Ignacio Vilar

Sicixia is a fiction feature-length film shot in Costa da Morte (Galicia, Spain). Sicixia is an intended peripheral film. Periphery is where the world gets different, not where it ends. For Romans, Finisterrae was the end of the world. Sicixia wants it to start from here. Sicixia portrays Costa da Morte's unique heritage by intertwining fiction and reality, powerful images with subtle and rich sounds and stories.


This is a tense and intense 24-hour account of three men's lives, three befuddled mates that walk through live in chaos, through repressed and misleading sex, while closing doors and throwing the keys away, as if they wished to leave everything behind, walking towards their own perdition.


We believed in a better world, we decided to make it come true


Maria Solínha from the 17th century and Maria Solínha from the 21st century were both attacked by the dragon.