Igor Ugolnikov

Some of the wise said that we value what we have only when we lose it. The heroes of the film - the famous Moscow stand-up comedian Ilya Pogorelov and the naive provincial romantic Sasha Barkov - will feel all the wisdom of this phrase on themselves, while they go from their strange acquaintance to the moment of testing the strength of their friendship, which has just begun to emerge during their forced , but a fun and exciting journey to the cold sea.

The story of the Podolsk cadets’ heroic stand outside Moscow in October 1941. Cadets were sent to the Ilyinsky line, fighting alongside units from the Soviet 43rd Army to hold back the German advance until reinforcements arrived. Hopelessly outnumbered, young men laid down their lives in a battle lasting almost two weeks to obstruct the far superior German forces advancing towards Moscow. Around 3,500 cadets and their commanding officers were sent to hold up the last line of defense outside Moscow. Most of them remained there for eternity.

The protagonist of the film Roman is the only surviving specialist in depth. The hunt begins for him. Fleeing from her, Roman saves the world


The misanthrope Alexander Christoforov, nicknamed "Alec", is a hopeless loser. The actor, who was celebrated in the Soviet era as the hero of "Eugene Onegin", is carving out a depressing existence as a bad paid figure of a ridicule historical show. Despised by his ex-wife, alienated from his son, Alec has totally screwed up his life. But when diagnosed with a mortal illness, he sets off on a ludicrous tour de force at the end of which a piece of eternity surprisingly awaits him - A comedy with a happy end.


An aircraft designer becomes a ghost after a sudden death. Now he needs to engage a help of seven-grader in order to finish all his unaccomplished tasks.


Russia, 1917, WWI. This is the story of the 1st Russian Women's Battalion of Death, formed as part of an ill-conceived propaganda ploy by the Russian Provisional Government in late May of 1917.


A young writer brings a collection of short stories to a big Moscow publishing house. The manuscript stays at the office and mysteriously influences the lives of anyone who opens it and reads at least one page. There are four stories in the manuscript, and four readers whose lives are changed after reading them. The situations range from realistic to absurd to thrilling to create a rich portrait of life in contemporary Russia and showcase the thoughts, feelings and ambitions of people who live there.


Rita, a figure skating coach, wants to prevent her school bankruptcy and closing by trying to push the famous millionaire to fall in love with her.


A war drama set during the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, in which Russian troops held on to a border stronghold for nine days. The film shows the heroic defense of Brest Fortress, which has taken upon the first stroke of German fascist invaders on June 22 1941.


Suddenly Alyona start talking to a stranger man who lives... inside her head.


A gentleman hires a female private detective to spy on his wife - and suddenly falls in love.


The story starts in a Siberia where world's biggest diamond was found. It is so valuable that it may not only pay off the enormous national debt, but also allow every Russian citizen to move to the Canary Islands. However, Mafia plans to steal the massive gem but a notorious thief, Vasia, ruins their plans. Mafia and militia begin chasing him, but soon Vasia learns that he has brothers as between the chase he runs into well known Jewish conductor and a gypsy baron who are triplet brothers.


Fitil is a popular Soviet/Russian television satirical/comedy short film series which ran for about 500 episodes. Some of the episodes were aimed at children, and were called Фитилёк, Fitilyok, Little Fuse. Each issue contained from the few short segments: documentary, fictional and animated ones. Directed by various artists, including Leonid Gaidai who presented his famous trio of Nikulin, Vitsin and Morgunov into the cast. It was called in USSR as "the anecdotes from the Soviet government".


The place where the great poet Pushkin crafted his works. The fascist forces occupied Mikhailovskoye. Each of the local residents “follows his own path”. Some join the partisans, some collaborate with the occupiers. Among them — Sergey. A professor of literature, Frau Shiller comes to Mikhailovskoe from Germany. The front line is getting closer, and soon an order comes from Berlin to transfer all historical values out of Mikhailovskoe. Neither the partisans, nor Sergey, who’s fallen into a relationship with Frau Shiller, can allow this to happen. Sergey decides to save the country’s heritage.


Based on the true story of a pilot awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union Award. Devyataev was a war pilot enrolled in active duty on day one of WWII. He shot down 9 enemy planes. On July 13, 1944, near the city of Lvov, he had to parachute and got captured. Imprisoned at Lodzi, Zaksenhausen and Usedom camps on February 8, 1945, he hijacked a German bomber at Penemunde airbase and escaped saving 9 of his friends. Without knowing it, Devyataev escaped on a bomber that had a secret weapon in its cargo bay. That left Hitler no chance to win WWII.

New years tele-vaudeville based on Eldar Ryazanov's "Carnival Night".

This is a film in the dramatic and adventure genre based on historical and real events — namely an expedition to the North Pole on the airship “”Italy”” in 1928 under the command of General Nobile, ending in the tragic crash of the aircraft. Eight countries participated in the international humanitarian rescue expedition, but only the Soviet icebreaker Krasin was able to remove the surviving crew from the pack ice.
