Ibtissam Laaroussi

The sitcom's events revolve around the making of a business project in northern Morocco, for which the company will have to recrute people from four families from different regions of Morocco. They'll move to Asilah, Morocco, and will live in the same building. Throughout Ramadan, we'll follow the Stito family, the Dabashi family, the Bouchnikha family and the Ben Younes family, neighbors and co-workers, as they'll experience funny situations during their daily lives.

Jamila is a victime of a porn revenge. An act that generated abrupt change of the girl's life, who under social convention, suffers popular anger and finds herself forced to flee away to finally face the unprecedented violence of her family, that is running close to the honor crime.

At the pinnacle of her career as a lawyer, Lucie goes to Morocco on a business trip, a long way from home and her husband. On her arrival in Tangier, she is struck by the chaotic agitation of the city, where it seems that anything could happen. When, out of nowhere, a Nigerian teenager gives Lucie her baby and asks her to protect it, she is completely thrown off balance. Braving the dark corners of the city, Lucie will attempt to rescue this young woman from a dangerous human trafficking ring. But she hadn't foreseen the growing attachment she feels toward the child...


Lotfi, a census enumerator (counting demographics) or at least that's what he claims. Visits a neighborhood full of nutcases to interview and "count" them but everything quickly turns into a huge mess in a hilarious comedic frame full of twists about the Moroccan society..

The story of a stingy man, who despite his great wealth he owns, his children and his wifeare living in great deprivation.. Immediately after his death, the children and the wife hasten to divide the inheritance to change their lives and social status, , but suddenly the father appears again, , trying to reclaim his fortune, and to affirm to everyone that he is still alive, begins ainsi to prove this through by complex administrative procedures.