Ida Wüst

Wolf Noltenius is a real globetrotter. Early on, this talented young man travelled far and wide, where he earned fame as a construction planner. He moved to Brazil; but one day, homesickness got the best of him. He spontaneously travelled back to his hometown to visit his brother Werner and his family. Wolf and Werner, who both went into the same profession, couldn't be any more different: the one is worldly and an experienced man-about-town; the other a small bourgeois.


1943 German film.


A foreman’s son and his noble friend, who have voluntarily arrived from Berlin to help out with the harvest, switch their billeting coupons while on the journey, so as to play a trick on the estate owner, who is related to one of them. The wrong boy is asked to sit at the estate owner’s table, while the real relative is pushed off on the servants. And so begins a game of confusion with amusing results.

German propaganda film spinning a story around the popular radio broadcast "Wunschkonzert".


The feisty boss of a chain of cafes wants to push the youngest of her daughters off on a husband, who would be well-suited to take over the business one day. And although the widow Bohler causes a lot of confusion in her struggle to find happiness for her daughter, everything ends up working out well in the end.


An overzealous usher caught between the fronts of two other litigants against ever-girlfriends. - Humor comedy Viennese provenance with a starring role for Hans Moser.


German all-star musical from 1938 that was a big commercial success.


In a district of a small, German principality, things are going haywire. And this, even though Baron von Wehrhahn, who is loyal to the prince, does everything possible to make “his Highness” popular. The only problem is, he’s always using his zeal on the wrong crowd. He always seems to see free-thinkers or revolutionaries in the harmless of citizens; but the really bad ones get to go on their way unmolested! For example, the old woman Wolff: she steals everything that isn’t nailed down, while her husband pursues unhampered poaching.


To take a revenge on countess Laura, who slapped him at his proposal, the Governor of the occupied Poland gets her fall in love with a poor student, and exposes him during wedding banquet.


Fritz Schmitz advertises the sea journeys of Mr. Hein Kluge using this melody. Fritz is Mr. Winkler's nephew and aside from attracting participants in these sea journeys, he's trying to get his uncle to invest 10,000 Reichsmark in Mr. Kluge's operation. And indeed, Mr. Winkler promises to make the investment, if the sea journey proves to be what he's expecting. He's hoping, by the way, to get to know "Emma", with whom he's been corresponding for quite a while now, because she put an ad out saying she wants a husband. And wouldn't you know it: without having met her except by mail, he's fallen for her! Another big condition is that Fritz not sell Mrs. Muller a ticket for this trip. On the steps, Fritz gets to know a young girl, with whom he falls in love at first sight and, without knowing her name, invites her to join the tour. And wouldn't you know it: this woman is Frau Muller's daughter. Can you guess where this is going?

A Hungarian squire and his son compete for the favour of an operetta diva; the younger makes the running. - Unplausible mistakes, small intrigues and a lot of love in an old-fashioned musical comedy with proven comedians.

A singer tired of the stage retreats to a hotel in the country. There, she finds love and a way back into show business.


Charley Wyckham and Jack Chesney pressure fellow student Fancourt Babberly to pose as Charley's Brazilian Aunt Donna Lucia. Their purpose is to have a chaperone for their amorous visits with Amy and Kitty, niece and ward of crusty Stephen Spettigue. Complications begin when Fancourt, in drag, becomes the love object of old Spettigue and Sir Francis Chesney.


Sylva Varescu is an operetta singer performing Kálmán's Die Czardasfürstin through Europe with great success. Before going to Vienna she meets handsome Prinz Weylerstein and they fall in love. Offered a contract for America, she doubts until she finds out that he is already engaged to a countess.


'Love and the First Railway' is what this movie's title would mean in English. This is one of those films that depicts fictional characters participating in an historic incident. The actual first railway was built in England, of course. But according to this movie, the first railway (in Germany, at least) was built from Berlin to Potsdam, in 1838. I haven't the faintest idea if that's correct, but the people who made this movie do seem to take a great deal of interest in historical accuracy, so I'll take their word for it. Anyway, a title at the beginning establishes that this movie is set in 1838.


A Bavarian comedy centered around Gusti, the lovely waitress of the restaurant „Bratwurstglockl“, who is adored by all the men. When the spoiled snob Carl Maria complains to the manager about the restaurant, Gusti is summarily dismissed and accepts the invitation of the poor chamber singer Gottlieb Bumm to accompany him on a three-day trip to the Zugspitze he won in a contests. While there, they both live well above their means and Gusti runs into Carl Maria again.


