Igor Ogurtsov

The Russian Czar Peter the Great commissions Jonathan Green, an English traveller, to map the Far East territories of the Russian Empire. Green sets off on yet another long journey, full of unbelievable adventures, which eventually leads him to China. On his way, the famous cartographer makes breath-taking discoveries, meets mysterious creatures, Chinese princesses, deadly masters of oriental martial arts, and even Lun Van, the King of Dragons, himself. What could be more perilous than looking into the eyes of Viy? Only meeting him again… What will prevail this time — the unflinching scepticism of the scientist or ancient black magic, which has already gained influence over the Far East Lands?


Four guys from the outskirts of Moscow decide to make easy money - to overtake a car with stolen cargo inside. Not really thinking about the consequences, they make one mistake after another, and very soon they have serious problems with the law. Now there is no turning back, and in order to survive, four friends need to stick together at all costs.


In the town of Podolsk, The Bears hockey club hires a new coach, Sergei Makeyev, a former National Hockey League player, who sets out to get the club to the Junior Hockey League and make The Bears a successful team.


9 "A" was an exemplary class, while their class teacher was Nosov Anatoly Germanovich - a strong and experienced teacher, recognized in 2009 as the Teacher of the Year. After his sudden illness, 9 "A" is left without a strong hand. The myth of the exemplary class is crumbling, discipline is cracking at the seams. Nosov's granddaughter, Anya Nosova, is perhaps the most difficult teenager of the school. A new student Ilya Epifanov provokes situations in which students manifest themselves from unexpected sides, turning upside down the usual idea of ​​them as classmates and teachers. None of the teachers want to take on the class, which of the model has become the most difficult.
