Ignacio Quirós

Traveling dentist O'Connell traverses South America on his motorcycle for the 'Eversmile' foundation of New Jersey, in a fight not only against caries, but also against fear, ignorance, indifference - and established antediluvian dentists. During a stop at a lonesome garage he meets Estella, who is supposed to marry a few days later. However she'd rather come with him - to meet a former boyfriend in another town, she says. Expecting problems, he refuses to take her, but she tricks him into it and then tries hard to convince him of her qualities and let her stay with him.


Three stories in which one of the protagonists is a metered car driver.

The plot involves the school director bringing in a female inspector to clean up the school. The students decide to kidnap her and replace her with the sexy stripper "aunt" of one of the girls (who is naturally sleeping with several of the guys). The real director meanwhile falls madly in lust with one of her male captors. Meanwhile a goody-good student and her hypocrite father begin to suspect the ruse . . . So will there be a lot of crazy hijinks? Will everything work out happily in the end? Will the entire female cast (and an unfortunate amount of the male cast) find some excuse to get naked?


Emilia, an imaginative young woman from a small town, goes to Buenos Aires in search of her missing sister. The clues take her to Andrés, a mysterious man who may have led her sister astray.

After an accident that leaves him paralyzed, a man drives his wife towards infidelity.


A man who wanted to set an example to society promises a million dollars to his future daughter if she remains a virgin until she is 28 years old, but a boy is born and the challenge falls on him.

A look at the Buenos Aires underworld and its protagonists: the pimps, the prostitutes, the madams, and the politicians.


The foreman of a ranch, secretly in love with the owner, tries to protect her from the gold diggers.


A former German soldier leads a team through a bank robbery that doesn't turn out the way anybody expected.


Raphael plays a singer who searches for his classical pianist brother in Buenos Aires, with the brother eventually revealed playing in the squalid bar.


A white man searches for a legendary gold mine in the depths of the Peruvian jungle.


María M. is a prostitute from the Ciudad de Buenos Aires. She has sex and love relationships with several men, until she meets the one she thinks will be the love of her life. From that moment he decides to reform and start a new life, but fate has a bitter disappointment in store for him.

A philosophy teacher is raped by her night school students.


This is a beautifully shot movie from Argentina about a small band of men engaged in small time, get-rich quick schemes, with a charismatic but shady leader.


In an institution for the blind, a man rails against his misfortune, his energy and thinking distorted by a need to fight his blindness. Unhappy and unable to come to grips with his condition, he stirs a sympathetic chord in another blind inmate. She in turn, slowly enters into a relationship with him that starts to transform the ways he perceives himself and his blindness.


Five random people accidentally get dosed with an experimental psych-drug that suppresses fear and risk-avoidance.
