends get drunk, Sherif passes out, only to wake up to the cops who arrest him for killing Salwa.

This movie revolves around the story of an innocent girl (Nawal) who was married to a rich and possessive man who still wants her back after their divorce; however she meets a hair stylist (Shoukry) and falls in love with him. They get married but her first husband starts torturing Shoukry so he can leave Nawal but he refuses. Eventually, acts of revenge begins from both Nawal and her ex-husband.


(Laila) An orphan girl living in a room in a house (Zenobia), living in an apartment in the same house three friends (Nour, Issam, Adel), competing (Issam) and (just) to win her love, while (Nour) (Nour) to marry his rich cousin's daughter and his engagement to (Laila), (Laila) serious illness requires surgery, and can (Zenobia) with (Nur), (Essam) ), And (just) the amount of money necessary for the process that succeeds, and finally the danger to Laila.

Antar (Mahmoud Yassin), a poor scavenger, falls in love with his son, a senior lawyer (Salah Nazmi), who lives in a real estate he is cleaning.

The story of a woman married to a poor doctor who don't have children. He secretly marries and has a son while she goes to Greece and meets a painter and thinks he raped her while drunk. She returns back pregnant, but it turns out that she's pregnant with her husband and not the painter.

Laila, the daughter of the rich man Fouad, meets Mamdouh, the ladies man, and falls in love with him. Mamdouh proposes to her but her father refuses, so Laila decides to take revenge by sending letters to her family members to drive a wedge between them.

Ahmed opens a law office in one of the local neighborhoods, he gets involved with the wealthy neighbor, Awatif, who frames him in an embezzlement case after she knows that he got engaged. He gets suspended from practicing law and works in a tannery owned by Awatif.

A being from a different plane decides to come down on earth to see how human beings are living; over there he meets a evil man who try to manipulate him to his personal benefit. The angel comes to Tomar to live with the people of the earth and lives among human beings, gets to know the magician Solomon who discovers that Tomar has a magical eye and convinces him to work with him, Solomon covets in his wife's sister Jasmine and rapes her, Solomon exploits that Tomar does not have His fingerprints persuade him to steal the treasury of the hotel where Solomon and Tomar present with them, but they fail to monitor the police for them.


Major's Mahmoud's wife Hoda and their son were killed by a smuggling gang who took revenge on Mahmoud when he arrested some of their members. Mahmoud resigns and decides to search for the perpetrators himself. He kills two of them and goes to jail where he meets Hassan, one of the gang members.

Mamdouh is a lawyer who lives between his office and his wife Hanan, in the office clients hesitate, including Nawal, who decided to hunt Mamdouh, the interviews begin and after an evening Nawal tells him that he assaulted her, Nawal disappears for a while, then reappears and claims that she is pregnant, and tells him that she needs to be next to him in his house, And go to his house, and Mamdouh claims that Hanan is his cousin.

Directed by Mohamed Abdel Aziz.

Abdel Hamid, who works with the Border Guards at Ras El-Bar, crosses paths with the gypsy Nour who makes use of his job to facilitate her drug-smuggling operations with chief Abu Doma. When Abdel Hamid discovers her deceit, he quarrels with Abu Doma and hits him, causing him to lose consciousness.

A just married couple receive threatening calls.

Noura is a liberal girl who gets to know Dr. Munir and connects the love between them, but he marvels at her thoughts, as she permits herself to have intercourse with someone she loves without marriage, and all her sister Laila's attempts to correct her and dissuade her from what she does, Noura asks Munir to hasten his marriage to her but he refuses, he is afraid One of her ideas and he marries another, so that Noura gets to know the well-known writer Ezzat later, so that her life will change.

Noura is a free girl, who gets to know Dr. Mounir and connects the love between them, but he is surprised by her thoughts, as she allows herself to have sex with the one she loves without marriage, and all of her sister Laila's attempts to straighten out and discourage her from what she does, Noura asks Munir to expedite his marriage to her, but he refuses, because he is afraid From her thoughts and marry another, so that Nora later meets the well-known writer Ezzat, to change her life.

Mona loves her Husband Ahmed and Kid Khaled, but Husband is always away on business trips around the world, which leaves the wife and kid in constant waiting status.on a vacation to tunis,an affair start taking form,and that made her torn between her family and longing for love feelings.


The film revolves around a handsome young man named Nader who lives the rich life with his widowed mother (Nazik), and is supervised by his father's friend (Saleh) who runs their company. Nader discovers an emotional relationship between his mother and (Saleh) storms his thinking He tries to take revenge on his mother by having an affair with a prostitute called Mimi.

