Ilana Kaplan

Kika K is a successful star with millions of fans, but behind the scenes, she is in personal and professional crisis: she has to deal with an obsessive fan, a boyfriend with no concept, professional appointments scheduled by the businesswoman and her obsessive-compulsive disorder


Carrossel is a children's telenovela created by Abel Santa Cruz and written by Íris Abravanel, originally transmitted on SBT from May 21, 2012 to present. It is a Brazilian remake of the Mexican telenovela Carrusel, which in turn had been inspired by the Argentinean telenovela Jacinta Pichimahuida, la Maestra que no se Olvida. In a short time the display was a telenovela phenomenon of hearing canal causing quite successful among the children public yielding several CDs, DVDs, toys and other products in less than a year. including we have made several spin-offs based on it, including a cartoon series and television sitcom.


Two teenagers from different social classes fall in love after meeting in a conflict at a party and will have to face challenges to be together.

Laura and Alan fall in love, but have to deal with the strange death of Alan's wife and with a rival, Lilith, who wants to break their relationship. At the same time, a narrator gives lessons on how to make a love story movie, exposing all clichés on that kind of film.


Sai de Baixo is a Brazilian sitcom that first aired on Rede Globo. It followed the lives of the members of a dysfunctional family, their maid and the doorman of the apartment building in which they lived. It ran for 7 seasons, from 1996 to 2002, on Sunday nights after the newsmagazine Fantastico. That means that it always aired after 10 o'clock p.m., which was necessary given the show's heavy language and sexual innuendos. In 2000, however, the premiere of a new reality show shifted the program to the 11:30 p.m. slot, which lasted for about four months. After that the timeslot varied almost monthly, which started to hurt ratings. At one time, the show was airing around 12:30 a.m., which is considered the beginning of the "wasteland" of late night programming in Brazilian television, with fewer viewers and, therefore, fewer sponsors. The show was hailed as a "breath of fresh air" in Brazilian TV comedy, given its innovative format and funny, smart stories. It was also considered the "lifeline" of Sunday night programming in Brazilian network television. This status did not last until the very end though. The show is considered to have jumped the shark around its 5th season, and was supposedly kept on the air only because Globo TV had nothing to replace it with. Towards the end, ratings had plummeted and the show had slid to what was called a "vulgar version" of its original, groundbreaking style.


Mockumentary on a German moviemaker and an old vampire film in Southern Brazil.

Journalist investigation shows on TV the reason of a public server's death she did not like music.