1934 German-Czechoslovak film.

Film by Joe May.


Impresario Adler is imprisoned for insulting an official and therefore unable to negotiate an important concert tour with opera singer Lauri Volpi. In his place, he convinces Friedel, a pretty music student, to travel to Venice to meet the famous tenor. In her travels, Friedel sends postcards written by Adler to his wife to prevent her from knowing his real whereabouts. When Friedel meets Volpi’s attorney, she mistakes him for the singer, and they spend days together in a romantic, picturesque Italy without him revealing his true identity. After his release from prison, Adler realizes two things: firstly, Friedel has been negotiating with the wrong man, and secondly, his wife has discovered the trick with the postcards, traveled to Italy, and started a storm of her own. But when the storm has cleared and the confusions are clarified, nothing holds them back from a happy ending.


After the death of his uncle, the owner of Bockelmann Champagne, Peter turns up for the reading of the will. Justus Bockelmann, a producer of mineral water, is confident he will inherit the business, but ‘for reasons of moral rectitude’ he has no intention of running an ‘alcoholic business’. The opening of the will comes as a surprise to all the potential heirs.


The film starts in the fashionable seaside resort on the Baltic, Heringsdorf, where Renate Müller spends a secret weekend away from her husband with her bosom friend Ida Wüst. The husband meanwhile has a flirtation while traveling by night train from Frankfurt to Berlin, nice atmospheric shots of sleeper and dining car in the morning. The action continues in the luxury villas and apartments of Berlin, Renate Müller wears a string of very elegant outfits. Misunderstandings, jealousies, temporary separation of husband and wife, a few songs, wicked humour.

Period romance set in Bismarck's Second Empire about a nobleman who wants to marry the daughter of a lowly pharmacist.

First adaptation of Hans Fallada's novel of the same name.


Propaganda film detailing the plight of ethnic Germans, known as "Volga Germans", in the Soviet province of Manchuria.


A romantic comedy.


He was known as Anatole Litvak during his Hollywood directorial career, but he was still Anatole Litwak when he helmed the German musical Das Lied Einer Nacht (The Song of Night). Famed Polish tenor Jan Kiepura stars as famed Italian tenor Ferraro. Escaping from his tyrannical manager, Ferraro switches identities with a young tourist (Fritz Schulz) and goes off on an unscheduled Swiss holiday. Still travelling incognito, our hero falls in love with a winsome mountain girl (Magda Schneider). Alas, both his romance -- and his freedom -- are placed in jeopardy when it turns out that the charming young fellow with whom Ferraro traded identities was actually a notorious swindler. Anatole Litvak also directed the English-language version of Das Lied Einer Nacht, Be Mine Tonight


Peter Voss, Thief of Millions (German:Peter Voss, der Millionendieb) is a 1932 German comedy crime film directed by Ewald André Dupont and starring Willi Forst, Alice Treff and Paul Hörbiger. It was based on the 1913 novel of the same title by Ewald Gerhard Seeliger which has been adapted into a number of films including previously in 1921 and later in 1946. It was the second to last film made by Dupont in Germany before he was forced to flee to the United States following the rise of the Nazi Party.


Herr Hoffmann (tenor Richard Tauber) is a famous widowed singer with a young daughter to raise, aided by his faithful manager. They meet a girl and Hoffmann falls for her, reluctant to believe that in fact she is in love with a musician.

Several inhabitants of a big appartment building get involved in a series of lawsuits.

A nightclub waiter and a manicurist share the same room, he sleeps there by night and she by day. They've never meet , but they can't stand each other. Then they meet by chance, not knowing who's who and fall in love.


In this German comedy, an enterprising American uncle comes from Chicago goes to the tiny town of Groditzkirchen to make a fortune on credit even though he only has $10 to his name. To do so, he enlists the aide of a bank clerk and begins posing as a millionaire.


The captain of a battleship of a small Balkan country is fed up with following strange orders from the country's queen.


Elisabeth of Austria is a German movie with Lil Dagover as royalty Elisabeth who has many men to choose from.


Military comedy.


aka The Burning Heart

a silent movie by Heinz Paul