Ilse Rose-Vollborn

German all-star musical from 1938 that was a big commercial success.


The double standards of a social class, which pontificates with big words what is proper and improper in the world of morality, while in its heart thinks very differently and acts accordingly.

Relations between Huckebein, a humble tailor, and Greizinger, a wealthy farmer, become strained after Greizinger breaks off the romance between his son, Franzl, and Huckenbein's daughter, Evi. However, after a situation with a 100 mark note taken from a pair of trousers pressed by Huckebein belonging to Greisinger is resolved, a valuable mineral spring is found on the tailor's property,and the warring fathers become friends and Evi and Franzl are married. From IMDB. Written by Les Adams


"The Man with the Paw" is what people call the very successful banker Wiegant, who is desperately in love with Lena Kroning, the wife of the lawyer Hugo Kroning. So as to be nearer to her, Wiegant hires her husband to be the bank's lawyer. Shortly thereafter, Wiegant is suspected of having conned the Countess Steindorff during a telephone conversation; but he never did. During the relevant period of time, he was with Lena "having tea" (uh huh), which he conceals from the lawyer-husband, so as to protect Lena.