Ib Mossin

Two Danish youngsters see action in the USSR as volunteers in a special legion under German command in 1944-45. Returned to a camp in their native country, they go AWOL, having first killed a couple of officers. They are now being chased through a wintry Denmark by the German Army, Danish Quislings and the Danish freedom fighters. Love crosses their path when they take a Jewish girl as hostage.


From a working class coming-of-age novel, Morten Arnfred fashioned his feature film to recapture the feel, the sting, the pain, but also the spirit of solidarity of the 1950s in the metropolitan city of Copenhagen: at the center, young Johnny, helpless, hapless, happy, unhappy, going through the motions of growing up. Bodil awards: Best Film and Best Actor (Allan Olsen).


A festive crime comedy about a confused innkeeper who involuntarily finds himself becoming entangled in a larger crime-affair where the villains have stolen and smuggled a precious diamond baked in a cake ...


Vingården står foran nedrivning. Det er nu 30 år siden onkel Olsen døde og gården må efter 30 år sælges, hvis ingen i familien Martin ønsker at købe den. Da der ankommer en dansk-amerikaner til den lille by, sætter Jacobsen Nicoline til at undersøge den fremmedes værelse. Erik Hein, født Martin, forsøger at købe Vingården men forhindres. I stedet køber han Sophienberg. Eriks far har for mange år siden skrevet under på en tilståelse om underslæb mod Vingården. Erik tror på sin fars uskyld og får hjælp til at bevise farens uskyld af nogle af byens retskafne beboere.


Jørgen Leth can squeeze poetry from a stone and wit from dust, and he can find love where the milk of human kindness runs dry. In a series of tableaux of Life in Denmark, he carries absurdism to a happy extreme. To act out his minuscule non-dramas, he uses a motley crew of professional actors like Ghita Nørby and Claus Nissen, writer Dan Turéll plus a snake charmer, a bicycle racer and a circus queen.


Werner (William Rosenberg) is an inspector for group of farmes called Digeskov. Left alone by Digeskovs owner, Werner is tricking small neighboring farmes out of there land. The owners doughter find out and stops Werner and she falls in love with a young poor farmer from a neighbor farm.


The sadistic Madam Margareta is a talking side of beef that serves as the hostess and ring leader for a live sex tease show and whorehouse. Madam's shows always feature her bodacious nieces Susanna and Karen, who perform in everything from striptease to S&M acts. Karen meets and eventually runs away with a rich guy. Susanna falls in love with a deceptive airport cargo handler. After several more kinky shows and various soft core sex scenes, Karen is gone and Susanna and her man find out the truth behind each others lies.


Uncle Anders and tiny Per has won a caravan in a contest. It's summer vacation, and the family takes in high spirits off to Jutland with their new home towed behind the car. One morning they discover that the Benneweis circus is setting up tents near the campsite


When a high-school girl complains of her inability to reach sexual climax, her doctor suggests that she keep a diary of her sexual encounters. She does just that and soon finds herself caught up in a sexual merry-go-round that includes making a hardcore porno film in Sweden, an escapade with a German sadist and a lesbian encounter.


Et sted på Fyn, hvor de levende hegn omkranser de bugnede marker, ligger Uglegaarden. Det er den største og rigeste gård i sognet, og den ejes af enken Dora og hendes tre brovtende stedsønner Karl, Viggo og Thomas. Deres faste tilholdssted er landsbyens kro, hvor kropigen Sara må finde sig i deres grovkornede tilnærmelser. De tre brødre har store planer med den lille nabogård Mosegaarden. De har opdaget, at under Mosegaardens magre marker og høje skrænter findes rågrus i store mængder. Chr. Thorup, der ejer stedet, har belånt gården til langt op over skorstene. Nu venter Uglegaards-brødrene bare på det rigtige tidspunkt til at overtage Mosegaarden. Men da Thourps søn, Henrik, uventet dukker op på Mosegaarden, bliver der kastet grus i de tre brødres skumle planer.