Camelia loves acting, gets to know the director and producer Ahmed Sameh, who agrees with her to star in his new movie. Aziz, the influential man, approaches her, but she repels him. She agrees with Ahmed to marry, and Aziz threatens to kill him.

A handsome young man called Nader lives a wealthy life with his widowed mother Nazik. When his father's friend Saleh takes over the management of their company, Nader finds out that his mother is in a relationship with Saleh, which drives him into the arms of the prostitute Mimi to take revenge.

A girl escapes from her step mother home to avoid working in prostitution, to live with the family of a police officer who sympathizes with her.

Adel is a director of a company and is married to Nabila, the daughter of Medhat, the owner of the company. Adel falls in love with the company employee's princess, reveals her feelings and that he was unfortunate in his life with his wife and that his marriage was an interest in relation to his position. A princess shared the same feelings and married her in secret, but Medhat finds out about them.

Actress Sanaa Kamel is found murdered on her bed, and an investigation starts, taking into account everyone of the guests she hosted at her apartment the night she was killed: her jealous fiancé, a school instructor, a corrupt market manager, one of Sanaa's friends who works as a contractor, and a stud who was Sanaa's secret lover. As the investigation progresses, all the conclusions about the characters are always under question.


The relationship between a father and his four children is strained when he keeps spending his money on his pleasures. His son, Tawfik, revolts against his father after he learns of his relationship with the prostitute Lula, until he falls for her.

A young rich lady gets into a fight with his father who refuses her marriage with her beloved. She decides to escape to Lebanon in order to see her love, but to get on the ship; she will have to dress up like a young man. During her journey she meets a new friend, a young man, who gets surprised to discover her secret.


Mohamed is a soldier who finds himself in Gaza after the defeat in the 1967 War. He returns to his native village feeling broken and depressed after witnessing the deaths of his fellow soldiers. He still loves Fatima but her father wants her to marry Abbas who exploits the farmers and eventually rapes her.


Abdo decides to steal cars, and in his first attempt, he meets the married woman Najwa, who suffers from her husband Hanafi the gang leader . Abdo claims to be the head of a company and tries to find evidence to bring the husband down.

Directed by Saad Arafa.


Regarded as one of the boldest films of the "liberal" 1970s, this award-winning classic is directed by the great Hussein Kamal and written by the controversial Ihsan Abdel Quoddous and featuring a superb cast. A color saturated melodrama and a profound analysis of seventies society and decadence.


Aida is a beautiful woman. She falls madly in love with a man who loves her the same way but she faces opposition from her father.

Attia al-Jabalawi, a man obsessed with ownership, imposes strict control on his family, whether his sister is a benefactor who tried to escape from the house to marry the one she loves, but she soon returns after his death, or Samia his daughter who prevented him from going to school from her early age, and was condemned to ignorance, Until fate comes to her with the honor of her brother's colleague Ahmed at the university.

After getting dumped by Adel, Zizi marries Hussein just to keep her pride. They agree to get divorced after a while, until she finds out that Hussein is helping her father in his financial crisis without mentioning anything.

When a college professor falls for one of his students, his fiancée decides to expose the student's shameful secret to all.


In the depths of loneliness and despair, beautiful Aida visits her "tailor," Victoria, a woman who runs a sensual house where erotic fantasies are fulfilled. After satisfying her desires in the arms of one of Victoria's young men, Aida has a haunting nightmare where she envisions herself as a witch who, during a full moon, has the power to destroy her lovers' sensitivity.


Nadia moves to a secondary school for boys to teach in Cairo. But the students are not letting her do her job, until an incident happens.

(Sabah), the famous singer, agrees that her daughter (Howaida) will travel to Cairo in one of the nightclubs. Howaida meets (Sherif) and loves him, the sheriff tells his father Hassan that he wants to marry Howaida, the father denounces his son's behavior, as he had previously stood against his brother (Ali )’s marriage to Howaida's mother and still lives memories of his love for her, Sharif finds no way but To tell his uncle of his tragedy, he encourages him to continue to love and preserve him and win the heart of the one he loves.

The show brings us into the world of a middle-class family dealing with the pressures and difficulties of life in modern Egyptian society. Doubt and fear are powerful wells of emotion these characters draw on in the face of societal pressures.


Awni's father gets him a job giving music lessons to his manager's daughter Nihad. As Awni forms a band with his friends to perform in nightclubs, their attempt to get time off to work in Alexandria leads Samir to suggest that they let themselves be bitten by a dog to take sick leave.
