Ian Harris

A fascinating and funny mix of spot-on impressions and clever, cutting-edge comedy, from critical thinking comedian, Ian Harris. His keen grasp of science is evidenced by his satirical, skeptical take on everything from religion to global warming-deniers and beyond. Ian uses his unique point of view and an impressive array of comedic talents to deliver a thought provoking style of stand-up all his own. Considered one of "comedy's most brilliant and skeptical minds", this new comedy special from Ian Harris is truly "Extraordinary".


Bill Paxton narrates this wonderful documentary taking a look at the final day in the life of President John F. Kennedy. The film pretty much traces his actions from the time he landed in Texas until his arrival in Dallas where he would of course be assassinated. The film starts off to a rather shocking, to me anyway, claim and that's the fact that Paxton himself was able to see Kennedy and have a photograph taken of himself in a crowd listening to the President give a speech the day before he was killed. Perhaps this here was known to fans of the actor but I personally never knew this but as the film plays out you see how those directly linked to the President on this day will never forget what happened and probably more than most people.


Sensitive Johnson -- Romantic Comedy about a musician with a premature ejaculation ...


Unbeknownst to Pee-Wee and crew, the Playhouse is surrounded by a SWAT team. And just as Conki delivers the day's secret word—Justice—all hell breaks loose.

Jada is tasked with reforming the "serial cheater" Jason back to monogamous ways, but things get complicated once feelings get involved.