På godset Næsbygaard går den gamle godsejer og savner barnebarnet Martin, der er på en kvægfarm i Texas for at lære noget om landbrug. Skytten på godset er syg, så stutterimesteren må passe hans job også. Det er netop i en tid, hvor han træner hårdt til galop løbet om Kongens ærespræmie. For at hjælpe på humøret får de besøg af nogle københavnske feriebørn. Da der opstår store problemer omkring krybskytteri på godsets jord er børnene med til at opklare sagen. Stutterimesteren kommer til skade og det ser ud til at godsets hest ikke kan deltage i det store galop løb. Men heldigvis kommer unge Martin hjem fra Texas i rette tid...


-En gammel godsejers eneste datter er død i Italien, efter at hun forlod familien for 15 år siden. Hjem til Danmark kommer nu hendes søn. Han truer godsejerens nevø for sin arv, hvorfor nevøen iværksætter flere planer for at bringe drengen i ugunst hos hans bedstefar. Planerne lykkes næsten, men takket være hjælp fra bl.a. præsten ender historien med en forening mellem barnebarnet og bedstefaderen.


Martin vender hjem med en god sum penge på lommen efter at han har arbejdet på Grønland. Han slår sig ned hos sin søster, der driver kroen - men meget er ændret. Mest skuffet er han over, at hans ungdomskæreste Martha har giftet sig med Just Hovmand, som har gården ´Lunehøj´. Martin starter en maskinstation - og er straks klar til at hjælpe Martha og hendes mand, da de kommer i økonomiske vanskeligheder. Men den stædige Just vil ikke modtage penge fra Marthas tidligere kæreste. Som sædvanlig i en god Morten Korch-film er der et par hyggelige ´fætre´ - Chr. Arhoff og Peter Malberg - og de finder på mange gode løsninger...


Tiny Per has come of school age, and he has certainly not become any duller. He has joined a soccer team and they must play against the Swedes.


Two brothers, Ras and Jan, have always been together during the long training to become jet pilots in the Danish Airforce. They both join squadron 793, where they will serve on active duty under the the young and very energetic squadron leader, Captain Tom Jessen.


Eva comes to visit the ship, and when the alarm is raised and they are facing the sea, she hides in a cabin. This leads to various complications, not least because the admiral later come aboard.


The popular Danish family are vacationing on the island of Bornholm. Unfortunately, they have not been able to get hotel rooms, but Tiny Per, always resourceful, have come up with the idea that they must sleep in a tent. Father and Uncle Anders are not quite enthusiastic about the idea, but there is nothing else to do.


Tiny Per gets its biggest wish: He becomes a scout. Sister also gets hers biggest wish: She's getting married. So now Mie take over the household and it's not going to go quietly.


A fresh faced country boy comes to Copenhagen looking for a job and falls in with a group of hoodlums who use him as bait to lure older gay men they can rob and blackmail.


At home in the small family is nothing new. Tiny Per is the school's mischief maker, Sister has heartaches, Mie and Ole has to be in the school play, etc. But suddenly something happens. Good old Uncle Anders has a twin brother in the United States. He called Sofus, and now he comes home to celebrate 70th birthday. He was a troublemaker when he left and now he has become even worse


Flintesønnerne is a 1956 Danish family film directed by Alice O'Fredericks.


Its summer and everyone are going on holiday to a small fisher town in Jutland.


Ib Schønberg is again the kindly father - and now he is crowned "the ideal driver". This means that he can take all his four children to winter holiday in Norway.


Everyday portrayal of a single father with four children


Egon, a young man from Jutland living with relatives in Copenhagen, meets sensible young girl Ruth and falls in love. But Egon is involved with a gang of criminals, and when they assault a man they meet in a bar they are caught by the police. Egon is sent to a juvenile home, but can he stay out of trouble?
