Igor Bareš

This is the story of the Bohemian King, Přemysl Otakar II, and the forgotten pilgrim, Odorik, who was the first-ever European to set eyes on Tibet. This medieval road movie brings an unconventional view to these two great figures of Czech medieval history. While the character of Odorik, regarded as the “Bohemian Marco Polo,” is practically unknown to us, the Bohemian King Přemysl Otakar II is either demonized or dismissed by the traditional clichés of the “Iron and Golden King.” In a private conversational format, the film’s author gives us a glimpse of this medieval world, set nearly 700 years apart from our modern context. But nothing has been lost in terms of this world’s impact or relevance, for both Odorik and Přemysl have outlived their time. Their lives are surprisingly endearing and touch on many of our current feelings.

Although Czech republic is country free of rabbies, some cases of infected animals appear near one of villages in Sumava region. Virologist Pavel Rogl, that is in his thirties, has task to inspect the situation, supervise the vaccination and find the source of infection. He is also charged to elaborate an expertise for team of police detectives, that are investigating mysterious double homicide. It is possible, that murders are connected to infection. Is it a human murderer, or big beast that escaped?


The forgotten story of Martin and Osa Johnson, rebel filmmakers and Kansas natives who made some of the first films in Africa in times when filming itself was more dangerous than lions or malaria.


A film about the black-and-white era actress Lída Baarová and her doomed love affair.


Bio-pic about Czech composer Antonin Dvoraák at the height of his career. Dvorák learns that his love and lifelong muse is ill and must return to her side.


While investigating the privatization of energy giant Central Energy, journalist Petra Vlčka uncovers corruption involving his brother the CEO.


LISTOPAD is a tale about the adventures of three teenage boys who become swept up in the 'Velvet Revolution' of 1989.


Czech Century brings the key moments of the history of the Czech nation from 1918 to 1989.


This story actually happened in the region around the city of Sumperk in Jeseniky Mountains in May 1945. The disappearance of Agnes, the German wife of a Czech forester Jan Olsan is a dark mystery. She is the only one who knows who and for what reason is looking for her. It's the end of the war, times are bad and the Czechs are coming back from the inland to the frontier. The guards are forming and soldiers are coming. Fate brings together the outlaw Jan and his German brother-in-law Jurgen who has just returned from the eastern front line. Both men are looking for exactly the same woman and that is Agnes. But Agnes escaped; she is running away through the deep woods followed by the most powerful man of the county. Running away for what she had witnessed. The fatality of the relationship between Agnes and Jan can only be learned in the mountains on this thorny journey.


Film crew on the road: Director (Jaroslav Plesl), his Producer (Simona Babcáková), and their Director of Photography (Jirí Vyorálek) and Sound Arist (Johana Svarcova). Starving artists who already have a number of films to their names, Czech Lion award-winning films, excellent reviews and have been screened at numerous festivals, but they don't have audiences. Their next collaborative effort - the Director's lifetime dream - is quickly becoming oblivion because he failed to win a grant, which means it won't be made. And so the frustrated Director and his colleagues await their chance among record-holders of curious disciplines such as crawling with a squash racket or collecting four-leaf clovers. How will the collision of these two worlds end? What will the Director's next film be about?


Magic and spells in the peaceful town of Jack-o'-lantern, which you will not find on any map. A funny story telling you how a magician's visit can turn his life back and how Ondra may have been fortunate enough. In the poetic fairy-tale grotesque, taking place in the non-existent town of Jack-o'-lantern, the time has stopped. The hands on the clocks show twelve minutes in twelve minutes, as if they were symbolically giving the last chance. Only the mysterious figure of Acrude knows how the story of the bluddy and the fate of his heroes will come. The well-known clairvoyant Heliodromus arrives in town. In front of school, the main hero of the story Ondra is acquainted with his daughter, Adelka...


The Horváth family is a Romani family with seven children, and the story begins with the tragic death of the father. His wife, Vera, is suddenly in a fight with the authorities, determined to keep her large family together at all costs, but she is hopelessly ill-prepared for the task. They are evicted from their home and her case-Vera versus the city-finds its way to a young, ambitious lawyer. She doesn't know the world of the Romani, nor is she particularly interested in it. Initially she takes the case as a springboard for her career. Despite her prejudices, incomprehension and sometimes Vera herself, she doesn't abandon the case. Luckily she is not the only one who sides with the family. There is a social worker whose attempts to help the Horváths are also motivated by his entirely private interest in the attractive lawyer.


The nurse Helga meets Baltic nobleman Arno when he's wounded in the Russo-Finnish war. They have a short but passionate affair before Arno is called back to the front and dies. Helga has a daughter, Dorli, as a result of the affair and they have to struggle to survive after the Red Army wins the war.


Ovdovělá matka, dvě dospělé, tápající dcery, snad až příliš hodný zeť, temperamentní babička a malý vnuk - tihle všichni se nasoukají do dvou aut a vyrazí z Rakovníka na Slovensko, aby vyhověli otcovu poslednímu přání. Fádní rodinná povinnost se ovšem brzy začne měnit v putování, které má změnit vše, co následuje.
