Ibrahim Qadry

After Naguib marries Nawara, he deports her to Port Said, to get tight until Naguib is the head of the house, and she agrees with her friend (Safia) to lure her husband, Najib, so that she can threaten him and control the house, so that she can even give birth to that. With trade, she becomes a famous businesswoman. To escalate events.

Aziz and his mistress Zinat are able to con an orphan, disabled and wealthy girl called Mona to seize her property. They think of a plan and pretend that Zinat is Aziz's sister and he succeeds in marrying Mona and gets a power of attorney to manage her property and then falls in love with her.

An Egyptian goes to Germany to work in a factory and become a boxing legend called black tiger.


Bayada has a small restaurant in her hometown, and her fiancé Hassan is fishing. Some foreigners arrive claiming to be searching for the body of their grandfather at the bottom of the sea but they smuggle gold. Khalil helps them and dives for money. Hassan suspects them and starts watching them.

(Laila) An orphan girl living in a room in a house (Zenobia), living in an apartment in the same house three friends (Nour, Issam, Adel), competing (Issam) and (just) to win her love, while (Nour) (Nour) to marry his rich cousin's daughter and his engagement to (Laila), (Laila) serious illness requires surgery, and can (Zenobia) with (Nur), (Essam) ), And (just) the amount of money necessary for the process that succeeds, and finally the danger to Laila.

The film deals with the subject of marital jealousy in the framework of a comedy, revolves around couples who suffer from crises inside their homes. Dr. Mamdouh suffers from the jealousy of his wife (Mona) despite his love and devotion to her. On the other hand, his brother Masoud has a problem with his wife Mahasen that she is always busy with the house and children. Their cousin Ezzat suggests to them following his style with his wife (Saneyah) as he betrays her, but at the same time, he shows her love and attention. Mamdouh and Masoud are convinced of the idea and start implementing it. This is the beginning of many paradoxes and comedies.

In a comedic form, a love story is shared between the widowed engineer Hilmi Abdelkader (Rushdi Abaza), who works in the field of oil and has eight children from his late wife, the young widow Samia Ahmed and the mother of six children. After a long time they hide, get married and begin to put in place a system of life at home to make things go smoothly.


Afaf is a psychopath, who escapes from her Samnoudi husband on her wedding night, then later meets with two other people and agrees with each of them separately to marry, but she escapes when the moments of the Qur’an come, and the same behavior is repeated with the fourth from which she also escapes, and husbands begin to present Communications on charges of polygamy.

Based on Tharwat Abaza's short story, 'Shey min al Khawf' takes place in a rural Egyptian village. Atris' reign of terror on the villagers is put to the test when a public act of defiance is carried out by Fu'ada, the object of his affection.


Three short stories called Fugitive, Human Spirit and Transference

When a hardworking girl meets the love of her life, her happiness is ruined when she discovers that her sweetheart is the son of the owner of the company where she works and his wealthy family adamantly opposes their marriage.

A wealthy merchant monopolized the grain trade and used to hide it from time to time in order to manipulate its prices in the market, in this way it is a great wealth, suddenly the merchant disappears and leaves his wife who fails to know the secret of his sudden disappearance. She works for an accountant young man, who quickly falls in love with her, and at the same time helps her manage the department store.

Mamdouh is married to Wafa, and Morsy is married to Zizi, and they work together in one of the advertising companies. They are famous for their many affairs. Wafaa discovers her husband Mamdouh's betrayal with Nana, an advertising girl and asks for a divorce, as Nafisa tries to get closer to Mamdouh.